#probably pansexual for Merle. and yes that's for the pun JSKSNSNCNSNXKAJBDKF
Hey! Just saw you reblog a post from me, and I was wondering, is Lucretia canonically queer? I know a lot of people ship her and Maureen (I do too), but I didn't think it was said she was one way or the other unless there was a ttazz or tweet I missed?
I've actually been meaning to ask someone this for a while now, but I never remember to actually look it up or ask anyone lol
Honestly? No clue! I see people ship her with Maureen a lot, like you said; I personally love Blupcretia; but I don't think the boys have said anything about it. Which, I mean, fair; they've had a lot going on! Even in the TTAZZs! But I think it's absolutely possible and I like the fanon of her being queer.
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