#spending 4hrs working on some asshole's estate and getting 'tipped' w a half eaten box of stale cookies. yes this actually happened.
v-iv-rusty · 10 months
I'm rly glad I have the patience to deal with rich people bc a lot of the clients I interact with at my job have more money than I could ever even hope to imagine having and it's. it feels fucking weird. it's just so strange. for the most part it's actually fine but. not to sound like a greedy peasant but I can feel my patience severely wearing thin every time one of them tells me how much they appreciate the work I'm doing at their 7k square foot seasonal mansion but they can't drop like 10 bucks as a tip ever. do you know how much 7k sqft is. that is approximately 35 of my apartments. and you may be thinking 'echo that's like 200sqft that's a tiny ass apartment that's your problem' and you are correct! this is because it was the only decent place within a reasonable distance I could feasibly afford
7k sqft. 35 of my apartments. of course I wouldn't expect to be able to afford something huge. I'm just starting out. but 35 of my apartments. no tip. idk what kind of point I'm trying to make here, maybe nothing, maybe this is stupid (and I'm probably going to delete this whole rant in 5min anyway), but it feels. weird. and I keep thinking about it every single time I clock in to work
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