#or another saying “oh yea it's from u know-*does the cliche hand above head Bollywood dance move*”
readenheim · 3 months
Watching Bucchigiri?! and seeing all the genuinely well implemented references to Arabic art folklore: 🥰🥰😍😘💙❤️🩷
Watching American YouTubers react to it all calling it "Indian" and not even doing that respectfully: 💀💀💀💀💀
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panda-san343 · 7 years
Ch.1 First Meeting
Palettes POV Today was the day, my first day at Under High and to tell the truth I was really nervous. I've never made friends in my ealry junior or even elementary years but then again I didn't really need to cause i was okay on my own even though I am really clumsy. I only ever made one friend, but he moved away a while ago. Ink: Palette sweety are you up? P: Yea mom I am. In fact I barely got any sleep last night due to first day jitters, which would explain the sall bags under my eyes. Great way to show up to one's first day of classes. I sigh. Soon I finish putting on my blue sweater over my green T-shirt along wih my jeans and run downstairs to eat breakfast. Ink: I made pancakes on your first day. Huh? Palette are you okay? P: Oh, yea just nervous is all. Don't worry mom I'm alright. By the way did dad already go to work? Ink: Yes, he did. Palettes maybe after school you get some rest. P: Sure mom. Thanks Soon I grab my back back, sling it over my shoulders and head out the door to classes. As I arrive I notice just how big the school really is and check my schedule. I had biology first in room 213. I enter the school gates and soon start wondering around looking for my class following the jumbers above the classroom doors, but I just couldn't find my class. I was going to be late on my first day and that on top of not sleeping last night would just amount to one of the best days ever. Soon I start to speed walk, however having no sleep last night my vision starts to blur and as I turn the corner I accidently bumb into someone and fall right onto my butt. P: Ouch. OMG I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay? G: Yea I'm fine, how about you? Slowly I look up to see who I've hit. And reach out to the hand he extended out to me. P: I'm also okay. I say hesistantly. As I continue to stare I notice just how hot the guy was. He was tall and a little pale as he totally rocks a white hoodie with a red scarf around his neck, all the while his glasses made him look like some kind of a sexy librarian. Holy did I just say sexy, what is going on with me. Soon my face starts to burn a little. G: Well since we're both good maybe you could give me my hand back. I stare down to see I'm still holding his hand. P: Oh sorry, sorry I retract my hand back and hold it behind me clenching my other hand. My face all the while getting hotter. G: It's alright, no need to apologize. P: Ummmm thanks G: Hehe no problem. The names Goth. P: Palette G: guess we dont need to shake hands since we pretty much got that done P: yea i guess so hehe G: Are you lost by any chance? P: yea actually I'm looking for bio room 213 G: Oh thats actually down the hall to the left and after 3 classrooms you turn right P: Oh thanks G: No problem. Eventually you get used to things around here P: Hehe I hope so, I'm already clumsy enough as it is Soon the school bell rings. P: Oh no I'm gonna be late to class G: Then you better get going P: Bye Goth I wave goodbye and run down the hall to class. As I enter I find a quiet spot in the back of the class near the window. I bring out all my book and open the first chapter and soo the lesson starts. Halfway through the lesson I look out the window and notice Goth in gym class. He was wearing the white and red school gym jersey and was playing soccer. Wow he was actually really good too. I see him take a shot and plant the ball into the net, his teammates cheer and as they lift him up he botices me staring at him. I quickly turn my face back to me book hoping he didn't notice. Soon the bell rings and I head off to my next class. This time it was much easier to find my math class. I sit down in a seat next to the window and as I pull out my textbook I notice Goth taking the seat next to mine. P: Goth! G: Yes Palette P: Your in my math class! G: It seems so. What coincidence P: Yea it seems so..... I slowly turn my head to look into my book in order to hide my blushing face. What is happening to me, why am I felling this way? Am I sick? What do I do? G: Hey Palette you okay? P: Huh? Oh yea I'm fine Soon the lesson begins and I concentrate on the lesson which helps me from being distracted by Goth's good looks. Soon the lunch bell rings and I quickly bolt off. It was probably rude of my to not say anything to Goth but I just couldn't handle it. The feelings welling up inside is something I've never felt before and it was starting to take it toll on me. I head to my locker to grab my lunch and I start looking for a place to enjoy my moms specialty bento box. That's my mom, loves foreign food. I head up to the roof where theres usually no one around and I take a seat. As soon as I started to eat a voice behind my caused my to jump a bit. G: Hey Palette, mind if I join? P: H-H-Hi Goth...no I don't mind G: Great cause to tell the truth, it'd be a little lonely eating my lunch by myself. P: Wait you don't have any friends? G: No I don't, I'm actually pretty new here too. I have a few aquantances like the guys from soccer, but you know they all have thier own groups and cliches This actually surprised me. I'd have though a guy like Goth would have tons of friends. P: So you wanna be my friend? G: Yea, I mean cause since you and I seem to have no friends around P: Do I look that lonely? G: Oh sorry did that offend you? P: Hehe no its just I've only had one friend my entire life and I kinda like being on my own G: Really? P: Yea, but I guess I wouldn't mind you being my friend G: That's good cause if you decline I don't think I'll ever meet anyone else more interesting P: Interesting? G: Yea especially the way we first met P: Hehe I guess your right I look down at my food and smile. Soon I look up at the sky and another feeling enters my soul. It feels warm. I guess Goth being my friend would be really nice. Soon I finish my lunch and so does Goth, so we decide to walk around the school in order for me to know it better. G: This is the art room and over here is the cafeteria... P: Where would the bathrooms be? G: Good question there are four boy bathrooms two on the lower floor and two on the second. There one over there and there one by the English room As I look over to where Goth was pointing I accidently trip on a loose tile. I close my eyes prepared to hit the floor but then feel someone holding onto my arms. Goth had caught me. He had one arm hold my arm and the other holding the back of my head pushing it in towards his chest. Being in this position causes my face to burn and my heart to almost burst. G: Are you okay Palette? P: Y-Y-Yea I'm f-fine. Goth then helps me get on my feet and we continue walking as I place my fist over my chest holding in my breathe trying to calm down. Goth continues to describe the school holding my hand. He never gave back my hand and just continued to hold it making sure I wouldn't fall again. He even told me where the nurses room was. I had a feeling I'd be visiting the nurse pretty often. Soon the school bell rings and Goth let's go of my hand and waves goodbye to go to his class. I wave as well, however now my hand feels empty and I start to miss the feeling of having his hand in mine. Hours go by and still I stare at my hand missing that feeling. The end of the day comes and I start to head home, but by the gate I see Goth standing there. He looks over and I wave at him. He waves back and the empty feeling in my soul instantly disappears. G: Hey Palette, you wanna walk home together? P: Sure! I say that with more enthusiasm then I'd like to. As we walk home I stop in front of my house. P: This is my stop. G: Wow really, I actually pretty close to you then. P: Really where? Goth the walks two houses down. G: Here!! Soon we wave goodbye and I enter my house. I greet both my parents and go upstairs to my room. I place my back pack down and then my mom enters to ask me how my day was. I tell her that I made a friend and I also ask her about my wierd feelings and experiences. She makes makes a surprised face then starts to laugh. I ask here what she's laughing about and she tells me in three words. Ink: You're in LOVE She then leaves all the while trying to hold in her excitement. I only sit there dumbfounded. I was in love. No way. No way, no way, no way. I fall back onto my bed. I can feel my face heating up again. I take my pillow and hold to my face trying to cool it down. Then I tuck in my legs and roll around on my bed. Nothing made the feeling go away. So instead I decided to sleep and to just let tomorrow's me handle this love problem. ---------------------------------------Omg first time writing a story fanfic. Pls dont judge and hope u guys like. Healthy critism is allowed since help is a wonderful thing. Characters belong to thier respected owners.
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