#jfc just stop micromanaging me
spxnglr · 1 year
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I'd like to thank me for leaving that lil' self-reminder about this, anyway what is up everybody welcome to yet more emotion-inducing headcanons about this boy with Pops.
Today we're talking about Egon's relationship with pessimism VS realism.
Now, if y'all have at least watched the original film (which I bloody hope you have, and if you haven't? I demand you watch it immediately, right now, stop what you're doing and watch it) you'll have noticed that Egon almost always carries around a calculator. Occasionally a heckin chonker, but most of the time it's a lil' dinky thing that fits easily into his pocket.
Why, I hear you ask? Egon loves, and I mean LOVES to do what I call "pessimist calculations". Essentially, he always formulates, or tries to formulate, the worst possible scenario for any situation he's in. Take the scene as they leave the bank, for example, after Ray remortgages his home so that the team have money to play with, and Ray is already feeling a lil' sceptical, but you can see Egon typing away on his dinky calculator in the background, eventually informing Ray that he's looking at $95,000 in payable interest alone over the next five years. I deal a lot in credit for my job. Naturally, we all know that the more your monthly payments are, the less interest you'll be charged. With this in mind, I'm going to assume with confidence that Egon was working out the amount based on if only the minimum payment for the loan was made each month - in other words, the pessimist's calculation.
The scene near the beginning, when they're all in the public library after meeting their first ghost and Peter asks them both "what are we gonna' do?", and the first thing Egon does is reach for his calculator, which Peter slaps out of his hand. That's because Peter KNEW that Egon would only work out the worst possible outcome.
Also, crossing the streams? Remember that? The long speech Egon made to Peter about what would end up happening if one of them got hit by a proton beam? He then tried to sound optimistic by saying "there's definitely a very slim chance we'll survive", but it was weak. SO WEAK. Again, his focus is on the worst possible outcome.
I could reference more - there's a point I wanted to make that connects this to Afterlife, but I'm aware I've already rambled on too much so I'll save that for another post - but with all this in mind, you'd expect me to say "JFC, Egon really gives off a pessimist vibe", but I don't think he's a pessimist at all. I definitely think he treads the realist line a lot more. All of these calculations, trying to work out the worst circumstances he and the others could ever find themselves in - that's so he can prepare for them. He's autistic, remember. He very much loves to plan and micromanage his life as much as he can, and this to me is just another aspect of that. When it comes to the safety of his friends ESPECIALLY, my guy is not going to do anything before he understands the full extent of what he's dealing with, and the worst possible outcome, just so he can prepare himself and the others as much as he can - because, as the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and we all know how he feels about failure.
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Monday, March 4th, 2024!
6:18pm: A VERY successful day of doing fuck all nothing *guilt-freeeeeee* YASSSSSS I fucking love spring break without a dumbass man trying to dictate wtf I'm doing 🤣 I did NOTHING all day it has been absolutely glorious.
Meanwhile, lil man over there having a meltdown cryfest about "having to stop talking to me because it's causing fights with his gf" ahahahahahahh I'm sorry but like I just called him when he started texting me like ok say this shit over the phone and he was just crying blubbering clearly not doing well, saying how difficult this is for him blah blah blah.... And like I just didn't really feel bad or whatever for him, I wasn't really upset, I'm so over him and that part feels amazing. He is free to do whatever he wants and I'm free to do whatever I want. All I know is that 1) I'm positive that hello this isn't the last time we'll ever speak, god willing and such. 2) forcing someone to cut someone out of their life like that just breeds resentment and also it's like I'm the thing he can't have now so great lol. Such a healthy, non-toxic relationship amiright?? Go off y'all, bc I definitely want my partner micromanaging my life and making me feel upset like she is making him upset. Wow so glad I didn't have to deal with that emotional MESS jfc. It's so performative, it just feels like an act and none of it feels genuine like it's crazyyy. But whatever time goes on and time will tell ig. Those ppl that stay in an unhealthy relationship way too long or bc "they can't handle being alone with their own thoughts"..... Couldn't be me.... But it's a lot of people 👀
Also, couldn't be me having to worry about the "oh yeah I haven't taken my psych medication in like two weeks but I took it this morning and I'm really feeling it"..... Ok I'm literally a pharmacist and that's not how it works but, once again, go off King 😬 literally giving yourself emotional whiplash for why for what. **** Always requiring that you are the victim in a situation that YOU PUT YOURSELF INTO !! NOBODY GIVES AF WE HAVE ALL TRIED TO HELP YOU AND IT GETS OLD !! It's not cute to never fucking hold yourself responsible for the shitty things you do or have done to people, and people get tired of dealing with your abuse, even friends, it doesn't have to be a partner. You're exhausting to be around. It's a shame. He said he feels bad for all the shitty things he did to me, ok that's cool *I forgive you* (which I said again) but you still fucked me over time and time again so the sympathy is gone, empathy doesn't exist because I wouldn't do the shit you've done to me, so how can I even relate to your shitty behavior. All I can do for myself is forgive and move on bc you're unable to be helped now.
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Please, for the love of fuck stop micromanaging me. How absolutely weird is it that you are trying to control how I throw shit away? What sort of person does that?
Jfc I want to hurt myself because idk how else to deal with this level of frustration. And also because I just have nothing thsr I can control except for my own body.
I think about just stabbing a kitchen knife through my hand when you are talking to me. You make my brain numb and buzzy in the worst kind of way. I can barely stand you.
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silentxxsoul · 3 years
I’m once again splitting between the gay fighter fighter show and game 3 of the ALCS so this reaction dump will be utter nonsense lmao
Drill sgt buck makes an appearance tonight and May takes a hard call and Chim is looking for Maddie and then there’s the Harry—Athena thing…. I’m not ready yall. Can’t we have a good fluffy ep ???? For my hearts sake ????
Also, obligatory GO RED SOX, FUCK THE ASTROS
Now that that’s outta the way, time to strap in
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Buck feeing iced out and missing mad and Chim 😭
Low key I’m glad he had Taylor for that interaction. Don’t get me wrong I looooove the doe-eyed, deep convos with Eddie but I think it was really important for Buck to have that outside perspective. That’s why If this BuckTaylor thing doesn’t pan out I really want them as friends because he needs someone that isn’t integrated with the 118 and the call center.
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Buck wasn’t lying about things being tense 😬
9-1-1 really said “we’re bringing all the pain” huh? Why stop at emotional pain when you can have them punching or slapping folks
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Claudette 🙄🙄🙄 I said what I said last week and my opinion hasn’t changed a bit.
Oh bitch STFU and stop micromanaging and bullying coworkers
JFC that scene was rough
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Ravi hiding in Bobby’s office 😂
I literally watched a strike out and something exploded ???? wtf they were literally just at a table
Chim changing his voicemail actually makes me really upset for Buck 🥺
Now I see why fox cut those scenes but fuck I’m so sad for Buck here
This suicide attempt scene is gonna be rough 🥺
I hate that the time May had to stand up for herself was here but I’m proud of her
Come on schwarby send one over the monster
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Ravi 🤍
Why do I feel like that was Taylor setting up her own goodbye? Just, the micro expressions were ????
Wow this ep has me emotionally wrecked
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