#this might be difficult to observe if you're younger but the way conservative america has warmed to japan during my lifetime is remarkable
sunspira · 5 months
If you need to explain to people why antisemitic conspiracy theories are bullshit. but also trying to understand and acknowledge how the Holocaust is given some preferential treatment in american politics over so many others, especially african and indigenous people. remember it's nothing to do with Jewish people having some special secret Jewish Power
it's because
1. America's political and economic rivals committed the genocide.
2. America didn't do it!
3. America's political and economic allies didn't do it.
4. America's political and economic allies condemn it.
5. Bonus: the victims were europeans
that's generally it. that's all it takes. i would suggest looking at how japans war crimes and colonialist atrocities were originally quite well known and weaponized in the american public discourse. conjured quickly as a retroactive excuse for why the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki was fair and warranted. today as the economic and political allegiance between the united states and japan has become more and more profitable and valuable, look how the american public and political discourse has shifted to give leeway to japans own genocide denial. especially as america took over the helm of colonizing and exploiting korea, and as the political and economic allegiance with china soured, suddenly japans crimes in korea and china are less and less talked about. each generation of americans knows less and less about the racist & imperialist social issues & history of japan and more and more about buying japanese products and media. theres a reason for that and it's not some stupid superstition nazis are still trying to push. its just because 1. there's no enemy of america doing it that we can weaponize as convenient propaganda 2. America is taking part in it now, 3. our allies did it or are doing it, and 4. our allies do not condemn it and instead deny it so we play along. 5. bonus: the victims aren't european.
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