#in israel's judaism you dont go through the usual trials and tribulations
quixtrix ยท 1 month
Ngl, did NOT have this scenario on my metaphorical bingo card for insane shit that has happened in this fandom. Infighting and discourse? Yeah. Fighting over ships? Yeah. Main character getting sidelined? Unfortunate but also yeah. Someone making essentially a fan theory about the creator's personal life, getting mad that people are telling them that's creepy, then turning around and calling others CREEPS for 'being entitled to personal info' even though they started it in the first place? Wow, most of those types back off and put out a shitty apology to try and get people to back off, but this mf doubled down and hit it with a double whammy of 'well you should've expected it, don't want your work to be known, don't create', what the actual fuck is going on here.
i dont even know man. i think i shouldnt have engaged further after the initial villain monologue bro pulled on me, but i digress. it was also very weird to me how they were lecturing me on how to analyse media and digest it but couldnt register that i was using a basic example in my initial explanation on why writing about dark topics does not necessarily equal having the trauma those experiences give.
tbf i looked at their blog and theyre a zionist so
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