#my friend I've been telling about the book irl has been asking when huntingdon's gonna die since he hit his dog
thoumpingground · 4 months
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Thoughts: Chapters 43-44
Another instance of Helen springing into action because Huntingdon's adultery... He has some nerve to bring her home as his son's governess, though. I know Helen comes back to take care of him in his deathbed, where is this Miss Myers then, huh? Does him well. Asshole.
Go Benson for helping with the plan! Man's putting his neck in the game. I was so afraid Huntingdon was gonna intercept her letters to Esther, Millie and Aunt Margaret. I'm still kind of afraid Huntingdon will ring info out of them, especially from Hattersley. I hope he sticks to his good husband, good father, defender of Helen schtick.
I was so relieved when Helen got to Wildfell Hall I forgot she's about to be accused of sleeping with her brother. Loved to hear her talk about freedom and hope again. Her giddiness is contagious. It's really bittersweet that she's about to meet the town.
Gibert being dissapointed he doesn't get to read about himself is so funny and so relatable. I forgot she'd torn pages out of the diary. I appreciate that the man knows he probably doesn't deserve the nice things Helen may have said about him while they were on good terms. Flaws are good, flaws with self-awareness are great.
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