#lily's going to be another jae in the way that she's pulling fans in bc jyp does absolutely nothing to promote them
lubixings · 9 months
jyp is literally soooooo stupid and ugly he’s completely fumbled all of his groups like how is EVERY SINGLE active jyp group immensely popular overseas and yet their promotion and marketing is ass every time esp in korea like the way twice has sold out their entire massive tour and yet theyve never recovered domestically since the encore incident despite ttt & nayeon’s solo being MASSIVELY popular which he still fumbled btw and the way there’s absolutely nothing happening with day6 despite 3/4 members being discharged from the military and now giving itzy and nmixx the absolute worst songs in existence while bullying the members and don’t get me started on jyp’s sound mixing its just so terrible half the time you cant even hear the goddamn vocals not to mention his insistence on ryujin yeji and the nmixx rappers do that GRATING rap style that no one likes
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bxdybcg · 3 years
Young & Nadia
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 21:13 Odette just took the head so she shows him the box and fridge and is like... i figured why vampires need fridges
sineater — Yesterday at 21:14 He's glad the head is gone. He doesn't want to see that man ever again [21:14] probably teases her about her and Si becoming besties
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 21:15 "I said the same thing but in a weird way? The focus on it helped me process it. Could you feel that?" [21:15] "The gremlin is.... something else. But you were friends at one time too. What does that say about both of us? I start to see why people think we are similar"
sineater — Yesterday at 21:16 "How you process grief is individual to you. Even if it is keeping that asshole's head in a freezer. There are worse ways to deal with it. Does it talk to you or is it just staring back at you?"
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 21:17 "It just... I don't know its not that it's his face, it was just a focus I needed. Could have been the empty fridge at this point. How are you coping? How is Hector?"
sineater — Yesterday at 21:22 "We were. He's a good devil on the shoulder but as long as you are aware of yourself he can't do much. We are you are a lot like what I used to be like. Before Maladh anyway. That's not a bad thing why I sired you." "Ah something to put the actual feeling on. I'm getting there. Had my moment with Selin. Hector is being assessed. Kisuke has asked a specialist to come see. Apparently she did the eyes on... Sai. Yeah Sai. He's quite keen to have her so she can hopefully help. As for Hector himself until he gets his memories I'm just going to keep my distance for the both of us. But I keep asking. At least have a vague presence"
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 21:27 "I am aware of what I do... most of the time. But I did morbid things too... I don't judge him for that. We are very different but similar at the same time and I can't believe it took me almost two hundred years to figure it out. I'm glad I did because... it helped me."
"Yes. It was just... a thing. Mhmmm... that's good, I trust Sai, I trust his judgement. Selin and you are... better (assuming she knows bc duh she gotta know it all)? See, I feel the same way about him. And Mark. I don't know I was not ready to see or hear from anyone. Not even you. Sorry I pulled away but I needed this. The head helped me numb all the confusing feelings. You, Raisa, Shin. She was the first person I saw because she just showed up. Kind of glad she did because otherwise the head might would have started talking to me. hehe."
sineater — Yesterday at 21:38 "I have in the past too, started wars. Not something to be proud of. Si's a controlled evil I guess is the best way to put it. Yue knows how he ticks and so uses that to his advantage. Our anger is similar. I just have not had much cause to be that angry and hopefully it will be a while until I will get that angry again"
"There is no judgement here. If you feel better for it then that's all that matters. I didn't realise they were twins. I met Kai a month ago maybe a bit longer? Not that part matters. I know Yue works with them. If he trusts them then they are doing something right. We are... getting there. Something I have to work with but I rather that than her out of my life. You don't need to apologise for how you deal with grief as long as you are not a harm to yourself or to others that's the important thing. Could have started singing 'another one bites the dust' or 'burn baby burn' would be apt with the chemical burns."
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 21:59 "I know, and our bodycount is not much different from each other. I just did it in the name of duty at the time and didn't start them. I know I will be less prejudgemental about Si, his progeny -- vampires in general. But hey, as long as he can channel this sadism into something productive? because this now? no idea what went down but Odette is... doing medical stuff on it. Yes, I hope so too. If it wasn't for Sai just grounding me.... I would have burned the building down with all of us in it. I am glad I didn't. Speaking of... how is Jae? I think she is the next person I need to see -- if she wants to."
"They are both my bosses and I adore them. You really should get to know them. Each of them somehow a genius in their own way? Like Sai, he's got the whole tech thing going on so... Well, you did mess up but you both love each other and have found just the perfect fit. I think she also knows its worth holding on and working it out. That's the thing, I knew if I didn't pull back I would have eventually harmed others but instead I was just... processing. Hmm... Interesting. But I think I will ask him about it because he might just... wants to get excited about it and I am ready to hear it -- shh, no spoilers. I already sent Si thank you flowers."
sineater — Yesterday at 22:21 "They are similar yes... I did it out of anger. A lot of anger and a devil on my shoulder. You can be cautious about him there is never harm in that. He's just different and very much likes to use those around him for his own gain. Yue always has to be at least one step ahead of him and that was why he pretty much exploded when he found out about Si running for mayor. Because for once Si was ahead of him. Which can be dangerous. Yue channels it not him he is very much on a leash with Yue you just don't see it because though Si would never say it. He is very loyal to him. Medical stuff... I guess I'll avoid my labs for a bit then. Ah so that was what he was doing. I am glad he was there then. Jae, well I think she has retreated somewhat. I think she will be with Marcus. He'll ground her. I think something like this being played like that it has caused her a lot of humiliation. I just hope she doesn't completely retreat from us. I am not happy at the situation but I know she was played like the rest of us. I think Yue will try and get her out."
"I will especially since you speak so fondly of them. They also seem to care a lot for those that work with them. Don't see that a lot. I did and I will never say I didn't. I own up to my mistakes not hide them. We'll see but I am cautiously optimistic about it. It takes a lot to know yourself I'm glad you did take the time. . You sent him flowers. I think he'll appreciate it. "
"So what else did you want to talk about because i know you are excited about something and the things I have come up with is found someone else to sire or something big has happened?"
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 22:37 "I don't let others use me, that's not going to be a problem. Well, the mayor thing had me really angry too but then... Well, he definitely is something else. Don't worry, she will return me the skull. I don't think she will leave any of it in recognisable shape too. Which might... not be a bad thing. Maybe if I had gotten just the skull from the beginning the whole head situation would be less weird."
"I don't know who Marcus is either -- I am so behind on family things. I will... reach out to Yue. Yes. I need to get to know him better. As for Jae... whenever she is ready... or maybe I should just try? What do you think? Maybe she needs to hear it from me? Or do you think better not. Well, first of all I wanted to apologise for disrespecting her property, but I don't regret it. At least we got Hector our alive."
"They care. They do. They are wonderful. And their brother is the mayor. I am very... weirded out by the whole situation, yes. And I am not a fan of tech -- you know i barely handle my smartphone. But I trust Sai. I didn't know what else so I thought... yes. But I had to send him a thank you."
"Well, a few things. Also Mark but I think that's something I need to figure out on my own. Don't get me wrong but I don't want any kind of influence on it, whether it be good or bad -- I am only angry at him. Nothing else. But, moving on... I know this girl and she has asked me a million questions about vampires last night. And basically... what if someone dies with two kinds of vampire blood in them? I thought if anyone you know about it."
sineater — Yesterday at 23:12 "I didn't think so. I was a lot younger and very stupid.  He's a gremlin, looks cute but if conditons are right... absolute monster. Good, I think that face will make me see red for a very long time. Thank goodness I don't see any way of me seeing it anytime soon. It is what it is and I really wouldn't think too deep on it"
"I have met him through times of being a Liaison. He's a nice guy. I think he has his hands full with Jae's latest progeny from what I hear. You should meet Yue. He may act cold but he does care for his line. I think he does want to get to know you more too. He's not one to push though. I think she would appreciate it coming from you. I'll approach her soon as well. It's something for us all to face. I don't think what you did was wrong and I will stand behind you on that. Yes alive but traumatised for sure."
"Ah the Virgin mayor. I know Yue was keen on having him in. He doesn't like power imbalance and he was keen to have someone neutral. No ties means no favouritism or subconscious bias. Tech I can live with but I am good with being as I am. Don't think I can pull off the heart eyes like Sai can. He does actually like flowers believe it or not. Though not like roses more like spider lilies. I think."
"Mark... I'm not going to give my opinion on that as he is your progeny. It's not my place to say anything so unless you ask I won't offer. Ah, been curious about this myself actually in theory it could create a double bond. Our blood has magical properties to it. I think bound to the curses Shiva weaved to create us. It's not been knowingly done because it would be a lot on the newborn. They would be linked to the emotional states of two sires. They would have to be sound of mind and stable emotionally and so would the sires. It's a cool concept thhough always wanted to try just would have to get a lot of others involved if I ever were to do so"
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 23:22 "If anything, it helped me find... closure."
"My aim is to meet everyone. Tell me about cold. I have been avoiding everyone. You let me find my own way but I was wrong. And thank you, that helps me. In all of the things. You know what? All those years, we are distant, together. But no matter what I do... you are the most important person I have ever met. Not only because you gifted me an eternal life. You made me, shaped me into who I am. Even if I get angry at you... That's it."
"Oh yeah. Do you think that's true? The virgin thing? I mean it's a running joke ever since but it didn't really harm him either. He won. Well, we all were on the same page then. My ex ran but... I voted against her."
"Good to know because I sent him just those I think? They looked weird enough to be like his thing. Roses I wouldn't have considered for him. Even if real black one's were to exist."
"I think I will talk to you after I saw him first. I mean I do need someone to process it and you are the first person I usually tell my stuff too. Even if I did not do it in a long time."
"Well. I like her. So... I guess what I am trying to ask you is... should we ask Shiva about it before we do it?"
sineater — Yesterday at 23:43 "That's the important thing"
"Good you should. I let you be you everyone takes their own time to get to where they want to be doesn't make you worse or better. It makes you, you and I wouldn't change that. I was also worried if I tried to pull you to us you would pull away completely. Which is the last thing I want you to do. You are also important to me, don't forget that. I have lost enough progeny in my life. You and Hector are important to me. I would start a district war with no regrets should any of you come to harm. I have a habit of that."
"It's a total rumour. He was nervous and he wasn't really policing his words. How they may be interpreted. I'm good at reading people he is no virgin just may not have a lot of time for a lot of partners. Which is a shame he's really good looking. Considering the ordeal we just went through I am glad you did."
"Spider lilies signify death or final goodbyes. Though they are hauntingly beautiful as well which is also right up his street. Spider lilies are safer much safer"
"I am happy to listen as always. He is your first progeny after all."
"We? I mean yeah of course I would love to no ownder you got so exicted about this. I would really like to look into this"
sarcastrophicv — Yesterday at 23:51 "A war won't be needed for me. But I know where you are coming from. I would do the same for Raisa and Shin. And this is why I don't cling to either, Raisa came back to me and Shin loves to travel. See, you taught me that. You as a sire made me into a good one."
"I figured that. And I agree but.... hmmmm... boss brother, you know? Maybe you should... you know, score with the mayor. You and Selin together."
"He is but he fucked up majorly. i decided to not blame myself after he said he wanted to be better than us. US? no, he disgraced us."
"Who else would I be asking? I considered Raisa or Shin might be ready for their first sire but i think, seeing as this is a special case let me just praise myself and she will get the best option available. How do we contact Shiva?" 18 March 2021
sineater — Today at 00:20 "Would still start one and I don't think I would be the only one either. How are Raisa and Shin? I never had any doubts of you being a good sire"
"Yeah I can see that would be awkward. I can see if she is up for it. If not then I wouldn't mind it being more intimate"
"He said that? that would not have sat well with me if he said that to me. Sure we are not exactly unique but we are special in what we are. The bond, our ability to live forever. See the world change and learn with it. Wouldn't give it up for anything"
"True, still privileged nonetheless. Shiva could be found at her work she works with Kisuke at the hospital I believe. Best bet to try there first."
sarcastrophicv — Today at 00:27 "Good. Raisa was a little bit worried about me but I assured her I'm fine. I can't pull away like this again. Next time I will let all of you know."
"Have fun and don't spare me on the details."
"See? If it was not for that then I would have felt guilty. Excused cutting the bond because of pain  or some shit -- We are fucking perfect and it's sad it took for this to happen for me to realise."
"Oh perfect. Do you want  me to reach out to her or do you want to?"
sineater — Today at 00:32 "I think we would all appreciate that"
"I won't"
"I know Yue would have not liked to have heard that. I would not beat yourself up for it. You have all the time in the world it doesn't matter how long it takes to fully accept being a vampire"
"I think you should meet her. Would be a good opportunity for you"
sarcastrophicv — Today at 00:36 "I'm sorry. I just wanted out of there and home and not deal with the world. But I know for the future."
"He... heard it. But I didn't see his reaction. He just... handled it wonderfully professional and although I can't feel him, I just know he was angry. Is he okay? I really should meet him again."
"Alright, I will schedule my appointment with a therapist."
sineater — Today at 00:44 "Enough apologies what is done is done and you didn't hurt anyone so stop it."
"He wasn't a fan of the situation as a whole. Yue has had a lot recently but then considering the life we have been through he is not a stranger to a lot going wrong at once. Most of his progeny learn quickly though he may appear calm internally he's a storm sometimes. He doesn't like to open up though."
"We all need one. Highly recommend it"
sarcastrophicv — Today at 00:46 "Wow, okay. I am trying to make up for the lack over the years. But okay. Thank you for making me feel better. I would be... not me if it wasn't for you."
"I have seen his newest there too. I missed out on so much, I didn't even know there was one until I saw her."
"of course you would."
sineater — Today at 00:52 "You are you, I accept you as you and you do not need to apologise for being you. Hmm I just helped you along the way. You took the steps"
"Lavinia, I like her. She will be a lot of good for Yue. She just has to survive his temper spikes. "
"Damn right I would."
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