#people lost their homes for at least 6 times before (WHICH MEANS. RECURRENT ISSUE) and it's not that easy to just 'move out'
AHHH STARSB ive been learning about brazil in classes and its os beautofuil dude-
i REALLY wanna visit osmeday :))
i hope your doing better iwth the flooding and ill be praying for safety!-
behebehebehhe that is awesome!
depending on where you're going you'll find pretty different places! Brazil isn't all about beaches, bikinis and soccer like many people think ^^'
in a more geographic side of things, it snows in some places. we have very cold and rainy seasons on the extreme south (though it's def hot in majority of the country). there are arid places, swamps, waterfalls...
we also got many awesome birds!
one very common bird around here is called "João de Barro" which is a brownish little fella that collects clay and mud for their nests
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folks living them best life. good for them! good for them.
57 notes · View notes
kierongillen · 7 years
Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine #29
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Spoilers, obv.
Weird issue this, for me.
We've been away for a few months, so this is the reintroduction. As I've said, the second half of Imperial Phase is more constricted in time than the first, so we've got to set all that up. And in terms of my “stuff to do” list, I obviously had a bunch. I also had a structure, which was putting the focus on Persephone and take her through her day (akin to 24). It's about that hangover, juxtaposing the realisation of Sakhmet's actions and the feeling of being sapped and wrecked and regretful.
(I'm writing this with a hangover, oddly, though it's the “last night was amazing!” sort of hangover, so not exactly right.)
Anyway – I have the story goals and the structural means and all that, and basically hit them. But I also didn't do something more than that, despite having plans for a Big Swing issue. I simply choked. I hit the point and just didn't want to write what I had planned. Not even “didn't want to”. Maybe “wasn't capable of putting myself through it.”
As such, even though the issue has gone down well – better than I would have thought – it nags at me. I suspect it was best for me not to do it, and may even show character growth on my part in choosing not to, but it's still mildly annoying. I suspect it'll be my least favourite issue of the arc... but that may have been true anyway. I am particularly fond of the rest of this arc.
Anyway – that ennui and reluctance fed into what the script ended up being: “I'm tired and I don't want to do this any more but what other choice is there?” is very much the mood and the point.
(Why has this gone down well? The character focus, I suspect. We've got 10 main characters, and all of them bar Baph (and arguably Woden) get meaningful scenes.)
Okay – remember back in issue 27 on Phased I talked about how I solved trying to fit all the information in by realising one sub-plot could be excised and then pushed later? That was the Sakhmet/Persephone relationship stuff from this issue and the rest of the arc. We obviously had some of it in 27, but it was the absolute minimum necessary for 28 to make sense and to establish their interactions. I realised the rest would be just as effective if it's stuff Persephone remembers, in terms of the ghosts of their past together. It integrated well with the themes of Waking Up The Night After And Thinking Back.
Jamie's Cover
Was mildly annoying that this was released online just before the last issue dropped, as the blood coated coat is something of a spoiler. But you end up shrugging, because “Sakhmet covered in blood” is very much her look anyway.
Jamie covered this one, due to Matt being away on well deserved holiday.
The breaking of the portrait is the theme for the second half of Imperial Phase, as those who've seen the future covers will know.
Jock's Cover
Very happy to get Jock doing a cover – one of the definitive cover artists of the 21st century, and one of the nicest people in comics. If I ever made a faustian deal, it was made on the floor of Jock's hotel room in Dublin, waking up and picking fluff off my tongue and thinking “you need to earn some money at some point, Kieron.” Jock had let Jamie and me crash on his floor, like the kind and lovely fella he is.
Anyway! Morrigan, in full fashion-sepulcharal. Obviously look at how Jock uses space here, and plays with the logo. That sort of awareness of the specifics of any individual cover is one of the reasons why he is what he is. Lovely stuff.
The 25 Issues In Future Cover
For Image's theme months, we normally say yes or no depending on whether it strikes us as a worthwhile idea in terms of the book – which normally means “do we have a good idea instantly.” In this case, Eric went “A hypothetical cover for your book 25 issues in the future.” Everyone on the team went “Well, by that point the book is over so...”
Original idea was a graveyard, but realised that a monument would be the way to go. It's based on one in Glasgow, which Jamie pointed out as we went past it.
One day I'll get the HUMANITY statue in London into the book, but not yet.
Deciding what information gets added to these is always an interesting challenge. What matters? What doesn't?
Page 1-2
We're back, and first panel is the Laura narration we haven't seen since issue 11. I miss that girl.
Jamie does this whole sequence so well. Matt too, in terms of mood. I'm always interested in the question Jamie asks me – in this case it was “why the hell is she living in a crappy room in the underworld? She's rich.” And then I have to justify it, which is nice, because it reminds me that my choices actually do have the justifications built in. I suspect I believe I used Bojack Horseman and Sid Vicious in crappy hotel as my references.
Yes, the Lucifer fangirl is cruel and unusual. That Persephone left the party saying she wanted to be alone and wasn't in the mood, and between then and now she's picked up someone else, and someone who reminds her of her old friend says a lot about her. Same as later, when she goes clubbing rather than go home.
Really interesting colour choices in the second panel of the second page by matt – that beige-y red of the cigarette light. And then look at the cold blue/white light when the phone clicks in.
I think a lot about how we hear about news, both personal and world news. Occasionally it's in person, but I think of refreshing the Warren Ellis Forum and then the top post being “Plane flies into World Trade Center” with one unread message or anything else. Just a line of text that is going to change everything.  We do a lot of stuff like that – I find myself thinking of the climax of The Immaterial Girl.
Page 3
I believe I was thinking of Bananarama's Love In The First Degree. Bananarama were my original text pop band. Huge chunks of what I love in Pop Music can be traced back to Bananarama.
Page 4-5
Earliest scene in the current recurrence, I believe... at least in terms of showing gods.
This is in part to make sure the timeline was clear. As Baal's Death Day was revealed, we know when he must have appeared... which was before 2013 Ragnarock which still clearly believed the gods not have returned yet. If this is Baal's first gig, then we know he spent a couple of weeks not doing performances.
The question of when Sakhmet came is open. I suspect I'm never going to actually say it in the script, but I can see Sakhmet's appearance basically prompting Baal into doing his first gig just to make sure he gets to be first. Those would be fun conversations. I could talk about our choices in terms of when we started our story, but there's certainly another version of WicDiv which did everything in straight chronological. If I was writing it for (say) television, I suspect I'd take that route.
(The short version is that in a monthly comic “Gods reincarnating as pop stars” isn't a big enough hook. That's a theme and setting. I needed the specific big plot, which was the Did Lucifer Do It?)
Anyway – party in a Warehouse, but look at what Matt does with the colours here, which are brutal. In an issue with so little joy, this level of pop just shows what the book isn't now.
Page 6
I'm always interested in Jamie's choices for the gods when they're not on stage. Amaterasu's clearly herself, but not quite as loud.
Eight panel grid, which is my standard choice. I suspect I could have pushed either of these half scenes to longer scenes, but I have bigger fish to fry.
Jamie does great stuff here with the body language – being questioned by the police about your girlfriend murdering a bunch of folk when you're hungover can't be much fun, and panel 2 really shows it. And then there's panel 4 – Persephone holding herself as she trudges away. The contrast between that and the detective's words is a lovely bit of irony by Jamie – she really doesn't look like someone who could.
Matt's colouring in the fifth panel is just startlingly wonderful. Just look at that.
Chrissy's ongoing biggest regret is that we did PERSY instead of PERSEY when we first did Amaterasu's nickname for Persephone.
Page 7-9
The formalist in me is a little annoyed that I break the purity of “follow around Persephone on her hangover day” and have a scene which starts before her.
Jamie and Matt always realign their work between arcs, and Jamie is trying some slightly different approaches to the page. I mention, as for me, this scene is where it's most obvious in terms of “something is a little different to usual.”
Return to the I Can't Believe It's Not The Danger Room, introduced in issue 17. Also, Minerva and Baal in Valhalla, which says how seriously they're taking it – neither live there any more.
I smile at the hot pink in panel 4 on page 8. Hot pink! Hot Pink!
The last panel of page 8 took some tweaking – originally Amaterasu didn't have a line, which made it easy to overlook their entrance, which made Persephone appear to come out of nowhere in the next panel. Adding a line to her solves that problem, but does undercut the beat of Baal/Minerva – Baal had a line which we lost, which meant the reader's eye would treat the panel as two moments. The celebration of the two – a gap on the page – and then Amaterasu coming in on the right.
I think Marlboro Shite has been in my notes since issue 4 or 5. Everything eventually finds a home.
(It's so old I was worried I'd used it before somewhere. Baal repeating himself would be terrible.)
Writing that has also reminded me that I had a stress dream last night about a continuity error in Uber where someone pointed out we'd changed names of one character mid-through the story. My subconscious is totally crap.
Page 10-11
I don't use that sort of caption-dialogue transition a lot in WicDiv, even though it's a classic story writer trope. In terms of modern writers, I always connect it to Rick Remender. It's one of his main bridging devices.
More about the gig next issue, but it was important to set up a bunch of stuff here. It's been talked about, but not in this level of specific. Clearly it's going to be a big part of the plot. It's been a while since we've done a big performance scene, after all. Imperial Phase is all about getting to your Knebworth, after all.
God, Cass is almost translucent here. She works too hard.
I really like Persephone's necklace in this page. Just noticed it.
Page 12-15
Highbury & Islington, as seen in issue 5 and returned repeatedly to since then.
I'm still not bored of how we flipped Young Avenger's White Backgrounds As Aesthetic Device when dealing with the Underground. Which probably says everything about the two books.
Obvious setting up key stuff for the Underground we'll need later in the issue on page 12 – namely that we can find to places you've been before, but it is infinite down here.
I believe ”Crap Narnia” was a last minute tweak of the script, but it does please me. The Norns are not have it with these tropes.
Panel 3 on page 13: Awwwwkward.
I have no idea how Jamie keeps on doing these outfits. He's an amazing talent. I should do a comic with him.
The specific choice of “At least 3G” makes me smile, as if Cass is working out what signal is reasonable to get in a magical underworld. “Yeah, maybe you'll lose 4G, but 3G should be good” she thinks to herself.
Yes, nothing at all comfortable in any of this.
It's always interesting to me how Cassandra is as vulnerable as she clearly is. You choose the right places to hit her, and she'll be derailed. Some characters clearly understand that, and others don't.
The last panel is the point where people who read the solicits are thinking “wait – when Kieron said “Wherein Dionysus sits in the darkness for most of an issue, but in an awesome way. Honestly, you'll love it. Also: other stuff.” was he being literal?”
Last panel is great. Full bleed gets the sense of the endlessness of the dark, and Dionysus sitting there, facing it. Art against the void. Our comic in a panel.
Page 16-17
There's more interaction with the public in this issue for a while, but the crowd stuff is where we're trying to show the responses more. Some people are petrified. Some people are still trying to snap her. Some are both.
Yet more fine gods-casual-clubbing looks.
The club they're leaving would be the Buffalo Bar, as seen in issue 18 of WicDiv (since repaired in WicDiv). They're stairs leading down on the right. Also showed up in Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl.
Interesting flashback colour choices here from Matt. Teal and turquoise? Colourists are amazing.
The Bridge Reconstruction sign is 100% period Highbury & Islington sign. We moved dialogue over it to try and signal “I know this looks important, but it's not.”
Deciding which exact euphemism for sex Cassandra should use on 17.1 was some degree of thought. Originally I'd written “Fucking” but that jarred with Persephone's own Fuck. “Banging” was the most comic option – it just speaks to the lack of respect Cass has for Pers/Baph's act.
“I've never said that out loud before” echoes with Young Avengers, of course.
I wanted the hard – mid sentence to set up for a hard-cut to the club. I'm a fan of hard-cut jokes, but doing it as an anti-joke was kind of the point. Let's go home, as I need to OH NO I AM IN A CLUB AND HAVING A SHIT TIME.
Page 18-19
I look at the first page, and smile, in purely a “I love comics” way. When I talk about “Wanting to write comics” versus “wanting to write stories that get turned into comics” way, it's stuff like this I'm thinking of. If I didn't write full script, it wouldn't work like this. Well... not as easily. It's calling for specific effects that Jamie and Matt completely get. Matt bleeding the red in is pretty astounding – that third panel especially. The second one you can think it's just the club lights, but the third is saturating the image, and then it just takes over. And that expression on panel 5. Yay, jamie. Comics!
Thinking this was a pro-pantheon fan club, so the response is different than on the streets. These people are shook up. They mean well. But... yes.
Obvious call back to Baphomet's dialogue way back in issue 7.
I believe the last panel description was “Hmm. I do like coke?”
Page 20
A general sentiment, but dancing with Taylor Swift's Blank Space.
And we return to where we started.
How good was the coke? Will we ever find out? Stay tuned to The Wicked + The Divine, kids!
(Not the first time Coke has been explicitly referenced in Imperial Phase. It was implied in episode 24, and Woden's memorable nose-piece in 28. Imperial Phase, proggy double albums and all that shit is just connected with that particular drug for terrible people. Year 4 will be less coke-y, hopefully)
And Ruth's surname revealed.
It's odd – when writing this I'd completely forgotten the obvious fact that Persephone is disobeying the television's instructions. I am useless.
That this is the second time that data access in the underworld has been referenced in this issue makes me wonder whether my own router problems were working their way into the comic. All work is autobiographical, but not usually that crappily.
(Don't worry. It's solved now.)
Great Jamie expression on the final panel, of course. The colouring of the section was one of the most debated bits of the book, and I like where we ended.
Page 23
I suspect I've got some pun interstitials which are worse than this ahead, but not many. That would be impossible.
Anyway – back next month for top sitting in the dark adventures.
Thanks for reading.
124 notes · View notes
advertphoto · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
0 notes
mayarosa47 · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
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aretia · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/187462609175
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asafeatherwould · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
0 notes
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
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coming-from-hell · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
0 notes
michaeljames1221 · 5 years
When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
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When did divorce become legal in Utah?
Utah formerly followed the “fault” concept in divorce proceedings; this meant that to establish grounds for a divorce, one partner found fault with the other spouse. In 1987, Utah passed a law that allows divorce when there are “irreconcilable differences” such as when the parties can no longer “pursue the legitimate purposes of the marriage.”
Under this law, one party doesn’t have to blame the other but may simply tell the court that the marriage is “no longer working.” This is what is called a “no fault” divorce provision.
The law previously held that the offending spouse who caused the divorce, lost rights and property in a divorce proceeding, but as a practical matter and by statute this is no longer the case. The person that begins the divorce action is called the “Petitioner”; the person against whom the divorce is filed is called the “Respondent.”
What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
1.  Irreconcilable differences of the parties.
Irreconcilable differences means that there is no hope that the couple will be able to work out their problems and save the marriage. It may actually mean irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
Some of these irreconcilable differences may include: in-laws and extended family involvement, balance between home and work, communication patterns, sexual intimacy, personal habits, sharing household responsibilities, outside friendship, political views,  debt difficulties and also disciplining children. If one of these factors is recurrent in marriage, then the couple can divorce.
2. Impotence at the time of marriage
This is the inability of a man to achieve an erection or orgasm. If you partner has a problem in maintaining an erection, chances are your sex life has taken a hit too.  If you notice this in your partner you may feel frustrated and will not know the next step. Impotence can be brought about by many factors such as stress, depression, anxiety or unresolved issues from his background. Impotence can also be a sign of certain medical conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. Lack of sex in marriage may not be easy, the wife really needs to persevere, thus a legal reason as to why people can divorce in Utah.
3. Adultery committed subsequent to marriage
Infidelity is the single most damaging thing that happens to marriage. Dealing with infidelity is not that easy for a married couple. The first step is  usually denial, whereby the spouse who has been cheated finds it hard to accept that he or she has been cheated on.
It is wise to accept reality and deal with your spouse’s infidelity. This will save you a lot of health issues related to worrying. In addition to this, you may begin feeling anger towards your spouse and also rejection. This is where majority of the people decide to part ways which is acceptable in Utah.
4. Wilful desertion of the other spouse for more than one year
This is the deliberate abandonment of a spouse without the intention of returning.  One of the spouses in a relationship may decide to leave for various reasons though some may leave without any reason.
Those who silently leave still have the duty to support their under age children and also their wives especially if they are ailing. Some other reasons of leaving may be due to infidelity, or misunderstanding. If your partner leaves and stays away for more than one year, you are at liberty to divorce.
5. Willful neglect to provide the common necessities of life
It is common that a man is the one supposed to provide for the family. Nowadays, women are working and some of them are breadwinners in the family. This issue of women being breadwinners has brought some bit of contradiction.
Men should provide for their families, failure to which they are termed as irresponsible. If a man is not concerned with paying of bills, food and education of the children, then the spouse is at liberty to divorce him.
6. Habitual drunkenness
Being married to an alcoholic may not be easy. Alcoholism may make the other spouse feel insecure, depressed and all alone. If worse goes to worst, alcoholics turn out to be irresponsible and violent. They may spend the whole day drinking and even neglect their duties at work then come home and start beating their spouses.
In other situations, they may even cause physical injuries to their spouses and even children. Another disadvantage is that some alcoholics use all their money or salary in buying drinks for them and their friends. They neglect their wives and the family lives in poverty despite the father earning. If the situation is not good, especially where physical violence is involved, divorce should be encouraged for the other partner to find peace of mind and reorganize her life.
9. Conviction of Felony
Felony is a crime regarded in Utah and many other judicial systems as more serious than a  wrongdoing or crime. Examples of felony may include murder, aggravated assault, manslaughter, animal cruelty, vehicular homicide, animal cruelty, larceny and arson which is deliberately setting fire to property. 
10. Cruel Treatment to the extent of causing bodily injury or great mental distress 
Cruelty can be mental or physical. Mental cruelty can come when you humiliate another person through your words and actions. It may happen that your spouse is  constantly criticizing you, shouting at you, ignoring you and not giving you emotional support. Mental cruelty is actually emotional abuse. Other examples may include:
a.) Threats of violence or the spouse threatening to leave
b.) Deliberately instilling fear
c.) Making your spouse feel not cared for by threatening them not to give them food
d.) Constantly lying to your partner
e.) Making false statements about other people to your spouse
f.) Hiding important information from your spouse
g.) Repeatedly raising the issue of death of a person your spouse left
h.) Constantly telling an individual that they are too much trouble
i.) Being over-familiar or disrespectful to your spouse
j.) Over Controlling your spouse and constantly ordering him or her around
When it comes to physical cruelty, it does not have to be that the abusive spouse is an alcoholic. At times you find very reasonable people physically abusing their spouses. The point here is: abuse to your partner may lead to divorce.
11. Permanent and incurable insanity
This must be established by a competent medical testimony. In all cases where partners lived separate and apart for three consecutive years, without cohabitation, and are still living separate and apart by reason of the incurable insanity of one of them, the court may grant a decree of absolute divorce upon the petition of the sane spouse: provided that the insane spouse has been released on a trial basis to the custody of his or her respective spouse. This is rare but applicable.
Below are prohibited and invalid marriages in Utah, which may be annulled:
a.) Marriages between parents and children
b.) Marriages between ancestors and descendants of every degree
c.) Marriages between brothers and sisters (half or whole);
d.) Marriages between uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews;
e.) Marriages between first cousins (unless both parties are 65 years of age or older, or if both parties are 55 years of age or older, upon a finding by the court that either party is unable to reproduce);
f.) Marriages between any persons related to each other within and not including fifth degree of consanguinity;
e.) When there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has not been divorced;
f.) Either party is at least 16, but under 18 years of age and has not obtained parental consent;
g.) Either party is under 16 years of age at the time the parties attempt to enter into the marriage, unless the party is 15 years of age and has obtained judicial consent;
h.) Marriage between persons of the same sex; and
i.) Re-marriage to a different spouse before the divorce decree becomes absolute, or in the case of an appeal, before the affirmance of the decree.
When there is doubt regarding the validity of a marriage, either party may demand its avoidance or affirmance in a court where either party is domiciled. However, when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage, the other party of proper age may not have cause against the party under age. The court shall either declare the marriage valid or annulled.
A marriage may also be annulled for any of the annulment grounds existing at common law.
Here are some of things that  no one will tell you about getting a divorce in Utah
1. If you violate the Utah divorce decree there can be serious consequences.
Once the court has given a ruling and the divorce papers signed, both partners are bound to the terms in the decree. If any of the divorcees violates whatever is in the agreement, He or she will be charged of contempt of court. The most common divorce violations include child support, non-provision for the spouse or maintaining your ex- spouse, disobedience of the visitation schedule and not complying with visitation of the children.
If this happens the police will come to your house and record a visitation interference which the family lawyer will use as evidence during the contempt hearing. That is the only thing that the police can do since they cannot bring your kids from your ex-partner.  If your ex does not support the kids maybe due to lack of income there are also legal measures which should be taken.
2. The people around you will judge you and ask you why you divorced
Natives of Utah are a curious species. The news of divorce will spread in church, your neighbourhood and also your workplace. You should be psychologically prepared to hear all sorts of things from people.
Some may tell you that they have never liked your ex from the day you were married only to show you that they are on your side. You will be surprised to see that people that you barely know, know that you divorced and also know why you divorced.
Friends and family may take sides and disappear completely. It is good to limit your words during this period for the sake of your children. In addition to that, you should surround yourself with people who will encourage you since divorce is very distressing.
3.There is a requirement in Utah that couples should attend Divorce Education Class
There is a mandatory divorce orientation course that couples have to complete, created by Utah legislators. Your divorce cannot be completed until you and your significant other complete the course.
The requirement of taking divorce classes is if there are minor children involved since issues of child support and clarifies the consequences of divorce not forgetting the explanation of the divorce process.
4. Parenting after divorce may become more difficult
There may be plenty of disagreements plus you have to endure the pain of calling the mother of kids, ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’  when referring to the father of kids after the divorce. Raising up you kids alone may not be easy since at times you may need to consult on how some things are done.
It is therefore advisable that you should be amicable to your ex because divorce does not mean that you should be enemies. It is also good that you avoid bad mouthing your ex-spouse when talking to your children. A high level of self control and maturity is needed in this case.
5. You may feel terrible after getting a divorce
After getting the divorce you may be filled with a lot of guilt maybe because you are the one who  initiated the divorce or because children are blaming you. Feelings of guilt will be recurring after the divorce but it is good to stay away from negative people and seek professional advice.
Divorce Attorney Free Consultation
When you need legal help for a divorce, child custody, or other type of family law case in Utah, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506 for your Free Consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/when-did-divorce-become-legal-in-utah/
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