#the man didnt even talk anym...
ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
LR: someone's pissed
ND: ✿h my fucking g✿d y✿u d✿nt even kn✿w
LR: what happened
ND: I'm still the biggest idi✿t ✿n this entire planet and I g✿t really cl✿se t✿ trusting s✿me✿ne I sh✿uldn't have
ND: Because I'm a shitty judge ✿f character
ND: and it literally c✿uldn't have been m✿re ✿bvi✿us
LR: but you realized before you got hurt didnt you?
ND: But what if I hadn't!?
ND: What if I didn't realize I fucked up until it was t✿✿ late all ✿ver again??
LR: do i need to kick someone's ass
ND: yeah mine because i apparently didn't learn shit
ND: ✿r I can keep kicking my ✿wn ass and y✿u can kick the ✿ther guy's ass
LR: thats fine
LR: somehow thats how it be
ND: I just can't believe it happened again..
LR: rest in pieces............
ND: I need t✿ just never meet pe✿ple ✿n tr✿llian because apparently I'm a fucking magnet f✿r psych✿pathic freaks.
LR: do you think im a psychopath?
ND: N✿, but y✿u're different. I didn't meet y✿u ✿nline first.
ND: I'm really scared, man.
ND: I want t✿ have friends, but I'm s✿ fucking scared I'll trust s✿me✿ne I sh✿uldn't
ND: And I'll have my entire life and everything I have and everything I am and everything I've ever kn✿wn ripped away again
ND: I can't g✿ thr✿ugh that a sec✿nd time
LR: be strong my guy
ND: I'm trying, but it's s✿ hard.
LR: do you actually want me to beat some ass
LR: cuz i will
LR: ill fuck someone UP
ND: It's fine.
ND: I mean, it's n✿t fine, but
ND: Shit, I d✿n't kn✿w.
ND: They said they d✿n't d✿ the t✿rture thing anym✿re, but I think that's bullshit.
ND: Pe✿ple like that never change.
ND: They say they will, but it's a lie.
LR: i think...
LR: people are capable of change
LR: i changed a lot.
ND: Even if they really haven't d✿ne anything in a while, it's pr✿bably just a c✿ver ✿r s✿mething. S✿✿ner ✿r later, they g✿ right back t✿ destr✿ying lives.
ND: Sure, a pers✿n can change, but a m✿nster isn't a pers✿n. They hurt and abused pe✿ple just because they c✿uld.
LR: listen Florah, im not defending Floren in any way because i hate them even more than you do but i think for your own sake you need to understand: people are definitely capable of change. who knows if Floren is a different person? i sure as fuck dont and i work with the asshole every night. but that doesnt rule out the possibility.
ND: Yeah, *pe✿ple* are capable ✿f changing, but I refuse t✿ think ✿f any✿ne wh✿ t✿rtures and abuses pe✿ple f✿r fun ✿r whatever gr✿ss thrill they get ✿ut ✿f it as a pers✿n.
ND: I can't give s✿me✿ne like that the benefit ✿f the d✿ubt.
ND: I just can't anym✿re.
ND: Because what if whatever g✿✿d they're d✿ing d✿esn't stick? What if they g✿ right back t✿ being a sadistic freak?
ND: What if they're llying ab✿ut all ✿f it??
ND: It's ✿ne thing if they did that shit because they didn't have a ch✿ice ✿r s✿mething, but they did. They didn't have t✿ d✿ what they did t✿ pe✿ple, but they still did it just because they wanted t✿.
ND: I can't f✿rgive that.
LR: well alright
LR: just dont fault me for still associating with Floren.
ND: fine.
ND: Just pr✿mise that if they g✿ back t✿ t✿rturing pe✿ple, y✿u'll st✿p them.
LR: ill do a whole lot more than that
ND: G✿✿d.
ND: En✿ugh ab✿ut that creep. I d✿n't want t✿ stay upset f✿r t✿✿ l✿ng ✿r things will start getting really messed up.
LR: yeah thats probably the best idea
ND: D✿ y✿u still have that fl✿wercr✿wn I gave y✿u f✿r y✿ur wriggling day?
LR: yeah i still have it. some of the flowers started to wilt a bit so i frosted them.......
ND: Aw, I was afraid that w✿uld happen. :( That was ✿ne ✿f my first times trying s✿mething like that.
ND: H✿w l✿ng did they stay pretty bef✿re y✿u had t✿ fr✿st them?
LR: couple months
LR: i have it sitting up on my dresser in my room :v
ND: That's g✿✿d. I'm glad the enchantment lasted a c✿uple ✿f m✿nths instead ✿f wearing ✿ff after like a c✿uple ✿f weeks ✿r s✿mething.
ND: S✿rry that's all I gave y✿u, th✿ugh. C✿mpared t✿ every✿ne else, I feel like I cheated y✿u.
LR: no its ok! it was my first actual wriggling day so like im actually really grateful i got anything
ND: ✿h man i just realized
ND: This sweep will be my first wriggling day as Fl✿rah.
ND: I haven't celebrated it in sweeps; I didn't even remember it until half a sweep ag✿
LR: we gotta throw the biggest fuckin shindig
ND: ✿h g✿d I d✿n't even kn✿w what we'd d✿ ✿r wh✿ w✿uld even c✿me
LR: i would come
ND: I dunn✿ if I wanna have any kind ✿f a party. I ✿nly have like three pe✿ple I'm actually c✿mf✿rtable ar✿und including my m✿irail.
LR: then dont have a party
LR: ohhhh you could have like a special dinner with just your buds
LR: and some buds B^)
ND: Buds with buds. B) S✿unds like fun.
ND: If y✿u bring y✿ur fl✿wer cr✿wn, I can try t✿ revive it
LR: do flowers revive after theyve been frozen?
ND: N✿, n✿t really, but I c✿uld still give it a try if y✿u want. If it w✿rks, maybe they'll last l✿nger than bef✿re.
LR: id be so down
LR: also maybe you can teach me how to do flower crowns
ND: ✿h my g✿d they w✿uld t✿tally be z✿mbie fl✿wers! XD I didn't even think ✿f it like that, but that t✿tally w✿rks
ND: And I can t✿tally teach y✿u h✿w t✿ make fl✿wer cr✿wns. :) They're super easy ✿nce y✿u get the hang ✿f it
LR: i bet theyre significantly easier when you have the ability to just make flowers grow and shit
ND: Yeah, that helps, t✿✿. :P Especially since I can regr✿w whatever we use.
ND: Infinite fl✿wers
LR: so if i fuck up repeatedly itll be okay
ND: Yeah, but they might bec✿me scared ✿f y✿u if y✿u mangle t✿✿ many.
ND: Anyways, I need t✿ head ✿ff. Thanks f✿r talking t✿ me.
-- naturesDisciple [ND] stopped messaging liberatedRaptor [LR] --
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