#just an update XD he'll post a starter and replu to stuff in a bit
justcallmebeau-blog · 7 years
Headcanon for 6-12-17
Ammy: Belle would get them from the airport for sure to drive them home
Karu: Which Emmy is so excited to see her but then they get home that's when beau opens the door and realizes the bottom floor of his house is flooded bc burst pipe (he'll have to call an emergency plumber or something) and it didn't fuck up too much that he can see but he can't figure out how bad it is until tomorrow Karu So he's talking about getting a hotel because he can't just let Emmy stay in a flooded house (He's totes have done it if it was just him tbh) 
Ammy: Belle goes into crisis mode and calls a plumber and electrician to come out to check out the damage and won't let beau go in obviously because she doesn't want him getting electrocuted or hurt Ammy: And offers to put them up for the night because she can deal with Mal's grumbling if it means they don't have to stay in a last minute hotel when she has half a dozen extra bedrooms and they don't need to
Karu: Lol! Half a dozen extra bedrooms what a perfectly Belle house I s2g Karu: He's a little hesitant about Mal because they're juuuust getting on good terms again and invading his space with his kid but he appreciates the offer so much and he won't turn belle down. Maybe offers to take her out the next day after they figure out what's up in thanks Karu: He's freaked ofc but I mean mostly because he needs to make sure Emmy's bedroom and his studio are oka
Ammy: Belle would honestly offer to take Emmy for the day so he could go figure out what needed done at his place
Karu: Belle you precious human being 😍😍😍
Ammy: Bc he doesn't need a toddler at his heels while he's dealing with plumbers and contractors Ammy: (And lbr she already got an emmy-sized life jacket so she could take her out on the boat)
Karu: Which genuinely he would appreciate so much, because it's going to be a long day after an already crazy long week Karu: (OKAY BUT HOW FUCKING CUTE IS THAT)
Ammy: Whenever he finds out that he's going to need at least a month (??) to get the repairs done and make it livable, belle will have a talk with Mal and convince him to let beau and Emmy stay with them
Karu: And that's where we can have it start unfolding on dash??? Because that talk is gonna be interesting omg
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