#joseph to staci: thank you for keeping my brother alive. i'm sure that was no easy task.
direwombat · 1 month
today's daydream obsession is a scene in ex paradiso (katc sequel) where syb and jacob have been reunited and are back in new eden and it's the first time in 7+ years that they've shared a sleeping space and they are sleeping sounder than they have since they went underground. just out like lights in a tangle of limbs. full REM cycles now that they know the other is safe and they're together again
and meanwhile joseph and staci are off to the side, talking about how they haven't seen either of them sleep so soundly in so long and they have a little bonding session over just how difficult it was to keep their respective bunker buddies from committing suicide while underground and how happy they are that they found each other again
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