#luffy with other hats...my fave gender
rat-meat · 7 years
Tagged by @placebogirl7 :3c !!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better
Nickname: vom, somtimes z-man
Star Sign: leo
Height: 5′5″
Time right now: 3:12PM
Last thing i googled: my little pony toy curly hair hats [i hav a mlp toy that im unsure if shes a custom or not so i googled her vague appearance... it didnt work....]
Fave music artist: dunno! i dont rly tend to stick to any particular artist just like songs? maybe neil cicierega?? maybe
Song stuck in my head: m idk, ready to die - andrew wk, i guess?
Last movie i watched: perfect blue
Last tv show watched: uh i guess most recently i stumbled upon a tv show called amazing spaces on utube
What are you wearing right now: moon shirt and pajama pants with anchors on them
When did you create your blog: this one, febuary 24th 2016, or at least thats when i made my first post
What kind of stuff do i post: personal posts, cute animals, plushies, anime, & clowns?? 
Do i have any other blogs: YA im all about having way 2 many blogs, they r: @gross-ghost [art blog] a vent blog [ask 4 url] kin blog [ask 4 url] @not-gross [good art/art ref blog] two separate drama blogs [ask 4 urls] @detectiverat [clothes/stuff blog] @fursonya [fursuit blog] @petal-lizard @kyukyusya @iridescent-knives [oc aesthetic blogs] PLUS a few saved urls lol
Do I get asks regularly: nawh
Why did i choose my url:  it was my url on my old blog, i chose that bc i wanted a new url and i! rly lov rats and meat is neat!!
Gender: nonbinary guy 
Hogwarts house: i dont rly like harry potter but ive been told im slytherin? ok
Pokemon team: im gonna take this as an Ideal time rather than my Actual team: dragonite, ivysaur, passimian, feraligatr, jolteon, & popplio THO tbh this changes rly often aaaha
Favorite color: purple or green 
Average hours of sleep: lately like 10
Favorite character(s): jinbei, kudou shinichi, muto yugi, kedamono, kite, monkey d luffy, & like a bunch more but im.... cutting myself off
How many blankets do i sleep with: one cus i overheat easy
Dream job: ah i dunno rn? maybe tattoo artist... maybe fursuit maker tbh......
Following: 462
Followers: 73 lol
Tagging: @bpdyuudai, @glorifiedsquare, @ariel-s-awesome, @darkpitpng, @buzbo, @ribbonista, @robobooties BUT LIKE ONLY IF U GUYS WANT TO..... also if u wanna do this u can say i tagged u thats cool
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