#scenes that remind you edogawa conan is seven years old and can in fact still be doubted by the adults
shioritsumi · 6 years
Detective Conan next-gen concepts and stuff....
First of all, I originally made up the elder siblings when I was in middle school, and their old names stuck with me despite being DUMB but I keep forgetting what I rename them every time....
-Working nicknames are Ame and Kairi, Ame being the younger brother, and Kairi the older sister. Kairi is a more typical teenaged girl, and doesn’t really dip into anything too unusual. Ame is the younger brother who mostly does housework and otherwise feminine hobbies. 
-Youngest child Conan has osteoarthritis, and was born with a bunch of health problems, so he’s lived overseas in LA with his grandparents until recently when it was finally determined his health had improved enough that he could survive the plane trip to Japan to live with his parents and siblings without any serious problems. 
-Ame’s school situation is....he’s a good student, and gets great grades, but he’s also not popular and terrible at sports. In fact, he’s pretty seriously bullied, in a situation that’s known about by most of his classmates, and ignored by them as well. As for why, no one’s really certain? Something about him just seems to rub the local bullies the wrong way. 
-Kairi’s school situation is normal. She has friends, she goes shopping, karaoke, she’s about the most typical teenaged girl ever. She’s a third year, as compared to her first year brother, and first grade baby brother. 
-I decided to add in a character whose original story went no where. He’s now the ‘bad influence’ friend on Conan. In other words, meet Johnathan Ishikawa, whose parents keep trying to introduce him as Shinji. He’s got a sort of difficult background but the important parts are....he’s a teen detective, with serious PTSD from attending too many crime scenes since he was a kid. He has medication, but since his parents attend the school of getting RID of all his symptoms instead of managing them, the medication is WAY strong and he becomes uber goofy and loopy, making him Shinji. To the point where even his childhood friend looks at his more serious crude nature and thinks HE might be the personality that’s a symptom of his condition. He’s not pleased with the assessment. He’s a frank and helpful friend to Conan and the other detectives, though, albeit a sometimes temporary one. (He has to limit his direct exposure to crime scenes while off his meds to avoid triggering anything.) 
-Ame’s childhood friends with the KazuHei son. He deeply admires Ame and everything he does, and becomes a sort of teen detective on his own, to...impress Ame...? Conan and Johnny kind of look at them from a distance and are like, “......he looks pretty gay for your brother.” “He says he just ‘deeply admires Ame’, but yeah.” Meanwhile, Ame is oblivious and thinks his Osakan friend is just the coolest thing ever??? Like, he’s a teen detective and he plays baseball and does kendo and he’s so good at stuff???? And people like him and he’s cool????
-Ame is not actually a teen detective, but he IS a teen who ends up right next to two teen detectives who also ends up inadvertantly solving a lot of cases himself. Most of his stuff is attributed to his dad, so he’s never gotten any real attention. He’d rather not have attention anyways, so it’s all cool. 
-There’s a new Detective Boys league, made up of the kids of the previous group. Conan’s their newest member!
-Conan uses Shinichi’s old super shoes for daily use. They stimulate the muscles in his feet and allow him to move about like a normal kid, almost. His legs are still pretty weak, and his stamina is low, but he can walk for normal periods without having to worry about too much pain. 
-Conan’s health condition means a permanent excuse from gym. But he probably gets guff from at least one gym teacher at first. Not everyone’s going to believe a seven-year old can have osteoarthritis. Or that a kid his age can get sick so badly so often. “Would you like to see my list of pre-existing conditions?”
-Ame usually picks Conan up from school, literally. He carries Conan on his back or shoulders when they walk home. When they’re at crime scenes, as well. Conan’s usually being carried by someone, especially if the ground is uneven. 
-Kogoro has mixed feelings on Conan. For one thing, when he stays at the Mouri household, or even visits, it’s like having Conan Edogawa back again. BUT....well, this IS his grandson, his youngest grandson. And the kid’s sick. So that sucks. But does he have to be such a smartass?
-That said, Conan and Johnny would both probably get along pretty well with Eva. 
-Shinichi has mixed feelings on Johnny. There’s a teenager hanging around his sickly 7-year old son, and taking him to solve mysteries. Also he hears the teen has violent tendencies and crude language. “Oh, don’t worry, Kudo-san; I always warn him before I say or do anything questionable, don’t be like me. And you know what he says? Conan, what do you say?” “I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever be as messed up like you.” “Yes, that’s what you say. See, Kudo-san, he’s good. No problems here.” Shinichi isn’t at all comforted by this. Heiji reminds him he did basically the same thing when he was shrunk down to a 6-year old. (”It’s not the same, Hattori!” “It kind of is....” )
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