#ill get them and be like 'hmmmm this is fic material' and then write a big ol mess that CANNOT be posted
hatkuu · 6 months
Woke up by kylar at 3 am but instead of usual creepy stalker things this time he just had a nightmare and really want some cuddles
sigh im already lifting up the covers for him to crawl in.
he'd be like "i-i had a nightmare..." all sad and what not but it's 3 am and you both have school tomorrow. you can't conjure up any anger at the moment (bc you were just woken up by the sound of kylar's sniffles) so you just sigh and roll over, beckoning him to slide into bed.
he LATCHES onto you when he sleeps btw. like. you're not getting up to move unless you take kylar with you bc he grabs in his sleep. he's very cute tho. aside from the constant breathing down your neck if he's the big spoon. if you're spooning him it's sososo cute bc kylar will not sleep unless he's face to face with you so it isn't even proper spooning.
maybe its summer and you don't want to cuddle with him... kylar will just rip the blankets off you like :). he NEEDS your cuddles you can't possibly take them away from him... yeah you're both sweating and kylar is definitely licking it off you when you wake up.
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weatheredlawmoved · 7 years
11, 12, 13, 16, 18, and 49. I look up to you as a writer, btw. And i'm glad you've given us an opportunity to pick at that writing brain of yours :)
Oh gosh that is really sweet! I truly hope i haven't let you down my friend. 
11. Describe my writing process: ah boy okay. Well i usually just. Start. I typically have a beginning ij mind or a particular scene, but i tend to write in order from first line to last because a lot of times a scene for later on ill have doesnt work after ive started and i dont want to change all that. I like to listen to music sometimes, but usually only if its like. The somg ive based the entire story om or the song i know the title will come from. I do that a lot. I get distracted quite often as well and i will edit mid write and fix things before i move on several times. Summary sometimes comes to me at the start but usually that is the last thing. Then a title goes on and poof! Uouve got a story from yours truly! 
12. How do i deal wit self doubts? Well i definitely do have them. The stupid amount of self confidence i seem to possess comes with its downsides and thats when i grt into a rut i crash. And i crash hard. So i do my best to just read some old stuff or even go work on something else. I absolutely hate comment culture but your kind words more often than not can pull me put of a deep rut. 
13. How do i deal with writers block? Well a lot if my writers block comes from trying to force something into a story that doesnt belong. Something i learned through child care is tat if its not working ten its time to stop. Im not using this idea correctly. This character doesnt belong in this scene. Ill take them out, ill change it up. Giving yourself a different perspective can help. 
16. Where do i take my motiviation from? Lots of places! Music, other peoples writing, great and inspiring comments. All of it helps. Many times the source material motivates me if i, writing fic, which is the bulk of my writing at this point. I get it from all over really. 
18. Revision/rewrite process? Im the literal worst. I dont do a lot of revision after. Most of it comes in the middle. Sometimes at the end ill rewrite something but idk. Im a big beleiver in if it works right now theres no point in fixing it. If it aint broke as they say. I fix spelling errors a lot of times after its published and ive gotten some sleep because i have no dedicated beta reader to remind me that ive repeated or replaced a word because my brain was a line ahead of my fingers. Im NOT the person to get recision tips from. I suck. 
49. Hardest to write? Hmmmm it depends. Sometimes i have endings all planned actually. I find beginnings to be rather tricky. My endings are always cheesy as hell im good at that. And ive really learned to develop the middle of a story by just making everyone miserable and then sorting that out later. Starts are hard though. I cant tell you how many times ive backed out of a fic because the frist few paragraphs just dont draw me in. And i am SURE folks have done that to my work as well. But yeah. Starts my friend. Tough. 
Thank you again i hope you liked the brain pickings you got to see! Im not organized or good at being a professional writer. Ive been told many times. 
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