#srry i couldn't answer anything seriously like i laughed at ur ask
bettertwin1 · 22 days
Why do u even post here? This ‘roleplay’ crap is so weird… just stop posting on tumblr. All the stuff you post is mediocre and i bet nobody has actually felt joy when talking with you. Also, tf is ‘starself’??? This pronoun crap is stupid. How do look at yourself in a mirror and confidentiality say, “ I identify as a fuckin star!!!” Its weird….
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First of all, I am taking nothing u said personally cause u said it all on anonymous and that says alot about you <- (ur a PUSSY. HOP OFF ANON) second of all, ur mad i'm of whimsy, cleary.
If you want me to entertain ur "asks" tho i can try
Bleehh Xp
"Smth smth ugly art" Show me your art?
U can talk abt lfls i just don't like it personally so i'd rather not hear abt it plus the shock collar jokes r unfunny and boring.
Also ur question is dumb "If it makes you uncomfortable why did you read it?" <- I'M CRYING LAUGHING IF YOU CAN'T SEE WHY THAT'S A STUPID QUESTION THEN I'M SORRY 😭😭😭
"I love rottmnt but I still have a life" <- clearly not since u sent 3 paragraphs worth of complaints for pronouns and a blog u don't run OH BROTHERR!!!! 😭😭😭😭 UR SO ANGRY AT DA WORLD!!! IT'S INSANE!!! HELEPP
Also my fam jump to defend me cause they love and care abt me?? Is that a hard concept to grasp 😭😭
I have many hobbies u have to guess tho
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