#sun's so gentle with ongsa i just.......
waitmyturtles · 17 days
I am writing this because I want 23.5 to be MAGNIFICENT, and it's a Fon Kanittha show, so there's a HELL OF A SLOW BURN that I am and was expecting (!), but I just need to process the reveal of the catfishing for a second, ha:
1) Sun contextualizing that she was catfished by Ongsa with the flashbacks makes sense; she is remembering how gentle and attentive and flirtatious Ongsa was and can be, and I was RELIEVED to see Sun come to the conclusion that Ongsa is a friend and potential lover that's worth investing in and fighting for,
2) And it's a GMMTV GL, so yes, we are expecting Sun to have some kind of a queer revelation in her processing of everything that's happening, so maybe I'm projecting here (?), but
3) I think it could have been okay to see Sun more pissed off, as well?
The show's main narrator and nucleus is Ongsa -- so we see Ongsa's pain, and we KNOW what Ongsa's pain is, because her assumption is that Sun likes guys, because Sun was reacting so positively to Earth.
Verbally, we got all the explanation that we needed to understand everyone's side of this: we know the depth of Ongsa's pain, very much, and I believed every minute of it, especially for a young woman of her age who is living in a modern era of acceptance while still dealing with the social majority of heterosexuality around her. The pain of her assumption that Sun only likes guys makes 100% sense.
Maybe what I could have used (in my own owned humble opinion) is Sun acknowledging a sense of reaction to the actual catfishing during that park scene, because I think catfishing's a big deal on its own, no? Or maybe not, and the young folks are more used to it, and I'm an old crab. I dunno! I think I likely would have been like, "girl, YES, let's try this friendship thing again, and yes, I'm going to start responding to your attraction, because why not, fuck yes let's go, but also, GIRL, maybe catfishing's not the best way to process an attraction, let's not do THAT again"?? Maybe my mom side is coming out, WHO KNOWS.
Is it a thing of where I think Ongsa was let off a little too easy? Actually, maybe, yes, ha. Because I think again -- the depth of her pain was explained excellently and authentically, and at the same time, I myself am a big accountability person, and I think I would have liked to see Ongsa herself say something like, "THAT part, the catfishing part, that was bad news bears, sorry my boo-boo."
Maybe this simply doesn't matter in GMMTV's first GL, and we just needed to MOVE ON beyond Ongsa's cycle of disaster, but a couple of words to close out how dumb the catfishing was, as a singular action, would have helped me to feel like that bit was fully closed.
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invisiblegarters · 18 days
23.5 Episode 6
Halfway mark, here we come!
Last ep, Ongsa almost told Sun the truth about Earth but then bottled it like we all knew she would, and Sun was kinda dumb. Sorry not sorry but if someone just sent me a package to a random park I would have some questions.
Meanwhile Aylin was getting picked on for the crime of being herself and that did not sit well with Luna, who offered to be a safe space for her and then got very very bashful about it and it was the cutest. Aylin then wondered if she could feel human emotions and it was also the cutest.
Alpha is still a great big sis and cousin. Only "normal" one or not, that girl cares a lot about her family. If she also hooks up with a girl in this I might cry tears of joy.
Lol poor Aylin being pushed into interaction again. Or bribed. But Aylin veggies are delicious I don't know if I can get behind this part of you, lol.
Okay I think I might officially be over the Earth thing. I think it's because there's not enough conflict for Sun between her feelings for Earth and her feelings for Ongsa. I'm not getting enough of a Bruce Wayne v. Batman vibe and that was what I was most looking forward to.
Oh Ton. You were doing so well.
Lol my god did Ton just discover gay people exist? If he were less of a himbo I'd be madder about it. But as it is, he's just too dumb to be really mad at. Like a giant pretty puppy.
Oh Aylin no. But also it's sweet she trusts Luna that much. And she's lucky in that I don't think Luna has a mean bone in her entire body. Still. Not your secret, babe. That said, have more cute moments with Luna. Please.
Mawin's crush is adorable.
Open your mouth and use your words, Ongsa, that's how you tell her. Because when she finds out on her own it'll be worse.
Hahahaha oh man I don't mean to laugh but Sun, babe. They don't mean that he's not as attractive as you imagine. They mean that he's not even a he to begin with. Although in this case that's probably going to be a plus, lbr.
She's not gonna confess in front of people, Dear lord girls get it together.
Hahaha Aylin. Sun really is the most oblivious thing ever though, can she not see how strangely everyone else is acting?
Aw I knew Luna would find her way to sleeping in Aylin's room. Just accept she likes you, Aylin.
Aw I think Luna finally won her over completely. I swear I want to have things to say besides aaaaaaaw but well. They're too cute, the cuteness kills me. I am only human here.
It is probably that I am watching The Eclipse with a friend but I swear, sometimes this show reminds me of that one. Like Ongsa very clearly thinking the idea of angry Sun is hot. If you know, you know.
Spit. It. Out. Ongsa.
Ugh it is so frustrating watching her bottle it and bottle it and bottle it. I am not like that as a person so I just want to grab her shoulders and give them a good shake.
Oh thank god. Not sorry, I'm ready for some fallout already.
I am not mad at Ongsa. I want to say that right up front. But also, girl. All Sun was asking for was an explanation. At least give her that before running off.
Well that was quick. But well. I think we all knew Sun would be like that. Genuinely I wish I could be more like her. Maybe not the total obliviousness to things around me, but she's so positive and lovely and I...am not. I felt the same way about Sand's ridiculous patience and gentleness in OF. I have no clue what it must be like to be able to do that.
You know I'm more like Ongsa lol. Except for the not facing things head on thing. Optimism is not my default state lol.
Sun girl. You might have not registered your friends' shock that you were into a guy, but I haven't. You and Ongsa will do just fine.
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