#there's a part 2 to this with spoiler spec i'mma do it with selfreblog though
ineffably-human · 2 years
"That’s really the puzzle of Season 4 and what drives it with nature vs. nurture. It’s a little bit of: Can you avoid your fate? Are you destined to be what you’ve always been or can you make a new start?" - Paul Simms re baby Colin and Season 4
Something something Nandor the Relentless, ruthless and powerful human viceroy, "just okay" vampire with a just okay dick - 'holding this house together' when it's really Guillermo's doing. Trying and failing to lead. Feeling none of the ambition or drive that he sees lighting up the face of Nadja, who's never had his chances in life. Happiest as second in command to "a gentle human people" and their shitty drum circles.
Wants to travel the world just to see it and not burn it to the ground. Wants to get a job cleaning up the ocean. To heal something, build something . Ready to take the journey with a companion, but he accepted them in his defeat, and Guillermo only wants him powerful, only wants the power he can give. Fine, he'll do it alone. He wanted a clean slate anyway.
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