#man meets a mysterious forest woman who doesn't know what the internet is and immediately wants to marry her
Once again turning the Three Frat Houses Extended Universe over in my head. Conclusion: I am obligated to incorporate Shadows of Valentia in somehow, despite the timeline complications it creates by going parallel to Shadow Dragon when I already have the Awakening characters in Ylisse. I'll figure that out later.
The important thing about Shadows of Valentia in this universe is not necessarily Alm and friends trying to overthrow the government, or Celica and friends going on god's weirdest road trip, but the presence of the Duma Faithful. I think it would be very funny to have every single secret evil cult led by a crusty old guy all existing at one time.
Like. You've got Jedah and the Duma Faithful, proclaiming that the whole world must bend the knee to Duma; you've got Validar and the Grimleal, who believe that Grima should return and destroy the world and that Jedah should shut the fuck up about Duma already. Hell, bring in Manfroy and the Loptr Church, who want to bring back Loptous and rule the world, and fuck those other gods and their sects trying the same thing. Then there's Thales at Shambhala, who was personally offended by one dragon goddess but honestly is probably down for killing all the gods and so doesn't like any of Jedah, Validar, or Manfroy either.
None of them get all too far in their evil plans because they're all busy hating and sabotaging each other.
Also I think Sonya could be friends with Robin's little goth mage collective of herself, Hubert, Leo, and Soren. I think that would be funny. Robin's trying to be a better person than her father and rise above him and Sonya's like "fuck that, if I see that bastard it's on sight."
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