#that's basically their tag rn DGSHD
networksupported ยท 2 years
"You're unbelievable. You know what, maybe I should stop caring about trying to save you from a clearly unhealthy relationship. It's your death wish after all. You getting together with a virus. What a fucking joke."
He wasn't bitter, he wasn't angry, he wasn't upset about losing a friendship (potential friendship?) with Cas. Bradley opened his mouth to say more, a lot more, but snapped it shut again with a glower.
"Don't come running to me when it turns out I was right." He says before he could stop himself and turns on his heels, set on just forgetting this whole thing ever happened.
[cas flashes a very sparkly graphic of a very rude gesture at his back, more just because he doesn't currently have any voice with which to yell 'i'm sorry, i didn't mean it, please come back, i (the emotion-reading program) couldn't actually be assed to read your emotions until now i'm sorry i thought you were kidding' as loudly and as desperately as he really wants to in this moment.]
[besides, what kind of confession would that be? would bradley care? no.]
[would he come back? no.]
[did cas actually want him back? yes, more blindly and achingly than he'd wanted anything before. no.]
[would cas really go running to him if this went wrong?]
[(cas didn't want to think about that, actually. cas didn't want to think about this going wrong. cas didn't want him to be right, and by everything unholy in the world, cas didn't want to be alone either.)]
[he type-yells, for all he knows bradley can't see it. he wouldn't have the guts otherwise.]
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