#thank you again magpie! i'll forever love your work it's just so good and inspiring to me
thornymoth · 13 days
Just received my second plushie and pendant from @a-magpie-in-gravesfield, and I'm so happy right now! The plushie is unbelievably soft and huggable, and it’s now hanging out with the first one.
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I meant to finish and post some art before making this post, but I got too excited. Couldn't resist sharing how thrilled I am that everything arrived safe and sound yet again, and just on time! I’m still as in love as ever with the letter and the wax seals it came with, but could we talk about the bag? It’s the most beautiful bag I’ve ever seen. /lh
He flopped face-first onto the bed after his long journey, and honestly, he looks so goofy like that. He’s just so husband and precious to me, I'll keep showering him with kisses and love forever.
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