#please ask me about my thoughts on anything on knt and i'll write a thesis
cherimaho · 1 year
kimi ni todoke things i want to talk about in excruciating detail someday
- 'reaching you' is not just about sawako and kazehaya it's about every relationship in the manga the whole story is about communication and reaching one another and
- the importance of names
- top 10 gay moments
- kurumi and sawako rivalry having the most satisfying conclusion
- kazehaya setting the blueprint for male leads
- knt's total spin on all kind of tropes (popular x unpopular, childhood friends, teacher x student)
- kazehaya being a male lead that doesn't rely on trauma to be sympathetic and that doesn't steal the spotlight from the protagonist
- ayane's character especially her ending/resolution
- ayane's comphet
- ryu being a great example of how to write an aloof character with trauma while not overly relying on it
- how ayane's crush on pin was handled
- sawako is much deeper than the average anime viewer thinks (yes she is able and does get mad)
- how to blow up people that miss the entire point of the show and just dismiss it as "full of miscommunication" with my mind
- s2 was great + you missed the point +L+fuck you
- it should not be considered a slowburn
- kurumi had the only redemption that matters . like by FAR
- how well written the intimacy between the two couple is
- keeping one of the biggest mysteries (pin's life outside teaching) a mystery was actually pretty cool
- why i think romance writers should start paying taxes to karuho shiina instead of the government
- how hard it is to pick up another heterosexual romance manga again after reading this one
- the accidental gay coding of not one But TWO characters
- kurumi's love for sawako
- its (very few) flaws
- sales
- the movie. like all of it. casting, ost, scenery.
- whether kazehaya or sawako fell first
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