#not gonna tag this because i dont wanna be a downer for anyone who's actually excited for all of these shows
baiferns · 1 month
watched the trailers for the new shows that were announced today and i just don't think i'm the target audience for gmmtv shows any more. they produce so much, often more than they're actually capable of and it's so obviously a quantity over quality thing for them. they just want to push out as many ships that they can profit from in terms of fanmeetings and concerts as possible without actually caring if they're making anything good.
even though it seems they're trying to move away from their usual high school dramas it just seems like the same storylines are being recycled. hide & sis seems so similar to p.s i hate you, and then they're just straight up remaking korean and japanese dramas because they can't make anything original that's worth watching. i think even the bls are essentially just copy-pastes of each other into different settings.
and i know these are just the first trailers so the end result could be very different from what we're seeing but it's all so surface level. i think something gmmtv shows always struggle with is depth and their shows often lack compelling stories and character development, which is fine if you just want a light show that's easy to watch but it's hard to get invested in shows that are so one dimensional.
and i know i have the same complaint every year that they do this but i'm questioning how is this STILL a problem but the ratio of bls to anything else is so frustrating. from the thumbnails of the trailers alone the ratio of men to women in these shows is astounding. (it's 51 to 13 btw in case anyone wanted to know). they have 100+ actors and it's impossible to give everyone the same amount of attention and opportunities but the difference between how the actors vs the actresses are treated is SO obvious and i'm tired of it.
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Quarantine Q&A!
Tagged by @primasveraas <3
Are you staying home from work/school?
Yee, the VA Governor closed all schools and recreational businesses for a hot few months, so my junior year is technically done. Online schooling til hopefully just August!
If you're staying home, who's staying with you?
I'm actually hosting one of my close friends, an exchange student from Serbia, for two weeks while her main host fam's under a strict quarantine themselves! Without her here I think I'd be mad by now, I love my parents to death but god, seeing the same ANYONE everyday for weeks on end would drive me crazy!! So while she's here I'm sane, but with the exchange programs constantly changing due to Covid-19, she could be sent home any day :(
Are you a homeboy?
Nope. Don't get me wrong, I love weekends at home and spending time relaxing alone, but I'm an extrovert and get cabin fever suuuper easily, so yeah I'm dying. Send help, please, just one movie night, I beg anyone 😭😭😭😭
Any events you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Gosh, where to begin. The W&L University Singers and my dad (the conductor)'s home performances of Considering Matthew Shepherd, my SAT's, my AP tests, prom, the Equality Gala, my opportunity to sing for a local restaurant, voice lessons, a friend's soccer game I was gonna cheer him on at, my dance recital, my choir concert, the talent show, SO. MUCH. STUFF, LIFE GOT CANCELLED ALL IN ONE DAY AND YES I AM MOTHER FREAKING SALTY!!!!!!!!
Movies/Shows you've been watching?
New Movies!
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Shrek (YES, IK, DONT @ ME XD)
Knives Out
Jojo Rabbit
Frozen 2
The whole LOTR trilogy + our ultra nerdy 11+ hours of behind the scenes content Dad got cuz we all neeeeeeerdz
To Be Seen!
Your Name
New Shows!
Schitt's Creek
Gravity Falls
Star Wars the Clone Wars
To Be Seen!
Killing Eve (got to see ep 1, def want more!)
Lots of the same old stuff, happy Dodie songs, og Steven Universe, Six the musical and anything Broadway, anything that's upbeat and not such a downer in these downer times :)
Also lots of lofi, for studying :)))
New Reads: the Crazy Rich Asian series (1 million outta 10, its SO GOOD), Good Omens finally, Call Me By Your Name, and lots more on my ever growing reading list :)
Rereads: I want to read Red, White, and Royal Blue again, the Virals series (by Brandon and. ) which is legit my favorite book series and the greatest one out there fight me, Crier's War, and Resistance Reborn because I want to forget Rise of Skywalker happened.
My top TBRs: Bonds of Brass (GAY SCIFI/CYPERPUNK FINNPOE I LOVE IT) and The Savior's Champion fiiinally
(All of these lists also have so much AO3 fanfic on each of them but we can't get into that or we'll be here til the virus leaves)
What are you doing for self care?
Video calling friends, volunteering at my local food pantry, staying active online with internet friends while avoiding toxic or anxiety-inducing news. I've been baking a ton and trying lots of fun, weird drinks using coffee and matcha just cuz and I've found so many I'd die for. I've started working out more regularly, I drink far more water than I did during school, I pulled out sixth-grade-me's hidden MASSIVE BOX of Bath and Body Work's hand sanitizers and am slowly going thru those. Overall I'm trying not to loose myself or let myself go right now. It's hard, and my mental health is taking a lot of hits right now, but just finding one thing a day to do, no matter what it is, and doing that thing, makes me feel so, so much better. This whole thing is hard. The world is scary and downright weird right now, in a limbo between fragments of normalcy and emergency. I don't know what's gonna happen, no one does. The best we can do is keep our chins up in the face of it all, keep taking deep breaths when it gets too hard, and keep living another day, even when that seems like the worst thing you could do.
We'll all get through this, together. I know we will.
Humanity is kinda batshit crazy. Our collective single braincell by some diety survived this long.
We can survive now too.
I'm not tagging anyone bc I legit know no mutuals here who'd do this who haven't already, so hey @scifigrl47 I love your work and you are my inspiration so uh... if you wanna, try this?
Mmkk that's enough rambling today, wash ya hands and stay safe out there, mates :)
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