#if you're also interested in working on the database (for ag or any other doll brand!) go dm her on twitter!
mydollsaregay · 1 year
As part of a project I recently started working on, I needed some images to decorate a webpage for truly me dolls. I immediately thought of this classic ad!
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(image snagged from a post by @desertdollranch​, who nagged it from an ebay seller)
The line “She’s just like you. You’re a part of history, too!” has always been really fun to me, as it brings to light my favorite way of looking at modern AG dolls - the historical characters show kids that they were an important part of history, and through modern ag dolls, kids also are reminded that they are an important part of the history being made every day!
However, there’s no really great images of this spread that I could use. (And even if they were great, since this was only in print, I’d be bumping up against the copyright of person who took the photo of the catalog, as well as that of AG. That’s fine for a tumblr post, but not for the project I’m working on!)
So... I made my own version of the banner, and I figured I’d share it!
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It was a bit tricky trying to figure out the fonts, but I got there! There’s a version with a white background as well as a transparent one (though there’s a bit of a “halo” around the black lettering, as a result of the hoops i had to jump through to use that font lol). Feel free to use it yourself, no credit required :)
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