#she's blue in colour had a rabbit painted on her front and numerous very very detailed plants and birds and other animals
littlebundleofbolts · 6 years
Dream M!A: Experience a dream specific to any or all days of the week:
Mad Monday
LS was enjoying a nice hot lazy day on the outskirts of Iacon. No work, no rude customers. All she needed was a nice cool drink and this moment would be perfect.
“Oh no, I’m late. I’m late!”
Optics wide open, LS cranes her helm and spots a pale blue minibot running across the rust bank just opposite her. The sight itself wouldn’t be unusual if not for the decorative waistcoat and pocket-watch he was sporting, as well as the mechanical set of rabbit ears poking out of the top of his helm.
“Flicker?” She calls, finally recognising the bot. ”What’s with the weird getup?”
“I’m late. I’m late, for a very important date.” The poor minibot cries, not even so much as stopping to answer LS’ question. “No time to say hello. Goodbye. I’m late. I’m very very late!”
“Late for what?” She asks, jumping to her pedes and giving chase. “Can I help?”
For such a small bot he was very fast on his pedes, giving LS the slip down the old, abandoned subway system. Not wanting to lose sight of him, LS followed him inside one of the tunnels and crawled after him. The tunnel only got darker and tighter though until she was blindly thumbing around and fell down a sudden hole.
The drop went on for eternity. LS thought she was reaching the centre of Cybertron itself when her fall slowed down and she was practically floating in mid air. In the distance she spotted soft light and landed harmlessly on her pedes in a tiny room with a low table in the very centre of the pit and a door opposite her, far too small, even for a minibot to squeeze through.
So where did The White Rabbit, eh, Flicker, go?
Making sure there is no other secret passage, LS kneels down in front of the door, debating on whether it was possible to squeeze herself through the gap. Not likely. Her hips were not that forgiving. At the end of her rope, LS finally turns her attention to the low table and notices a tiny glass phial sitting on it’s glass surface. Inside the phial was a suspiciously green liquid with a hand written note attached to the container.
“I’m not one for normally doing what an inmate objects tell me to do, but since I can’t think of anything else to do down here.” She sniffs the contents. “It doesn’t smell like anything suspicious has been slipped into it.”
She swallows the contents in one gulp and squeaked as her entire body shifts and morphs into one eighth of its original size.
Success! Now she could get through the door.
The mini-minibot expected to find many things on the other side of the mystic door, but a bright clear sky with well cared for crystal garden and numerous paths was not one of them.
“Where in the name of the Allspark am I?” LS couldn’t think of anywhere on Cybertron that looked nearly as beautiful or as ancient as this place. Following the twisting path, she observes the many plants and wildlife around her, eventually hitting a fork in the road with multiple signs pointing in every direction imaginable, and none of them being remotely helpful in finding her distressed friend ”Where should I go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to go.”
Yelping, LS spins around and spots an orange, black and white mech lounging on a low hanging tree branch, which she was fairly positive had not been there before. He looked Cybertonian enough, but much like Flicker, had an peculiar set of beast-former like features. In his case, the slender mech was sporting a set of pointy ears and a long swishing tail. His appearance overall had a feline quality to it, not helped by his Cheshire grin.
“Trepan? How did you get-that’s not important right now. Listen, it doesn’t matter which way, as long as-”
“Then it doesn’t matter which way to go.” He interrupts.
“-as long as I get somewhere.”
“Keep walking and I assure you you’re bound to end up somewhere eventually.” He smirks down at her teasingly.
LS stares at him for a long hard moment, trying to figure out how he got here, what was up with his queer appearance, and why he was acting like he didn’t recognise her.
“Go that way and you’ll follow the path that will lead you to the Blue Queen,” Trepan points down the left trail. “Go that way you’ll end up on the front door step of the Mad Hatter.”He points to the right.
“Uh, no thank you. I don’t much feel like running into anymore mad people today.” She stares intently at the decorative signs, trying to ignore the piercing amber stare that greatly reminded her of a cat spotting a mouse. “I guess I’ll go and pay a visit to the Blue Queen.”
“You’re not exactly better off. See, she’s quite mad too.”
“Why are you pointing me in the direction of mad bots?”
“Oh you can’t help that. We’re all mad here.” He grins that twisted grin of his. “Even you.”
“What makes you think I’m mad?” She queries, servos on her hips.
“For starters, you’re talking to a Cheshire Cat and hoping to get an intellectual conversation out it.” He wiggles an optic ridge at her.
She couldn’t argue with his logic.
“I guess I’ll just pick a direction. “Did you see which way Flicker went?”
“Flicker, he’s about my height, light blue plating, running around in a panic?” Trepan blinks. “...he has long audials and a pocketwatch.”
“Oh, the White Rabbit. Why didn’t you say?” He chuckles at her furious expression. “Yes, he did say something about being late for a meeting with the Blue Queen. You might still be able to catch up with him.”
And with that he faded out of reality, his frame unwounding until only his dentae-filled grin remained, and that too popped out of existence.
“What was in that drink?” She scratches her helm, but chooses not to think on it for a moment longer. Fever dream or not she follows the path that will lead her to the Blue Queen, and hopefully, Flicker.
Unfortunately, following the path was easier said than done. Her path lead her through the emerald green forest, which only got thicker and thicker with every step. LS couldn’t keep track of the path and eventually stumbled through the peridot wilderness with no idea which way was north. Growing more and more frightened, LS kept walking until she bumps headfirst into a giant iron structure shaped like a mushroom.
“Who are you?” A deep rasping voice rumbles above her.
Craning her neck back, LS is paralysed by two piercing red optics boring into her own. Sitting on the giant mushroom shaped metal was a mauve and grey mech smoking a colourful substance that didn’t look like it was for recreational use. The colourful vapours drift out of the holes on either side of his face like angry predacon smoke
“Y-you first.” She stutters, taking a nervous step back.
He snorts and takes another puff of his pipe, blowing the vapour it right in her visage. “Why a caterpillar of course.”
LS had no retort to that as she swats the fragrance away. There was no mockery in in his tone, humour or even the slightest bit of jest. Just pure fact, as if this should be common knowledge for anyone with functioning optics.
“Of course you’re a caterpillar.” LS clutches at her helm in frustration. “You’re a caterpillar, Trepan’s a cat, Flicker’s a rabbit, and for all I know, I’m secretly a red panda!”
The mauve mech says nothing, letting the tiny femme’s tantrum run its course as he takes another puff of his pipe, the contents drifting over LS and smelling rather pleasant and soothing her nerves somewhat.
“Explain yourself.” He demands in a level tone. “Who are you?”
“I don’t even know if I can answer that question.” She sighs. “I haven’t felt like myself since I got here, you see.”
“I don’t see.” He frowns, as if she was being the unreasonable one.
“I can’t put it anymore clearly than that.” she says. “I survived a deadly fall, changed my size to that of an ant, seen a perfect blue sky while underground, and met strangers who are wearing my friends faces. It’s been a very confusing day, you understand.”
“Not a bit.” He admits.
“Well, it’s been a very strange day for ME.”
“Who. Are. YOU?” He demands, emphasising each word, smoke enveloping like forest fire
“I think you should tell me who you are first.” She snaps back.
“Because it’s rude to demand someone’s name when you haven’t even offered your own!”
“You know my designation.” He scoffs.
The weird part was. She did know. The moment he first spoke, his name had been hovering in the back of her helm. She couldn’t pinpoint where she knew this mech from or why his blunt tone did not come as a surprise to her.
“I have some advice for you.” Cyclonus says, interrupting her through process.. “Keep your temper.”
“Is that all?” She asks disappointingly.
“No.” He takes a long drag from his pipe and LS stands there impatiently as he takes an eternity to exhale. “Now hold still.”
Before LS can react, Cyclonus discards his pipe, jumps down from his perch and grabs the femme yb the back of her kibble. Effortlessly lifting her off the ground the two are airborne within seconds, soaring above the emerald forest.
“I thought you said you were a caterpillar?!” She screams, frantically grabbing onto his wrist.
“And now I’m a butterfly.” He drawls.
More like an ugly moth! But she keeps that thought to herself.
Thankfully they are not flying for long as they approach a grand, sapphire crystalline palace that could only belong to the Blue Queen. Cyclonus lands them safely in the courtyard and takes off into the sky without a backwards glance.
Walking across the open square with a beautiful energon fountain in the centre, LS goes looking for a palace guard who can escort her to the Queen’s throne room. She stays close to a maze hedge covered in the most beautiful diamond roses she has ever seen. At least, they were, until she spots a trail of them coated in dripping wet paint, leading to a frantic pair of drones carrying buckets of blue paint and spraying the contents onto the remaining roses.
“What are you doing?” She demands.
The drones cry out in terror and frantically panic, but quickly calm down when they spot the owner of the voice.
“We’re painting the roses blue.” The poor drone whispers, frantically spraying more paint on the next rose bud.
“Why? They look better this way.”
“The Queen demanded sapphire roses but we accidentally bought diamond seeds instead, and now its too late to grow a fresh batch in time!” The second drone snaps, craning his neck in case they were being watched.
“But painting them isn’t going to help. You can’t tell they’re suppose to be gems anymore.” Her words fell on deaf ears as they tried to get as many roses painted over as possible, doing a rather botched up job of it in the process. They were so absorbed in their work, none of them heard the approaching footsteps until a horrible shriek pierced through their audials.
“Whose been painting my crystal roses blue?!!”
The two drones look on in terror and shove the evidence into LS’ dumbstruck servos just as a tall, royal blue femme stands before them.
“Which one of you has been painting my roses blue?” Her murderous gaze falls on Lickety-Split, and her blue stained servos holding the paint can.
“Electron? Is that you?” LS blinks dumbfounded.
“Off with her helm!”
Definitely Electron.
“Why can’t we ever have a first meeting where you DON’T try to kill me?!” She drops the paint and makes a run for it, following the retreating drones into the maze.
“After them! I want them captured and put on trial so I can chop off their helms!” That didn’t sound like any legal procedure LS had ever seen, but she wasn’t about the correct the raging seeker thirsting for freshly spilt energon.
Unfortunately, LS was not nearly as effective in navigating the maze and was caught within klicks. A guard grabbing her by the servo each, she is hauled off the ground and dragged to the palace for an audience with the Blue Queen, just like she wanted.
“I want a lawyer!” She cries as the guard drop her on a stand inside a large throne room. The Blue Queen look very elegant on her golden throne, wearing her golden crown and golden sceptre, all decorated with the most beautiful blue gems LS had ever seen. She both regal and fearsome.
“This trespassing scum has been brought before her majesty’s court today for the severe crime of entering private property without permission and vandalising the Royal Square-”
“Objection!” LS interrupted the accuser. “That wasn’t me. I just happened to be there when the crime was taking place.”
Electron raised an accusing optic ridge and looked far from convinced.
“That is not what the two witnesses tell me.”
“What witnesses?”
Electron gestures to the side and LS is shocked to spot both Trepan and Cyclonus sitting with the jury. The Cheshire Cat gave her a friendly wave while The Caterpillar ignored her presence in favour of listening to the proceedings.
“Both witnesses were invited to my garden party today when they, and myself, caught you red handed!”
“They’re not red, they’re blue!“ She corrects, holding up her servos. “And I didn’t do anything wrong! I was dropped in your maze by him-” She pointed at ever stern looking Cyclonus. “And that was only because he-” She then pointed at the winking Trepan. “Told me the White Rabbit would be here!”
As if on cue, the large doors opened and a flustered and out of breath Flicker stumbled into the room.
“S-sorry I-I’m l-late, your majesty.” He heaves with every intake, servos on his knees.
“Hey Flicker.” LS waves in greeting and Flicker openly stares in confusion as the strange femme he met all the way back at the entrance somehow got here ahead of him. “I think I’ve proven my point. I did not intrude on your garden party as I was invited guest.”
Electron considers this for a moment before reluctantly nodding. “In that case I’ll chop off the helm of which ever mech you believe invited you as their plus one.”
Both mechs suddenly looked very concerned.
“But that still doesn’t excuse you of vandalising to my roses!” She tuts, the murderous glint returning to her optics.
“I told you, its wasn’t me!” LS repeats firmly. “Besides, from what I heard you didn’t even want them white to begin with!”
“That is not the point!” She snaps, sharp claws digging into the armrests of her expensive throne. “Unless you can name the real culprits to this crime, you have nothing to back your defence with.”
LS looks around at the audience and jury, but can’t tell the drone apart. She has no idea which two are the real culprit. Seeing her defeated look, Electron’s grin was sharper than any axe.
“This court finds you guilty. Your sentence is death by beheading!”
There was a cheer from the stands and the guards flank LS on both sides.
“Wait! You can’t do this!” She is swept off the ground and past the nervous White Rabbit. “No! Nonononononono!!!”
Lickety-Split let out a glass breaking scream as she tumble out of berth, the sound of her alarm clock blaring in her audials as she lies sprawled across the floor, safe in her sleeping quarters.
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“THAT DOES IT! NO MORE MIDNIGHT SNACKING FOR ME!” She heaves, punching the alarm clock and slumping back on the ground again as her processor tries to organise everything that just happened.
Who even were half those bots?
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