#sure hope this isn't a fandom one cause there ain't a chance in hell i'm googling it
AITA for sexually pleasing my girlfriend while driving?
So im a straight dude (pretty much) and no one knows this story for obvious reasons but I feel it’s ok to breach a bit of embarrassing privacy because it’s kinda funny in retrospect. Basically me and my ex gf had a wild ride during our time together (actually many wild rides haha) we were dating for a little over 2 years and one time while I was driving i ran off the road a little by accident and after a few minutes she shyly asked if I could do it again, I was confused but she explained that the vibration of the car from the little ridges on the side of the highway really got her off. I kinda giggled but was like sure why not. We would do this every time the highway was empty (we lived in a very rural area) and she cummed from it almost every time. After a while I was kinda worried about my tires and possibly getting pulled over but it was no big deal, I love to be able to entertain my girl’s weird fetish. I never touched her while driving but she did to herself. So I wasn’t distracted in any way
Everything was fine until one day she wanted to do it really bad when there were other cars around and I wasn’t going to at first but I was also really horny and didn’t care anymore, it caused a lot of cars to pass us and a few honked because I was going a little slow. A dick move yes but I don’t know if it’s really that different than another driver causing a ruckus for a normal reason. Honestly it was better when there were other cars around
We broke up because she cheated, I saw the new guy on instagram and they’ve been together for a year now… he has a truck but I don’t know if that has anything to do with it
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