#there's nothing casual about Nesta Archeron yall
flowerflamestars · 2 years
The Rolling in the Graves snippet
Slowly, Lucien looked up. Stared, as Nesta leant back against the headboard with a flash of bitter, acrid feeling, tinging the air grey.
“He proposed. I-“
“You don’t have to explain it to me.”   Lucien had done worse things than say yes, for the hope of belonging.   Splayed, Nesta held her empty hand between them, little bits of silver flame running like water over her knuckles. No ring- Lucien had forgotten humans wore rings. Assumed at first there was none because Nesta didn’t wear jewelry- discarded the thought, possessed instead by the fact that when High Fae married-  When faeries like Lucien and Nesta loved, and needed not hide it, ink or metal or public moment were not what told the truth, but their magic.   “He proposed,” Nesta repeated, head tilted back, “But somewhere between the street corner where he got the words out and the party already planned for us at my sister’s house it became happy mating.” Lucien held out his hand. Pushed, a little, let light twist and twine with Nesta’s barely kindled power, bits of dancing flame.   Said, quietly, “You never had a ceremony.”
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