#incidentally glacial thaw's angry monster early on was the riled up on purpose variety
technoxenoholic · 2 years
reasons a non-sapient monster may attack you in a loud, obviously threatening way:
you are intruding on its territory and it wants you to leave
you are too close to its young and it wants you to stay away from them
you have otherwise frightened, upset, or harmed it in some way and it's defending itself
it has some sort of disease, parasite, etc. that affects its behavior and makes it irrationally aggressive
it is particularly young and inexperienced, and attempting to use baby-monster play-fighting tactics to hunt (this will not last long at all)
someone else has riled it up on purpose and sicced it on you
it is a group ambush predator and you are about to be chased right into a group of more, stealthier monsters
however... if it is a mature creature hunting you for dinner (without a group operating as previously described), meaning it does not want to scare you and give you a chance to escape, because then it could not eat you... it is going to move quickly and quietly. it is not going to posture and growl and make clear warning signals that will make you run away and avoid becoming food.
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