#lilith lorem
polyhexian · 4 days
No spoilers timeline:
1618 - Caleb is born
1625 - Philip is born
1645 - caleb dies
1655 - Philip meets Luz
1750 - miles
1754 - miles dies
1945 - terra is born
1946 - dell is born
1960 - Nym is born
1966 - Belos becomes emperor official
- terra is first pc deputy
- oublier is first ec leader
- flora is emperor's assistant
1973 - virtue
1975 - Lilith and Raine are born
1976 - Eda and Darius are born
1977 - Perry is born
1988 - temperance
1988 - oublier retires, Lorem becomes AC
1990 - orion
1990 - lorem dies, replaced with asterith
1990 - tyrian becomes ac leader
1990 - kikimora is born
1991 - Eda is cursed
1993 - Jasper is born
1994 - Lilith meets Jasper for the first time
1995 - nym becomes ac deputy
1998 - Darius meets Jasper
1999 - Jasper gets his scars
1999 - flora leaves EA position to mentor lilith
1999 - Lazulas becomes EA
2002 - nym defects
2003 - Darius become ac deputy
2003 - nym dies
2004 - Jabberwocky
2004 - Darius becomes ac leader at 28
2005 - Jasper dies, Hunter and the twins are born
2006 - Amity, Willow and Luz are born
2008 - Gus is born
2011 - You did, You did (MH timeline)
2012 - Eda finds King
2018 - kikimora becomes EA
2019 - the Basilisks are freed
2020 - Luz arrives in the Boiling Isles
2021 - Belos is defeated
2022 - Agony
EA: Emperor's assistant
EC: Emperor's Coven
PC: plant coven
AC: abominations coven
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yours-isadora · 1 year
Disclaimer & Guidelines
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and storyline are created from the writer’s imagination. I hereby declare that I’m not the real Bae Irene not or do I have any relations with her company (SM Entertainment) or her family.  This character is made for roleplaying purpose only. 
1. This account uses Bahasa and English in daily conversation or other interactions. Since the writer is not a native english speaker, please do excuse or any form of mistakes that may occur. 
2. Direct message and mention are open for any kind of roleplayer related discussion, criticism, starting and ending plot, or only for have a small conversation with Isadora. 
Lilith “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...” for writer’s talk
[ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... ] for out of character
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..” for in character
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carnivigorous · 4 years
✄- - Answered - - - - - - -
@streetsteel said: Abandoned mask and mask's calling. Cause I'm mean like that uwu
Mask Meme  | not accepting! Abandoned mask:  Tabitha. ( pokemon rse )
A muse I’ve had in the past that I no longer roleplay. 
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                              Slouched at a desk with numerous piles of papers stacked every which way in a chaotically organized manner, a purple haired man thrums his index finger impatiently. Narrow, bored magenta eyes fix onto a laptop’s screen as readings from the previous geological expedition bounced up and down with little to nothing to show. Slowly Tabitha reaches for his only solace from dying of complete boredom closer; a raspberry frappuccino from good old Starboks for one ' Mitshil ', and gives it a loooong slurp until he has to tap pause to wait out a brain freeze.                               Honestly he preferred actually doing the field work than this desk job bullshit. But hey, it came with the job and honestly he wasn’t about to complain about his higher position. One day he'll find something and that adrenaline will shoot through the roof, and Team Magma could finally get the ball rolling. Throwing down with Aqua grunts was fun and all, but getting to the point and seeing some actual results was what kept him awake. He didn’t reach administrative position for nothing. But there he was, in the now, staring mindlessly at a screen— did he doze off? Shit, he might have spaced out, better rewind to catch up on the last few minutes of  n o t h i n g .  A heavy sigh leaves inflated lungs, and he’s re-positioned in his seat. It wasn’t until the sound of a tail wagging against the floor caught his attention that he peered down to the panting Mightyena at his side. He reaches down to scratch thick fur and several licks wet his hand. Tabitha utters a weak laugh and pats it once more,                               “ Hehehe... Yeah, you’re right. Gotta keep my head up. Only a few more hours of footage. ”   A few... more... hours. Then he could get some air, and some well deserved food.
Mask’s Calling: Lucifer Lorem. ( original character )
A muse I’m on the fence about roleplaying as.
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                            Black coat flutters behind as steps much lighter than those of boots should have pad along carpeted hall, red daylight of two suns pouring in through windows as if to greet him every few feet. To think mere moments ago he was slumbering peacefully in his own bed, before rudely awakened by his assistant insisting he get to duties that surely would not do themselves. The bribery of tea helped. At the end of the hall plastered on the wall was a portrait, as tall as he, of a horned woman; fair skinned, obsidian hair pulled into a bun, orange eyes painted with black makeup with an intensity so real one could get lost in them, a feature he’d almost wished he hadn’t captured so carefully. Lilith, his beloved. Long gone from the world, a love he’d lost seemingly ages ago; but he’d never remove her paintings. Nor would he cease immortalizing her ethereal beauty and power, no matter how hard the memories came crashing in. With her was a young boy, practically a smaller version of her; Kaven, his son. Rather, the most recent version of him he’d known since he fled from the tragedy of his mother’s death. The uncertainty of the boy’s well being gnawed at him, and he too oft wished he could run. Surely she’d not want to see him, Lucifer King of Demon, cave into sorrows like a whimpering child. She gave him the strength to strive forward, he would  n e v e r  bow to defeat.                                  Crimson fingers curl ‘round door’s handle, and twists allowing it to swing inward to the dark room. Upon entering, with a wave of a hand candles in every direction light up and his spot at the desk is taken. Quill meets ink, and steady flawless strokes glide from its tip as the sound of pen writing and fireplace crackling fill the room. Shortly the door opens and footsteps approach, a tray of tea set next to him.  “ Your leaf water, sir. ”  A corner of Lucifer’s mouth twitches up involuntarily. There were very few who he’d show anything but a hard exterior toward, his assistant being one as he’d seen him at his worst.                             “ Thank you. Ah— before you leave. As you’ve wakened me, please refrain from overworking yourself and we’ll call it even... I  w i l l  know if you don’t. ”   He sips from the cup as he’s left alone, setting it down upon saucer with a light ‘ clink ’ before sounds of quill scratching upon paper resumes.
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alfianyan96 · 3 years
Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis
Nobody is arrested by law enforcement, but the suspect has been interrogated by them.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada R ZDkKOHme nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate EWL6Kznjz P . Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
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Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis URvFL3DnZBW Hello My Name Is Lilith And I 39 M A Workaholic. Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc 1NOLR4jk8DK S , nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
I spoke to Alex and Joe about WordAi today.
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