#just perfectionnnnnnn
zappkisser · 5 days
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I am going to chew on him like he's a piece of gum. With the armor it'll just be like a stick of gum with foil on top.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
#I mean he canonically reads it for the plot#which also screams aro!ace to me#all kakashi sexuality hcs are valid#except straight because lmao where
I have never read such beautiful words in my life. thank you for that XD
it honestly seems the most 'canonically' plausible hc to me (though ofc shipping never has to be about canonic plausibility, and that isn't a statement on the 'quality' of any particular hc! Just a personal opinion!)
Honestly, aro!ace kakashi in a lifelong qpr with aro!ace gai is just. Perfectionnnnnnn
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I’m Backkkkk
I’m back on tumblr! :) Been wanting to write since last year. I will take this as my digital diary. I will be writing some back dated post from time to time.
After TWO tire problems, I have made it back safely at home. AND nothing beats having the whole house to myself. :)
The story of the tires:
I had the worst luck with my tires. As I was setting off for my journey back to KL, I heard weird noises coming from my tires. I stopped at the nearby petrol station to check each one of my tires and to my horror, my left back tire had a bump on it. I quickly asked the staff if he knew any nearby workshop that’s open and he was very helpful to point me to the nearby town area. Thankfully, I found a workshop that was open. The mechanic very nicely checked and test drove my car and concluded that the only problem is that tire with the bump. Unfortunately, this workshop it not a tire shop and hence they didn’t have spare tires.  BUT, he was very nice to point me to a nearby tire shop that’s open. He gave me great direction and before I know it, I found the tire shop. Thank God once again that the shop was indeed open. The mechanic there quickly changed my tire and before I know it, I was back on the road. My car felt a lot better now. Just when I thought my tire problems were over, just before the Juru toll, I heard something go under my tire. I didn’t think much of it as it has happened before. Random debris on the highway can cause that sound quite easily. However, this time, just after the toll, I heard a burst and there goes my front right tire. I quickly signaled and drove to the side of the road. Because I observe how the mechanic changed my tire, I thought it was rather easy to change to my spare tire. As I was getting my stuff out of my car boot - I was moving back to KL hence my car boot was FULL of things.. :( , a kind Samaritan came to my rescue. The area I stopped my car was actually a common area for cars to stop, mostly to wait for their peers right after the toll. I realised I didn’t have a car jack so technically I couldn’t change my own tire even if I wanted to. The kind Samaritan thankfully had one in his car and soon, that burst tire was changed to the spare tire. At that moment, it was already about 6pm on a Sunday. No workshop was open. Thankfully, once again amidst the unfortunate mishaps,  I could go back to Arus that has internet and comfortable place to do work. My friend kindly let me bunk at his as I just surrender my Penang house. I then contacted my student who’s dad owns a tire shop about getting my car fixed the next morning. She was very helpful and I got my tires changed first thing in the morning. I was super paranoid even after changing the tire. Its quite scary to have a tire burst. For the first time in my driving career, I drove below 120km/h the entire journey. If you know me, I love speeding on the highway. I like to race with myself and see how fast I can reach home, and yes I know its dangerous but I am very very careful. haha I couldn’t bare for another breakdown. I wasn’t feeling well physically, and I’m slightly emotionally traumatised. 
As I am typing this, I am now back at home safely and watching TV while doing work.
Although it was an ordeal filled with unfortunate events, I am still thankful I made it through all those challenges just to get back to KL.
Maybeeeeee, this is God asking me to stay in Penang.. HAHAHA nah, I don’t think so. 
Hopefully my next few post will be more positive. hahaha
ps: Man Utd winning EFL made the whole ordeal a lot more bearable.. haha that last min goal by Ibrahimovic, perfectionnnnnnn 
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