#maybe Fushimi finds a hero and villain costume and it's like the one from the drama CD
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Sarumi has a pair of Halloween costumes. Because they are dating and Yata wants them to be like two halves. But at the same time, the images should be different, not like two bananas, but like chucky and the bride of chucky.
And then they both argue over who has to be the bride :P This is actually probably their problem in general, they keep thinking up ideas where one costume is more appealing than the other and they fight over who gets the ‘good’ costume. Like maybe S4 and Homra are having a joint Halloween party and Yata thinks it would be cool if he and Fushimi wore like themed costumes. Fushimi doesn’t get what Yata means by ‘themed’ and Yata gets a little red as he’s like ‘you know… like how couples do.’ Fushimi’s eyes get wide and then he gets a small blush as he coughs and shrugs like I guess that’s fine. Yata’s eyes light up all cool we have to think of something. Yata wants them to have like super awesome costumes while Fushimi doesn’t want to wear anything too complex or annoying. 
Yata decides to look online for ideas and the first one he sees is like your basic prince/princess combo, Fushimi’s immediately like you’re the princess. Yata’s all wait why am I the princess you’re way more of a prissy princess than me, Fushimi points out that the princess is shorter than the prince and Yata’s like yeah well the princess is also more delicate than the prince. This is clearly a no so they move on, Yata wonders if maybe they should go for like a superhero and sidekick look, Fushimi says Yata can be the sidekick. Yata insists that he would be the hero and Fushimi the sidekick, Fushimi’s like obviously the hero would be taller than the sidekick. Yata gets annoyed and says maybe if Fushimi wants to go as something scary he should dress up as a vegetable, Fushimi counters that if they want to theme in that case wouldn’t that make Yata a rabbit. Eventually maybe they do find a superhero compromise and go in like their own super sentai-type costumes, with Yata in red and Fushimi in blue. Yata figures this way they both match and look cool, Fushimi shrugs and acts like Yata’s being childish but actually he’s kinda enjoying this costume. 
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