#the more chance the ugly side that Greygold's been hiding from everyone is gonna rear its head
jeeaark · 3 months
If Grey is interested in making Mizora stay with the group more of a "work of art", it's been discovered that she can fail her saving throw against a petrification spell. And doing so 3 times leaves one petrified forever. Still alive, and a beautiful art piece decoration though. (unless given basilisk oil. Woops, the last bottle of basilisk oil we had in camp just got smashed, what a shame. WOOPS) Just saying... >:3
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A very fun suggestion! Alas! Unlike Mizora, Greyg's decision to torment is cemented and Mizora's fate is uh unfortunately not set in stone (heh) (Durge's upcoming adventures on the other hand.....ohohoho what basilisk oil?)
And even though Greyg wasn't able to permanently solve the mizora problem with petrification(and this will probably bite the Duke's ass later), Greyg certainly became Mizora's problem. Nothing quite says psychological warfare like giving your enemy arachnophobia.
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