#maybe voidwalkers just look badass and shapeshifter x was like 'yeah i could do with some of that'
Midnight brain presents 3 possibly conflicting X theories. 1) X is a voidwalker with holographic tech/illusion magic and can program his armor to match his theme each season. 2) X is actually a shapeshifter, hence the changing appearance and was just shifted as a voidwalker because it was just the first thing he could think of when he started interacting with other people. 3) Voidwalkers are in fact shapeshifters
I feel like these theories are a Venn diagram but I don't know quite what the intersection point is...I do know. It's "Xisuma is a non-Voidwalker shapeshifter whose default state is to be shifted as a Voidwalker, a race that is also made of shapeshifters". Why? Who knows, but I think that's hilarious!
- Mod Shade
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