#mrithun's so sweet to him he can't be a brat just yet
caelcstis Β· 7 months
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more smut sentences. // @r3dblccd ❛ missed my touch that much, did you? ❜ (from Mrithun to Raph huehuehue)
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' mhmm... ' his voice was muffled underneath all the covers that protected him. he was tired in so many ways, but he was starved for the man now sitting in his bed.
pale lashes fluttered in weak attempts to bat away at his exhaustion. his chin tipped up slightly towards the fingers that touched him. rosy lips had parted enough to gently take mrithun's thumb between his teeth and he held his gaze against him. he did miss him, even if this was only just the start of his way-round trips taking care of humans under his guidance. he was used to being alone around this time . . . but something about having mrithun here made him unbearably lonely. it made him not want to leave this man again, he wanted to be by his side always.
raphael's arms slid out from under his covers and spilled just enough to reveal his bare chest and jeweled heavenly soul in his breastplate. he normally slept in little to nothing, but was usually decent and kind enough if others were visiting, he'd put something on. but, he figured if mrithun was trying to play with him, maybe he'd play and bite back a little bit. his arms now wrapped around mrithun's waist and he pulled him closer. raphael was kind enough to let go of his finger in his mouth and instead he pouted slightly towards him. ' i missed you a lot... so much so i don't want to let you go . . . i don't want to go back to work. '
not if it meant being alone again. lord, when did he become so weak for such attention? or was he always? did no one ever give it to him?
raphael, using mrithun as a base for stability, slowly wiggled up and out of the covers to reveal more of his naked body and he hummed. ' it's really bad, i've never used to be so lazy when it came to work. but now, i just... missed you, and i want to feel more of you. ' he admitted something between shamelessly and yet, his cheeks still turned red as if he were bashful. he wasn't used to this, still: this lust, desire . . . love.
' can you at least give me kisses? ' he asked sheepishly. his body and head craved more than just, but perhaps he should behave himself.
he shouldn't be so greedy.
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