#oc tag | [tika kiza]
tagged by @grandninjamasterren <3 oc tag game
favorite oc — Darrash Aron Nealev (SWTOR - IA) much to his dismay and detriment. He’s admittedly grown on me more than I ever expected him to, and evolved from just being some guy to literally being THE menace of the galaxy who never should have left Hutta. He’s just so. He contains multitudes now.
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newest oc — I’m working on making an SCP Council Member because I bought an ID tag! And a Site Director too, afterwards
oldest oc — Oh shit, Princess PinkSpeckles the Alicorn (MLP:FiM). I don’t even know what she was princess of, but she had a hot pink sparkly peace sign for a cutie mark?? She didn’t even really have any lore either but I may pull her into SW as actual royalty.
meanest oc — Moonlight Shrine (MLP:FiM), and she might get reincarnated into Star Wars. I think she already did somewhere along the line? I know she’s Chiss now, and extremely militant.
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softest oc — Physically? Tika Kiza (SWTOR), because she’s a longfur Cathar based on a Turkish Angora.
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Or Ruluhra Lamik (SWTOR), also a longfur Cathar but based on a crossbreed of a Siberian, a Norwegian Forest Cat, and a Maine Coon!!
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most aloof / stadoffish oc — Moon Hyeon (standalone), because dude was a complete ass to everyone who ever loved him. He just refused to believe he could be loved because he had such severe mommy issues. No, he did not go to therapy. Yes, he is a Scorpio. Yes, he somehow has a daughter that he would literally do anything in the world for. (fc - @ naopisgram on ig)
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dumbest oc — Jedi Master Jupso Onurimaa (SWTCW), because imagine thinking you can stop a prophecy from happening because you ignored it for like forty years. Now your Padawan has the consequence prophecy plaguing them and you can’t even die because you’ve gotta help fix the damn thing.
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smartest oc — Jupso’s older Padawan, Master Hacora Kushiri (SWTCW). Not that it’s particularly good Jedi practice to be spiteful, but she did allow Ki-Adi Mundi to murder her so he could get his just desserts later on in life. She would be happily at rest in the Force while he gets his ass beat continuously for the next forty ish years, so that was a total win in her book. Sorry that her Padawan Amira had to miss out on a Master though.
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horniest oc — One answer: Simon Heilig Karnz. A standalone oc transplanted from a fandom that shall not be named, but he quite literally fucked his way out of a first degree murder case. Like. He slaughtered his grandfather in Germany, moved to the US, became a sex worker, and he was just.. never convicted. Ever. Everyone just moved on about it and said “oh well” - goals tbh (fc - Bartek Borowiec)
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oc i’d bang — Anakin Skywalker, of course,
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oc i’d be besties with irl — My boy Hellir’-Amderak Edi Drovaddal (SWTCW)! I love love love him and he really just needs a break. Like, six breaks. I would love to sit and listen to him sing and use his talent in the Force to bring an entire room of instruments to life through meditation, or his thoughts on different cultures he’s gotten to visit through his years, or even just.. sitting and enjoying silence, since it’s something he sees so rarely between being an adoptive father to five Zygerrian cubs, and having Obi-Wan as a Padawan, and just being a Diplomat in general. (fc - Tamino)
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tag list uhhhh @kiwikipedia @kemendin uhhhhh @purgetrooperfox @friedennic @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @kkrazy256 @jekyllnahyena @ssoundwavee @d3epfriedangels
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