#super innocuous shit absolutely nothing that warrants how happy it makes you except for the fact that it's them and you and they're happy
Things My Wife Does That I Think Are Great Part 1
Every day during my break she comes into my office and asks me "what's your tumny telling you about dinner" as a way of asking me if any of my intermittant dietary needs should be taken into consideration when she cooks
If she notices that I'm sad or stressed, she asks me for permission to get me a little present like a snack from the store, a book I want to read, or an album I like
When she wears a skirt, sometimes I will hear her quietly singing "swish, sweesh, swoosh, swish" to herself on a loop while doing a little twisty motion with her hips to make her skirt swish around her legs
Every time I tell her I love her, she gasps and pretends to be surprised
If I kiss her on the nose, she will pretend to power down like a robot and refuses to "turn back on" until I kiss her nose again
One time we were hanging out around a campfire with a friend and wifey was splitting some wood for us to throw on and apparently I got so distracted that our friend took a picture to show wifey when she sat back down
Before bed she always puts on her silk bonnet and it's the only time I can pet her hair without damaging her curls so sometimes she lays her head in my lap for a few minutes after she puts the bonnet on so I canpet her hair and scritch her forehead and she just says out loud "purr purr, purr purr" like not making the sound but saying the words???? And I love it so much????
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