#not to mention Fyrakk's dabbling in Shadowflame... I miss the Old Gods and the speculation they created.
diloph · 3 months
Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire is part of my preferred transmog, so this could all just be a coincidence, but I think I got a little wink towards the relationship between Tyr and Xal'atath just as we revived him.
I was expecting a little something, but got nothing when we revisited the tomb where Tyr fell and I pulled the knife from Zakajz's body, nor when we took the role of Tyr in fighting him.
But after a short stint to get back his disk, after a more morally dubious mission that made the Paladins seem uneasy, after the great and grand resurrection of the Titanic watcher...
Xal'tath whispered me to remind me that the Light looked to trap us in total obedience and stagnation, whereas she offered both freedom and strength.
Not sure it's intentional, but considering she's going to be a bigger part of things going forwards, it just might well be... wouldn't be the first time I doubted that we were finished with the Old Gods...
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