#so I'm used to playing games that are sooooooooo buggy
melancholy-thots · 3 months
That's Not Even a Game Yet?
I'm super hype for this one! This is my first ever time trying an Early Access game! I've had it sitting in my Steam library for like a month though, so it's already seen a number of updates and the only bug I saw was not game-breaking at all. That being said, here's a look at Snacko!
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I had a WAY cuter picture of Mikan, but apparently my desktop decides it wants to occasionally not remember multiple screenshots in a row and sometimes it does. Wack computer, but adorable writing!
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Oh I love when these games let me have a birthday. If freaking Clint gets gifts on his birthday, why can't I? Oh, also yeah, I'm shipwrecked or whatever.
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Hehe, can't believe I received your mom. Heh. Gottem.
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I really like that you invite whichever characters you want to your island. Issue: this lad is perfect, but I didn't vibe with the guy who replied to be my carpenter. But I can't reject him, I'm not a monster!
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Took me a week of setting up my farm, but I finally decided to branch out and explore, but good god! Look at these areas! They're gorgeous.
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This intro scene lasted like 30 seconds. So hard to pick a spot to screenshot. It all looks so good.
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If I haven't sold you yet, look at how your little kitty sleeps each night! Overall, this is an awesome little game. I will 100% be coming back, especially after it gets fully released. I should've screenshot, but there were multiple things like "this mechanic is not available in Early Access." That's probably super standard, but like I said, I've never done this before, so it's super novel for me. Got me hype to keep coming back to see the new stuff. Go ahead and check this out if you've been thinking about it, these devs are cooking up something good.
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