#there are two lunas who end up landing at different points in the doctor's timeline
brokenhardies · 5 months
Chance, Coincidence and Luck (a dw plot bunny)
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There isn't much that 18 year old Luna Derbyshire could give to this world, she thought. So when monsters invaded her small town and killed her, she expected that to be the end of the story... At least... Until a strange man with floppy brown hair wearing a bow tie saved her. Little does she know how important he's going to be to her story...
Now functionally immortal, trapped in a Schrödinger's cat like situation, Luna attempts to take her life back from the brink... Only for every day to start with her waking up in a blue police phone box that's bigger on the inside, with strangers who claim to be the man who saved her in the first place. Welcome to the world of time jumping.
Starring Kaylee Bryant as Luna Derbyshire and Doctor Who cast as themselves.
@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @divatoxx​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic @eddysocs @superspookyjanelle (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
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*Doctor tinkering on various things at the console.*
*Yaz walks in with 2 teas, walks up and sets one down on the console, then moves to lean against a column*
*the Doctor still tinkering doesn’t notice, or so Yaz thinks.*
*Doctor on a loop around the console grabs a drink*
13: Thanks Yaz! Just what I needed.
13: Is it “morning”, are Ryan and Graham up too?
Yaz: No, couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d come see how you were doing.
13: I’m fine, fine. why wouldn’t I be? Aren’t you tired.
Yaz: nope, I was on second shift this week use to late hours, and You called to picked us up in the middle of the night. You won’t even tell us what happened on Galli... *Doctor interupts*
13: Ah, so you’re the reason the TARDIS landed at midnight, you just got off shift.
Yaz: Well yes, but what does.. *Doctor interupts*
13: The TARDIS wants me to talk to you.
Yaz: I’m trying but you keep interrupting.
13: Have I told you the TARDIS is sentient? Once the TARDIS’s soul was stolen , put in a body, it was nice, we got to talk with mouth’s and everything for a little while, except that she was dying. She doesn’t always take me where I want to go, but she always takes me where I need to be when I need to be there.
13: In emergencies you can activate a voice interface. If she likes you, she’ll be nice about it. *TARDIS hums agreeably*
Yaz: Why is it only for emergencies why can’t you talk to the tardis with mouths and everything all the time?
13: Believe me ...timelords tried, but it doesn’t work, a 12th dimensional Matrix can’t exist that way.
Yaz: Doctor.. . *Doctor interupts*
13: Yaz, have I told you my rules?
Yaz: Yea, rule 1 no guns.
13: hm, the rules numbers change all the time, I’ve had many different rule 1s.
13: Rule 1 use to be “Don’t wander off.” But as I’ve gotten older I’ve had to move that back to replace old rule 2: Stick close to me.
13:  when I was a grey-haired Scotsman Rule 1 was : “Use your enemies’ power against them.”
13: For bow tie sometimes rule 1 was: “There is always a plan.” However it was more like a thing, like a plan to have a plan.
13: Other times rule 1 was: “the Doctor lies.” I’ve been trying to not use that one.
Yaz: well I’m glad your not using that rule anymore, it’s not right.
13: No that Rule 1 can be about kindness, It’s not about right or wrong, Yaz....It’s more complicated than. It’s about foreknowledge and that can be cruel and dangerous. If you’re not careful you can create fixed points, things that can’t be changed, sometimes those things can be bad.
Yaz: How can lies be about kindness?
13: Have I told you but my wife? *yaz gives a look* your right I know I haven’t, she’s a time traveler too, you may even meet her sometime. Professor River Song, PhD. 51st Century, Luna University, Archeology Department, if you ever need to look. *pause*.
13: I met her the day she died. Are you telling me that next time I met her when she was younger and it would have been a kindness for me to tell her I saw her die.
Yaz: Yes, maybe if you’d have warned her, so it could have be prevented.
13: No, Yaz because she told me about the last time I saw her. How I cried as the towers sang because I knew where she was going, and she made me promise not to change one line of our story because if I did, if i took her place that day then we would never have met,and she wouldn’t have been who she was / who she became. And quite possibly it would’ve created a universe ending paradox. When I first met her I used to hate her word “spoilers”, but then over the centuries “spoilers” became best word ever. Because it meant we would see each other again.
Yaz: whispers “centuries”.... why spoilers?
13: Because it was a way to say I know something about the future but I can’t tell you, I’m sorry and I’m not going to make up a lie to you about what that something is, just to give you an answer to your question. Because there’s a chance if you don’t know, you can make changes, if those changes ripple outword and so long as they don’t create waves, somethings don’t have happen the way I remember, they can happen the way You will remember, and time will fix everybody’s memories. Well, if I was the one with the spoiler it wouldn’t fix my memories I would end up with two sets of memories but otherwise most people won’t notice, but I’m a timelord. It’s like how when younger versions of me meet older versions of me, only the oldest of us remember what happened, but we still remember what the younger versions thought, felt, and believed.
Yaz: Timelord?
13: A bit pretentious I know, but that’s what those that mastered time decided to call themselves. Those in the Outerlands...are the Shobogans. Anyway, as children when we are eight we are taken and tested before the untempered schism, those that...pass, join a Chapter and attend the Academy; Timelord, school, so to speak.
Yaz: What’s the schim and what’s a Chapter, like a degree program?
13: Not exactly, Gallifrey is not like Earth, there is one central government and It is based on the old caste system. The Chapters represent the original six ruling families or Houses, and associated sub-Houses. Generally those of us of the Old Houses are expected to stay within our Chapters., unless of course an alliance amongst the other Chapters would be advantageous.
Yaz: What was your house?
Oh, House was once a Noble House perched on the west side of Mount Lung overlooking the Cadonflood River south of the Citadel. *Pause* You don’t mean....you mean the name, Lungbarrow was one of the senior Prydonian Houses. It was once a family of wealth and privilege but over the centuries it stagnanted and only produced petty servants and clerks. Could you imagine me a clerk, for one of the High Council. Uhhh. nope couldn’t be that still for lives on end, although once I was a lecturer for 70 years... Oh, I need to go back clear out my office, St Luke's University in Bristol.
13: Enough of the past, back to lies being about kindness, say I jumped forward in your timeline, picked you all up one midnight before Christmas and then you all were asking me questions wanting answers to things that haven’t happened yet for me; I try to change the subject but you still end up telling me things I don’t know. It’s going to force my hand to do those very things you spoke about. If I try to do something to change the things you told me, It’s not gonna end well, I can already see the timelines solidifying around me. My course for Gallifrey and Master is set. Would you want to know that, or would it be kinder for you to not know that?
Yaz: *hand to mouth* Doctor, no!
13: Yes, I’m sorry, to burden you so. Do you want Ryan and Graham to know? Do you want to remember?
Yaz: You say that like remembering is optional...
13: It is
Yaz: You could wipe my memory of this conversation?
13: A human compatible neural block would make it easier, but yes, I could make you forget it....all, no memory of the future, space or time travel...or meeting Rosa or Tesla... or just a little bit of this conversation...
Yaz: Have you, before?
13: Not to my Fam.
Yaz: That’s not a no, just that you haven’t done it to us.
13: I don’t make a habit of it, only if it’s needed to protect the future, or a life. Well what do you say?
Yaz: I want to remember, but I don’t think Graham and Ryan need to be told, but if they find out you aren’t the you we last saw, they get to deside for themselves. Okay?
13: Okay, yes. Yaz, you don’t know me, and it’s my own fault, I haven’t told you things. I’ve lived for over 2000 years, and not all of them good, I’ve made many mistakes, in part It’s why I have so many rules. also why I don’t travel alone. I’ve been negligent with you all. I thought if you didn’t know my past, that you couldn’t get hurt by the things you didn’t know.
Yaz: that seems a bit naive, given your age.
13: Yea, well I realize that, but I had hope. I don’t know what happened after you last saw me, but here are some other old rules that you could find useful; like number 7: Never run when you are scared; Rule 8: Never ignore a coincidence. Unless you're busy, then always ignore a coincidence. Rule 27: Never knowingly be serious. Rule 408: Time is not the Boss of you. And Never give up, never give in.
I don’t have a number for this, its just an in the TARDIS rule: No being sick and no hanky-panky. Caveat, unless you aware of the risks of having a baby with a “time head”.
Yaz: a time head”?
13: Yeah, that’s what Amy called it, I didn’t take her worry seriously and I should have. Her and Rory’s daughter was born human plus.
Yaz: Plus what?
13: Plus, Stuff. Like arton energy from the vortex woven into her DNA, a triple helix, like my people, two hearts, and a keen sense of time. The people who took Amy did experiments, tried to cooked themselves more timelords, make clones. They did succeed in sending me my very own bespoke psychopath. Programmed an assssin to kill me when we first met, she also saved my life that same day, as first dates go it was mixed messages. 
Yaz: Doctor!!
13: No, worries, I married her. Hang on, woven, wait....I need to see her files from Demons Run, again, Later though. Now back to rules: Never use weapons, unless the damage can be repaired. I haven’t given it a number yet, but I’m sure it’s in the top 10.
13: Never be Cruel, Never be Cowardly. Never eat pears. Remember hate is alway foolish, Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. These are rules I told myself a half hour before I met you all, When I had a different face.
Yaz: You weren’t joking when we first met about being a Scotsman or being thousands of years old?
13: Actually if you count the time I was trapped in the confession dial, I’m over 4 1/2 billion years old. Although since I kept dying and being reset and all the skulls in the bottom of the water were me, yea, lets say we don’t count all those years I spent punching a hole in a wall of diamond.
Yaz: that’s horrible! Why and Who did that to you?
13: The Lord President Rassilon himself and the rest of the High Council of Gallifrey. Don’t worry not everyone was like that, the kind people, the good people, the regular people, those who saw my actions during the Time War, the citadels guards that refused to execute me, They stood by me as I kicked Rassilon and the rest of the High Council off my planet. My title as the Lord President, restored once again.
Yaz: Your....thats....Better than a clerk.
13: Not really, no travel benefits, I tricked them though, because they tricked me and it cost Clara her life, I had them bring Clara out of her timestream, heartbeat frozen in the moment just before her death, then I stole a TARDIS and ran away again., Only this time I didn’t designate a Lord Regent my place. In fact I have no idea if Rassilon just returned soon after I was gone.
*Long Pause, Doctors gone silent, thinking*
Yaz: Doctor, Who are people you’ve mentioned: Amy, Rory, and Clara. Past us? Past “fam”? And where are they now?
13: Friends, In-laws even, The Ponds, Amy and Rory Williams they lived a long life, in the past. I couldn’t get back to 1938 I barely got there the first time. In fact I can’t take you to New York anytime during their lifetime there. The tardis just can’t go there. Their daughter River, with her vortex manipulator found away, she would send me updates and take messages back-and-forth.
13: I don’t know what happened to Clara, I took her someplace, I thought her heart would restart, it didn’t. It was an untenable solution one of us had to lose all of our memories of the other. Clara the impossible girl that met me over and over throughout time and space. I mean it’s entirely possible that we could still meet one of her fragments somewhere along my timeline.
Yaz: So, that means....
13: I lost my memories of her. Before I died, before I regenerated into this face, I was given a gift that returned my memories of her. I don’t know if that means she returned to the moment of her death or if she is still somewhere out in the universe traveling in a stolen tardis with Lady ME/ Ashildr.
Yaz: She can pilot a TARDIS, is she also a timelord?
13: No, a human, I told her too much, I taught her too much. and she became too reckless, like me.
13: she was following rule 1: “Use your enemies’ power against them.” She came up with a plan, she didn’t tell me the plan before going forward with it. I was doing that more then, letting her take the lead.....she was told “You can pass the Mark on, but you can’t cheat death.” And she was trying be clever and cheat, because that’s what I did, that’s what I taught her to do. But she was lacking key knowledge of the Shades true nature and the contract of the mark.
Yaz: Because you didn’t tell her?
13: I realized too late, my interactions with Mayor/Lady Me, even my very act of saving Ashildr’s life all those centuries ago could have brought her to Gallifrey’s attention, especially that early in earths history, all the prophecy’s about the Hybrid, Timelords can be a devious lot, none more so than those of the Prydonian Chapter especially the Grand Master himself, Lord President Rassilon. They knew Mayor ME was a hybrid, but somehow they’d eliminated her as the threat. But if I’d created one Hybrid how many others might I have made, they wanted to know who the hybrid threat to Gallifrey was and thought I knew, So they laid a trap, On a trap street and Clara died, and I was angry.
Yaz: Didn’t you say, your family was of the Prydonian Chapter. Calling them devious, doesn’t sound like you are a fan?
13: On the contrary, Prydonians were noted for their cunning and deviousness and honesty about it, it is those that forsworn their vows as a Prydonian, that are especially dangerous. Like The Master. A Chancellor from another chapter once lamented that the Prydonians were comprised of "renegades, fugitives, lunatics and ingrates". I suppose that is the true to a certain extent there was a group of about 10 of us from our year that all left for various reasons, just a well, we would have made terrible politicians. *pause* It’s never good for me to be angry. I can go too far. There are those that call me the Oncoming Storm, the Destroyer of Worlds, the Imp of the Pandorica, the Beast of Trenzalore, the Butcher of Skull Moon, and in the Language of the Gamma Forest the Doctor means mighty Warrior. I once destroyed the entire Twelfth Cyber Legion for a Message.
Yaz: Well, good, Cybermen nearly wipeout the Human Race.
13: No, not good, Not justified, they hadn’t done that, yet...That cyber fleet monitored their local galactic quadrant, They knew the exact location where Amy was being held, and I wanted to send a message, just to make a point to the people that took Amy, to know I was coming for them.
Yaz: Its understandable, she is your mother in-law.
13: Except I didn’t know that, not then. She was my best Friend, and they stole her from us...me & Rory, they had her for at least 6 months, They were using Flesh, sending a signal into the TARDIS, all the time, her mind was with us, but her actual body was with Madam Kovarian all the while she was pregnant with their daughter Melody.
Yaz: I thought their daughter was River?
13: “the only water in the forest is the River”. The TARDIS told that to Rory, when Sexxy had a human body. Didn’t get the reference at the time.... In the Language of the Gamma Forests Melody Pond is River Song.
Yaz: Like how for them your name means Mighty Warrior?
13: Yes, it was a warning from my wife, what I might become if I continued down that path, The Oncoming Storm, able to turn armies around at the very mention of my name. Able call upon an army of my own friends...
Yaz: That’s...hard to imagine, you leading an ar... *Doctor interrupts*
13: I was running around being clever, orchestrating things from behind the scenes until the big reveal. Demon’s run, but count the cost. The Battle’s Won, but the Child is lost.
Yaz: what is that? you mentioned Demons run earlier, I thought I was a place.
13: it’s from a Poem, as old a time, about a what happened at Demons Run...where that place got its name, like I said a warning from my wife, the very child that was lost.
Yaz: will you tell me the full poem?
13: *hmmm* I sent Rory to call on River to join the fight, she said it was her birthday and she couldn’t show until the end ....I was so slow...she couldn’t be there as an adult, because she was already there as the child. “Demon’s run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun, When a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies, Night will fall and the dark will rise, When a good man goes to war. Demon’s run, but count the cost. The battle's won but the child is lost.”
Yaz: What happened did you find the child, River...Melody, did you reunite her with Amy and Rory?
13: *sigh* No, little Melody Pond was not returned to her mother, but Mels Zucker did grow up with her mother and father, as best friends. The Ponds worked it out, they traveled with me off an on for about 10 years. I traveled on my own for about 200 years of it...well, not all on my own, I ran into River alot during that time.
13: It’s never been good for me to travel alone. The TARDIS knows that, I think that’s why I couldn’t get you all home right away. My wife, after Darillium, she sent me Nardole. Did you know a night on Darillium is 24 earth standard years, and oh did we stretch out those years, but always back from an adventure five minutes after we left.
Yaz: Are sure it was 5 minutes later on the same day?
13: Very funny, was late 12 months late once, besides it was River that got us home on time. The TARDIS taught River how to pilot her, *TARDIS makes a pleased sounds*
Yaz: Oh, could the TARDIS teach, us how to as well? *TARDIS makes a sad noise*
13: Not in the same way, River is a child of the TARDIS, with natural telepathic abilities, and they have a special bond, as a TARDIS does with its pilots. You’d have to use the telepathic interface, and concentrate on exactly where and when you want to be, if you stay focused and not waver, then she should take you where you need to be.
Yaz: Pilots, plural?
13: Yaz, There are 6 sides to the console for a reason, it is meant to be flown easily with 6 pilots, 2 minimum, 1 if all maneuvers are pre-planned and plotted, before leaving.
Yaz: *grins*
13: Yaz, I”m concerned about what you said when I picked you up.
Yaz: I’m surprised you heard anything, the way you were interrupting..
13: *sigh* the last human I traveled with Bill, just before I meet all y’all, she got converted into a Cyberman, and I laid dying on the battlefield. Don’t know what happened to Nardole. I don’t even know how I got back to the TARDIS or how she got me out. However remember this; in an emergency you can ask the TARDIS for the voice interface, and use the telepathic circuits.
Yaz: Would that work with any TARDIS, or just yours?
13: hm, best with this old girl *pats a column and TARDIS hums agreeably* I doubt you could just take one from Gallifrey without a Timelord to disable the security protocols, but if that was done, it could, maybe work.
Yaz: how would I know if the protocols were disabled?
13: *sets tea cup down* come on, off to one of the old desktops, I’ll show you.
*later a Cloister bell tolls and a Dalek warning “you will be exterminated” sounds through out the TARDIS*
—————— After Adventure relaxing ———————
*Night - Khan home, with fam & The Doctor - laughing and holiday cheer *
*Yaz and the Doctor quietly talking*
Yaz: So this is it then...one last adventure...just dangerous enough to make us consider giving it all up.
13: Yes, but Yaz, you don’t have too, if you don’t want to.
Yaz: How? You said your path to Gallifrey is set...
13: I do have a TARDIS, the T does stand for Time...we could go the long way ‘round.
Yaz: Doctor...
13: What do you say, you could log some actually piloting time with the telepathic circuits?
Yaz: Then what? One day you just drop me back off here on this night? Never knowing what happened after we left Gallifrey.
13: Look if I can I’ll come back. I will, and if I can’t, I’ll ask the TARDIS to come find you and to take you to whomever can help you find out what happened. Deal?
Yaz: Well I think, even if I don’t don’t run off with you, you’ll need to do that last part anyway. 
—————— LATER ——————
*A new Year, Yaz stands before the console in the TARDIS, the telepathic circuits exposed.*
Yaz talking to the TARDIS: Let try, Earth, just a few years ago, St Luke's University in Bristol.
Yaz talking to the TARDIS: Alright, that wasn’t so hard was it? Just that a few years to you means any time in the last 70 years of teaching, should’ve been a little more specific, but at least we found Bill on the last trip...what do you think, jump to the last day? Or little hops?
*TARDIS lands in its old spot, Yaz quietly leaves and notices packed boxes around, hears voices in the hallway.*
Man: I’m sorry you just can’t enter.
Woman: I assure you I have every right to be here, and if you just check you’re files you will easily verify all I’ve said. I can wait, I don’t mind.
Man: *Huffs* This is still most irregular, you should have called in advance, we could have avoided all this unpleasantness, wait right here. *walks off*
Woman: wouldn’t dream of moving.
*suddenly woman walks into the rooms* I thought he’d never leave * spots Yaz* Are you my Ride, Detective?
Yaz: *supprized* Um, well, Yea, sure, I could help....
Woman: Ah. My apologies. PC Khan, Could you grab those boxes by the desk? There are just a few things in the other room for me to get. Meet you in the TARDIS.
*Yaz pacing the around the console*
*Woman walks in with 2 more boxes and a guitar, puts down boxes next to the others, and sets the TARDIS to leave.*
Yaz: *stops* See the thing is, I haven’t met you yet, I’m not sure, but I think I know who you are.
Woman: And whooooo am I?
Yaz: The Doctor’s wife, Professor Song.
River: Oh! I knew I liked you, got it one. *presses buttons on data pad* Low level perception filter. *Does a pirouette* What do you think?
Yaz: *Looks toward the boxes* you look just like your photo.
River: Not bad for nearly 300, *looks at photo* Sentimental old hippie, that’s from the day of our first kiss, practically died that day.
Yaz: But you saved him.
River: Well, you are well informed, I am supprised.
Yaz: And you’ve been to Darillium, then? You said your nearly 300...the Doctor said you were just over 200 at Darillium.
River: *walks around the console* Spoilers, so where shall we go, what is your plan?
Yaz: *puzzeled* I hadn’t gone past trying to find you at Luna University in the 51st Century.
River: Ah, well then lets get Missy’s vault, and make sure I recieve the message Nardole left for me.
Yaz: You know what happened to Nardole? The Doctor, she didn’t remember.
River: No...I suspect I may need to send the message to myself. Absolutely not, we can’t go to Gallifrey. What century were you in?
Yaz: *gasps* 61st, she said you had natural telepathic abilities.
River: I’m practically untrained, you must have been thinking aloud. Had you been there long, know anyone from that time, that is still there?
Yaz: No, but a Captain Jack did Scoop us up from Gloucester, with a warning about the Cyberman, so he could be from that time.
River: Harkness, really... alright, and don’t tell him I’m married to the Doctor, he’s always trying to find out to whom I’m married too, it’s practically a game at this point.
*takes off guitar and sets coordinates*
—————— Later ——————
Yaz: Your not coming with us, are you?
River: No, I’ll look after the other TARDIS, never know when you might want one that knows how took like a House.
Yaz: You haven’t been to Darillium yet, have you?
River: *smirks* that would be telling, and were is the fun in that...You know I’ve read a diary from a Victorian Era Lady, there is ample evidence that all the Lady’s of her social circle were 35 for years.... when my parents first started traveling with the Doctor in their early twenties, I was never less that 35 when I saw them as River.... so what’s century or so when married to an ageless god.
*Doctor emptying the boxes from St Luke’s; sadly looking at River’s photo*
Yaz: Doctor, I think we’ll see River again, when she first saw me beside the TARDIS she called me Detective...
13: Well it does say police on it, she’s flirty like that.
Yaz: Except she apologized right away and corrected to PC Khan, before we even got to introductions....
13: *looks up and grins* Spoilers......
0 notes
jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Fisher Island: How America’s wealthiest ZIP code got coronavirus antibody tests
As countries around the world grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, the richest ZIP code in the United States– a personal island off the coast of Miami– has actually snapped up 1,800 antibody tests for its homeowners and personnel.
Company Expert talked to Fisher Island staff and residents, parsed through reports from news outlets, and saw letters signed by the island’s medical director to piece together the story of how the island obtained antibody tests as the rest of the country reports screening scarcities.
According to The New York Times, the island paid the University of Miami Health System (UHealth) $17 per test for 1,800 tests, for a total of $30,600
As a 39- year-old dad of two who lives on Fisher Island informed Organisation Insider, “Living on the island has one advantage: No one you do not desire can come inside.
Fisher Island, a 216- acre members-only island off the coast of Miami, is house to 800 households with an average earnings of $2.2 million, making it the most affluent ZIP code in the US, according to Bloomberg. According to island lore (and the island’s about page), a Vanderbilt obtained seven acres of Fisher Island land in 1927 by trading his 250- foot private yacht to land owner Carl Fisher for the parcel.
An island unto itself, but still vulnerable to an international pandemic
To survive on the island, locals pay a one-time charge of $250,000 to the Fisher Island Club — however just about 30%of members live on the island year-round, Dora Puig, Miami-Dade county’s top real-estate agent by sales volume, informed Company Insider last year.
Fisher Island citizens get around the island by golf cart.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
When you’re on the island, the preferred mode of transportation is golf cart– ideally tailored. Every local who moves into Palazzo Del Sol or Palazzo Della Luna, two of the island’s most elegant condominium buildings, is given a custom-made $20,000 Garia golf cart.
The speed limit is 19 miles per hour, and that’s not the only method life moves slowly on the island. Citizens and visitors can invest their time sipping cocktails by the pool at the beach club, getting cellulite-sculpting body treatments in the health club, or relaxing on personal beaches with sand imported from the Bahamas. The sand is raked every morning.
When Company Insider visited the island in 2019 and was fittingly dealt with to a golf cart trip of the facilities, we found it in beautiful condition, though strangely without life and character alike. The tennis courts were empty. The beach was deserted. The $16 million condo we toured was designed with clean lines and equipped with unsurprising beige touches. Since the majority of residents don’t reside on Fisher Island year-round, there are typically more workers on the island than staff, Lauren Marks, previous marketing organizer for two of the high-end developments on the island, informed us. The most significant indications of life were the peacocks easily roaming the manicured lawns.
But even a location as idyllic as Fisher Island can’t stay completely sequestered from a worldwide pandemic. As the coronavirus spread throughout the US, the island shuttered its luxe features. It closed its doors to outdoors visitors on March17 A week later on, Miami issued a shelter-in-place order
On April 13, Fisher Island blew up onto the nationwide news scene when Charles Rabin and Aaron Leibowitz of the Miami Herald reported that the island had acquired coronavirus antibody testing for all of its homeowners and staff. What unfolded over the next four days was a spotlight on the ultrawealthy Florida enclave that raised outrage from regional officials, but, more than anything, highlighted yet another method which cash is making all the difference in how individuals in America are weathering the coronavirus pandemic.
Here’s everything we understand about the status of coronavirus testing on Fisher Island.
Coronavirus comes to Florida
Fisher Island is a part of Miami-Dade County, however the timeline of events throughout March and early April shows the island reacted more quickly to the spread of the virus than the mainland parts of the county did.
The first confirmed coronavirus case in Florida was reported on March 1 The first verified coronavirus case in Miami-Dade County was reported on March 11. And on March 19, Fisher Island verified its first favorable case of coronavirus to locals, according to island-wide correspondence sent out by Fisher Island Community Association management and seen by Service Expert. On the same day, Florida had a total of over 400 verified cases.
The following day, March 20, Fisher Island started limiting access to the island and running a two-ferry schedule instead of its common three-ferry schedule. It had actually already shuttered its luxe features like its Bahamian-sand beaches and stopped enabling unnecessary visitors on March 17, the exact same day DeSantis closed Florida restaurants.
Fisher Island buys 1,800 coronavirus antibody tests for $30,600
On April 13, The Miami Herald reported that Fisher Island had actually bought thousands of antibody-detecting fast blood tests from the University of Miami Health System (UHealth)– adequate to test all 800 families and 400 workers on the island.
According to The New York Times, Fisher Island bought 1,800 antibody tests that cost $17 each from UHealth, for an overall of $30,600 For contrast, citizens pay the island yearly charges of $20,651
The antibody tests bought by the island are various from the common nasal swab coronavirus tests, which only test for present infection and take days to process.
While these antibody tests are already widely in usage in China and South Korea, they are still being established in the US and are hard to protect.
Evaluating on the island, the letter in-depth, would serve as a foil to a recent UHealth and Miami-Dade County partnership: As of April 3, a separate new program would arbitrarily test 750 people throughout Miami-Dade County per week to evaluate how far the coronavirus has actually spread in South Florida.
Checking on the island is ‘exceptionally well set up’
The first individuals on Fisher Island were evaluated on April 6, and 1,250 homeowners and staff have been evaluated so far, island spokesperson Sissy DeMaria validated to Company Insider.
Elena Bluntzer, a real-estate agent who lives on the island, told Organisation Expert on April 14 that she had already gotten the test at the island’s UHealth clinic.
” It’s just a finger prick,” she stated.
The island currently has somewhere between five and nine validated coronavirus cases, according to Florida’s Department of Health coronavirus cases map.
The view from a condo in Fisher Island’s Palazzo Del Sol.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
The 39- year-old dad who lives on the island said neither he and his children nor his household personnel had taken the test because none of them had any symptoms.
Bluntzer, who says she’s lived on the island because 1997, stated that homeowners have been sheltering in their houses and taking all safety measures seriously. She kept in mind that individuals on Fisher Island are leaving their houses for the same, minimal number of reasons as individuals elsewhere.
Five of Fisher Island’s 6 restaurants are open for pickup or delivery, and locals can also get staples and ready foods at the Island Market.
” Everybody here is extremely mindful that this is a really major pandemic and nobody lives in a bubble,” Bluntzer stated. “It’s not any different here than it is anywhere else.”
Backlash and consequences: on the island
In the days following the Miami Herald’s preliminary story, the island’s residents appeared to pull away back from the spotlight that had actually been cast on them.
The favored mode of transport on Fisher Island is golf cart.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
Service Expert tried to reach club workers, healthcare workers in Fisher Island’s UHealth station, public safety officers, and restaurant employees. One island staff member reached by telephone stated she was not permitted to speak to anyone about Fisher Island.
2 media reports pointed towards a wave of philanthropy amongst island homeowners.
Backlash and repercussions: off the island
Off the island, outrage spread swiftly across social media.
As one Twitter user composed, “Fisher Island, FL to be relabelled Elysium. Others chimed in with comparable beliefs, saying the island’s purchase was a outrageous illustration of disparity.
Independently, Miami-Dade Public Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho required to Twitter to voice his displeasure of Fisher Island’s antibody tests purchase. “I can not fix up the shoeless, mask-less, hungry kids we fed today with this [Fisher Island] headline,” he composed.
His school system has actually dispersed over half a million meals to households all over the district, according to an April 8 statement. The superintendent’s workplace later on informed Organisation Insider that $5 would supply breakfast and lunch for one kid– meaning that Fisher Island’s purchase might provide more than 6,000 kids with two meals.
In an April 15 press conference– 2 days after the Herald’s first story on antibody screening on Fisher Island– DeSantis was inquired about the visible lack of screening in underserved communities. He stated that walk-up screening had started near public real estate units in Jacksonville.
He likewise revealed the requirement for more rapid blood tests prior to resuming the state, and kept in mind that Abbott Laboratories, among the most significant healthcare companies to get in the US market for antibody tests up until now, is ramping up production of the tests He stated those fast tests would go to “first responders, healthcare facilities, nurses, and doctors”.
Money is making all the distinction in how people are weathering the pandemic
That a personal island full of wealthy people can buy thousands of coronavirus antibody tests highlights a pattern being seen throughout the US: The coronavirus is a whole different pandemic for the ultrarich.
New reports continue to surface nearly every day of celebs, from Idris Elba and Kris Jenner to NBA gamers, managing to get tested without showing signs.
The rich have got away dense cities like New York City and Seattle to shelter in their getaway houses in desired locales like the Hamptons, Martha’s Vineyard, and the Western resort town of Jackson, Wyoming.
While some have called the coronavirus ” the terrific equalizer,” Fisher Island has proved to be yet another example of how differently a pandemic is experienced by the rich and the poor.
The 39- year-old daddy, whose main home is in the Miami residential area of Pinecrest and who thinks about Fisher Island his second house, told Company Expert he mored than happy with how the island was dealing with the lockdown and the antibody testing.
” To most people [on the island], they believe it’s cool to have that as a benefit,” he stated. “And from what I check out, others think it is a rich privilege. I didn’t understand it was looked down upon to be rich.”
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