#so literally anything folks can do is an enormous help and something i don't take lightly
anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
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hi friends!! it occurred to me that I haven't been able to do streaming job for a bit, *and* I'm not gonna get day job money for a week this month, *and* I'm racking up some expenses with groceries & cat care & holidays, so uh! maybe I should push my art stuff! so I'm doing that!!
if you toss me $9 USD on ko-fi (so 3 coffees) and include a request I'll do a simple ink drawing like this! (nothin' nsfw/bigoted, I reserve the right to turn down etc). you can also fill out a comm form if you want somethin more complex as I'll be workin on these on my break!
you can find links to both my ko-fi and my comm form in my pinned post if you're interested, or if not slash you don't got the money (understandable!!) I'd appreciate ya sharing this around - either way, thank you for all your kindness 'n support!!!
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