#those 500 word essays nearly murdered me
renatedagmarmilada · 6 years
USA Gov -- it is going to be a bad century I am afraid..Prgram will try out everything there is. two people sit at lab st barths human Research and change all blogs I put on.. it is the only way Fekete tells people about us, so we destroy that too. quote --Bethany's mother? You are grown up now, you will ......etc We have fed that into some Somalian girls brains and added Renate told me that.. Alyson, I wrote it into a letter which we posted signed from her. We have taken her mail from the post office since 1991, Anna lab bosses of st barths human Research, told a director that Fekete was a mongoloid and got permission to take it, we do that a lot, with bank accounts too, He did not know it was not genuine,  operative Iffy, /called that after the someone I knew/ is sending a thief in to rob your home-- there,t here and there.... but there is nothing left to rob? There are just one or two bits and pieces left. They keep them.. . Well, they are Anna's pets because they are thieves and murderers, so they get raised in England. Anna told us to keep sending thieves in.. it goes in circles, we are to keep robbing and robbing.. We can't do much because not even by word or deed have you ever hurt England... quote - I change Fekete's blogs I changed one yesterday, she changed it back, dates, spellings english etc We do that on her poetry sites and writers sites too. Nothing is permitted her.. nothing.. ha ha ha, so much for being perfect citizens.. Ours kill, cheat, lie, steal, cheat everything you can imagine.. we are rich and supported, she's worked hard and been careful and kind..... quote - let's see if we can destroy Fekete's image with her family. We kept them apart for decades so they don't really know her./they use the fantastic technology USA gave them to feed horrid thoughts and feelings into people's brains, though everywhere it says it is not possible, they have been doing it for decades and decades/ The Ministry men ordered us to destroy her. Her eldest son's wife is english so they are ours not hers../Her eldest son is being employed by the Americans, I think that has more to do with it all./ -- I am not really surprised, that is what the communists did too!! exactly what the Lab St barths Human Research does, not for nothing do I call them UK's KGB.. it is what they are - they fixed Princess Diana and had been 'fixing' before and after..   my little garden - now has fag ends and cellophane wrappings. high fence and no one except thieves come into my garden and I don't smoke. Anna's idea /bossess of St barths human Research, the thieves throw the wrappings of what they have stolen from me back into my garden.. actually Bethany's idea, but Anna picked it up. Manchester Human Research.. only one ten year old was once raped by a man the whole staff considered a weirdo. It is st barths Human Research, they are a very bad apple in the keg...and should be closed and outside staff fetched in. NOT ONE OF THE ORIGINAL STAFF SHOULD BE RE-EMPLOYED /which is what they are doing after re-opening/ AGAIN- ABSOLUTELY NO MEN SHOULD BE INVOLVED IN THE CARE OF CHILDREN. AND FROM WATCHING ST BARTHS - THE BOSS /BOSSESS SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CHECKED ...   quote - Alyson to Anna. I don't know what to do, I thought Fekete would be scared by ...so I pushed it to the limit. Anna --Put Beryl /13 Coronation Str Plaistow- former Univ friend, the lab used/ on the machine, have her write RF's so they get mixed up whose is whose. Get Operative Vicky to re-spell all Fekete's work. He's an ***** but he is good for that. Beryl can't write and Fekete is a perfect speller. Doesn't matter people don't know that... make RF as low as you can Ozman- Syrian killer, former groomer of rent boys and thief's 16 yr old step son at Addis Str Flats with his aunty, Neseriah's sister, with his 14 yr old brother, stole three full diaries when he broke in Some three weeks ago., I have the diaries stolen because I said some things I didn't intend to say /Alyson/   quote just now-- I told the health Minister that Fekete is stupid, we told a lot of people that, and we could deal with it. He said, Ok get on with it.. We nearly had Fekete believing it was being sorted, till we started robbing her again.. quote j- I told the health Minister that Fekete is stupid, we told a lot of people that, and we could deal with it. He said, Ok get on with it.. SITA /Indian operative st barths Human Research I have put cancer spots on you. I messed with you a lot, a real lot / have the ethnics noticed that it is they who are being used, for paltry moneys?/ Real swine on the machine last few days.. some torment more, some less nastily. No automatic alt text available. DORTMUND Human Research -- Werner who was paid by St barths human Research to come over and show them what he could do... tied my internet to the lab st barths Human Research so that they can totally control my life, hack into all my sites etc WERNER said- I only realised later what I had done. I should have realised that you would be one of ours that they were stripping and tormenting.. Hungary is being de-stablized so that London can order it to its own preference. it is not noticeable unless you know what to look for...//   quote - the slovaks drink heavily, so everyone you meet at the moment is having their drink stink activated in their brains...but they will think it is you. They did the same with friend Mathew and mothers at paint groups.. once they activate their stink cells /that means they think I smell but in fact it is them and worse.. They did the same with friend Mathew and many others at paint groups.. once they activate their stink cells /that means they think I smell but in fact it is them and worse.. as someone said today, odd direction science is taking in the UK.. no where else, /because Anna bossess of Hum Research and jun sec Min of health had an odour problem because of her Atkins diet.. and drinking and smoking. these Upperthorpe Slovaks are trickier than I thought, because they used my BA and MA essays for their college and school work, they have told their school /PARKWOOD SCHOOL SHEFFIELD/ and college teachers /CITY COLLEGES SHEFFIELD/ that I AM THEIR AUNTY!!!! and I gave them the essays and the goods, and I let them into my home!! ODDLY, THE LAB CHECKED AND NO ONE IN MY FAMILY IN ALL FOUR COUNTRIES WAS A THIEF.. NOT ONE MEMBER... Slovaks -Upperthorpe 90 something= Miraslava 15 yrs old daughter of Cecilia and Bohdan /guilty of manslaughter and 14 counts of theft with agro back home/- lab checked... Parkwood school Sheffield, was in your home again about one month ago.... ...''She has some german paints and crayons, I am thieving those'' said the thieving blonde girl, she also robbed a full diary .. etc microsound - I want you dead or out../?/ Milliband was lied to about you, none of them have the faintest idea what you are really like, AS YOU KNOW WE PUT ALL OUR SINS AND THOUGHTS ONTO THE FILE OF LIES WE SENT ROUND THE WORLD..WE INTEND TO MAKE SURE THEY GET STAY TOO FROM THE LAB.. THE CIVIL SERVANTS DO AS WE TELL THEM AND CHARLES H R DOES NOTHING ONLY WHAT HE IS TOLD TO DO BY US AND THE MINISTRIES, WHO ARE OUR TOYS NOW.  quote -- over tv ...THE SYRIAN THIEVES HAVE ALL GOT STAY, THEY HELPED US ROB FEKETE'S HOME. OVER THREE YEARS TIME AND AGAIN... lab checked and found out, Ozman was a murderer and groomed rent boys /now London Rd/ his wife Neseriah is a thief as are both her Ozman's step sons, 16 and 14 yrs old .. Adam has been robbing my home some 7 times.. England will become like a pirates' island   quote -lab st barths Human Research.. 'I thought you said the reviewers knew it was not their work but Fekete's stolen from her home-- they are making it sound as though they are fantastic'' quote, today - if you don't report us we will get away with it all, if you do, we will activate the cancers we have put on you.   quote answerer,:''there is an opinion there.'' Opinions put onto the file by Jean Carsted Beaumond, Anna the bossess, Alyson /Megan Marion/ etc I rarely give an opinion, except in a situation like that of the Pakistani young man who assaulted an elderly disabled, gentleman on the train from Sheffield to York on Monday. I was just so angry. Other than that, a life time of being a foreigner has taught me to keep my tongue very carefully..Infact, I am not very judgemental anyw... · quote - three lab st barths Human Research women have now put six cancer spots on RF.: Lauren Fielding , Alyson /Megan-cum Marrion/ and Jean Carsted Beaumond - She has to heal herself the program says..no medicine or law permitted. HM agrees with us. The lab tells everyone they are committing the crimes for Prince Charles. I do not believe them, but I do think he needs to show some balls and stop them, as he and the Queen signed for this program over UK /not just me.. 500 str... See more from my best learn CHINESE book-- stolen by lab st barths human research operatives, along with three boxes of books held at storage. Appleyard's Removals, and former Meyer of Edgeware Rd had 400 sketches and paintings taken out. They used three thieves, two white, /one a beatnick who needed money, one a career thief, and one black man Ghanaian who did some bad at home so could not go home, hence he would not report the lab. Lab st barths Human Research, always has its own thieves, in London they had three two. Black guys. Spain they had two Iraqis. They asked them if they wanted to join the lab staff, but they declined /!!/ more sense than I thought. 5 Years Ago Fletcher Bounty 3 July at 16:45 · quote ''so they are muzzling you..'' /YES a long time now/ Like   /CITY COLLEGES?/ Fransesca Did it-- /it is Renate Fekete's / Fransesca got it from Bettina, who got it from her thief cousins, cecilia and Bohdan, 62 UPPERTHORPE SHEFFIELD whose family robbed it from THE OLD TEACHER'S HOME-- Fekete's home when they broke in time and again.... quote lab Alyson-- circle that, we will use it for something ..... /I am on the monitor day and night, since 1983.. and so are you and you and you and you, only I know, you don't... SHEFFIELD.. yesterday I went to Scarborough. I got the 11.21 from Sheffield to York. The carriage was full as holiday time is here, packed, people were even standing. I sat in the gangway seat, opposite a table seat with four older people, two couples, ok I am 73 so when I tell you older, you will understand what I mean by older.. A young, Pakistani man HAD sat himself into the seat opposite and the elderly person, with stick, stoop, limp and wife asked him kindly to let hi... Lisa Driscol Lgave a friend my work, 300 sketches and hundreds of Poems to use as her own.... LAB ST BARTHS HUMAN RESEARCH ASSISTANT.. ALYSON /Megan-Marrion/ at the lab has told them all THEY MUST TAKE HOME SOME OF MY WORK AND PASS IT TO THEIR FRIENDS.. these are paintings worth from £200-500 and sketches worth £50 AND BELIEVE ME - I WANT THEM ALL BACK , ALL 4200 PAINTINGS- EVEN IF I HAVE TO GO TO THE PALACE TO GET THEM.. THE OFFICE Pub Upperthorpe Sheffield.. druggy woman from Upperthorpe who read my poetry at another pub., tells people at THE OFFICE how she writes it. Her west indian boyfriend, career thief, stole it all out of my home and pays for his comforts with my work..careful druggy woman.. ears are listening .. Comment from someone listening: do you reckon she can even write? DONETSK.. our twin city, have we sent any medicines, any children's food and clothes, anything at all? So much for English support../mypainting when visiting with Sheffield Uni Russian Group and Councillors / Scarborough Human Research. There has only been one case at Scarborough and that was a boy! Glasgow, none etc. THE POINT IS- WHY IS LONDON SO DREADFUL?? The bossess is a lecherous so and so /yes she is trying to kill me off by remote technology /AND SHE MADE A P0INT OF BEING THE SEX BUDDY OF HEALTH MINISTRY CIVIL SERVANT, SENIOR CIVIL SERVANT AND FORMER MINISTER. SHE WANTED POWER!!! and they did not want to lose their power--- what those Civil Servants got up to!!!! I can bar... assault and murder- st barths human research. Dr Meyer had also raped and beaten to death young girls, /that is besides the tot rapes too many to count/ ages 12/6/8/8/12/13/10/7 there were at least six more. John Fielding only started work there at 40- raped and killed by beating 10 or so Allan Lieberman Cross of Finchley a long time serving-over 10 Op Simeon also 10 or so. /this does not include the tot rapes/ ... Harvard--- USA-- 3 more Harvard lecturers, one of the senior lecturer Grossman, have taken your work to copy as their own. Lecturers taking the work of a fellow lecturer who is still writing and painting---.. quite horrid   quote -microsound-- Oh Tamara, you liar!! She paints them herself. /they are my drawings and she paints into them, she can't draw... SHE SINGS Lab put 190 of my sketches into Tamara's home in Andover Str Sheffield. She already had 9 earlier, painted into one and sold it to someone near Psalter lane as her own work. So now she is up to her old tricks again. Tamara gave 30 RF sketches to her twelve year old daughter to take to school and tell them it is her own work....teaching... Pensions Ministry-- Pamela of Pensions is coming into the lab today.. things are going well with your son Ryan so she is going to throw a spanner in the works. He was used as a child by Anna jun sec Min of health by her lab St barths Human Research, so they are keeping him at rock bottom.. Image may contain: drawing Like Show More Reactions Comment Share Comments Fletcher Bounty Write a comment... Fletcher Bounty 2 July at 09:51 · ''who wrote that Ronny?'' Ronny, west indian ethnic lives in Firth park Sheffield but his aunty lives in Upperthorpe Sheffield. Robbed from that teacher woman in Upperthorpe.. a wage!! Besides the six west indians, two pakistanis also went in to rob for pay and the Syrians and Iraqis. Clever how the lab /almost 100% Jewish/ uses and pays the ethnics!! Anna was asked why she used the west indians, she answered, because they are all thieves anyway.. · Op Alyson, I wanted to show RF our stick .. . She knows, you have used it on her and her sons since 1984. I wanted her to know what a package with us means /?/ ... Alyson will take over after I die /Anna/ Lauren: but I was your right hand throughout the years.... 62 Upperthorpe Sheffield. Bettina and her mother Cecilia took BA and MA exam essays they used to another Slovakian cousin. said Anna, these are the sort of immigrants I like. I have a couple of big apologies before my time comes. My dad, because he warned me and I argued with him: why would the english bring us here, if they were going to be nasty to us? My mother, who kept trying to get me to leave. . and THE MANY ENGLISH PEOPLE WHO TOLD ME THINGS ABOUT THIS COUNTRY AND ITS GOVERNMENT WHOM I DID NOT AND WOULD NOT BELIEVE... I have learnt they are the ones who were and are right about the situation here, not those that I was part of, the careful, traditional, supporters of this country. It has been a very hard lesson. former doctor Harry Isaac of Middlesex Hospital from Finchley once killed a 13 year old. He wanted sex and she refused.He threatened her first, then he took her and banged her till she was dead. She was ripped to shreds. Blanche saw, there was blood all over him. Allan Lieberman/ Cross from Finchley did the same to a six year old and John Fielding to an 8 yr old, but he has a vicious temper like George the New York Human Research boss /also a Russian Jew/- This is not cla... Paula Bowers, has published three of your essays as her own work...but I went to Grammar School she said. That doesn't mean that you can write, RF could, always. that Editor Plowright was certainly sharp.. when I left to get married at 19 he said to me- you silly girl, why are you doing this, I was going to train you up for the BBC. etc.. It had not even occurred to me, but he must have seen the University in me, though I hadn't gone then..He, through the newspaper, paid for me to go to a nearby art college in Grimsby to have lessons. I wonder if he had any idea how they kill innocent gifted people in this country? St Marie's -- next week Masses 10.30 Sylviane Robion-Berteotti /anniversary/ First time I have heard of a namesake of my grandmother BERTODI. I even wrote to Sicily and to Turin /where our Italian part came from it seems/ they wrote back that there is no one left of that name. Definitely 10.30 Mass next week!! That is amazing.. nowhere has that name of ours turned up!! She was a big woman and married the Grandfather in Devescer, who later became Station master, a small, skin... quote lab program answerer- can we lie about what we have done. No it all goes through Yodrel Bank so is open to anyoneI doubt even if they had not'seen' to it, that my boys would have wanted to be managers or rule this island/ operative Alyson, I put cancer onto a polyp Operative Mohammad /John Fieldings lap dog/ put on RF - premeditated murder. we had a meeting with ANNA bossess of St barths Human Research quote- It'll be a relief when she's gone. We did that to her step-father. She told us how. that is why she sent for Harry Isaac Irvine, one of her killers, then we can give her lots of stomach troubles so that by the time we activate the cancer behind her gut, the doctors will think it was there all the while. Alyson, I have also cancered a polyp a police man had by his ear, it was not cancerous, it is now. And her daughter's mother in law, had a spot, we cancered it.   Jean Carsted Beaumond, who has copied and sold more of my work than I can remember and even lies to her family, telling them she has done it!!!! and taught her daughter Paige Beaumond to cheat and lie using my work, too. has put cancer onto my gum- premeditated murder. to cover Anna's earlier dental adventures on me. In 1991/2 I went to East London Whitechapel Dental Hospital. I was asked to go for an X-Ray. as I sat there a man in thick horn rimmed brown glasses came in, t... Gamma Rays. PREMEDITATED MURDER.about two weeks ago Harry Isaac Irvine /and Blanche of Finchley was asked over to St barths human Research to put all sorts of tortures on for me on their machine remote. One night he put on GAMMA RAYS for 6 hours on the 12 th this June just gone. I am not likely to forget as I lay shuddering all night. In the morning an answerer voice over said- I had better normalise her. He found a place behind my gut which cannot be easily seen and has put...
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