#though if you haven't seen 2x4 not sure why you'd read a spec post on the rest of the season lol
butterflydm · 8 months
wot s2 speculation: remaining trailer scenes
So we still have a handful of scenes (...more than a handful!) from the trailers and teasers that haven't come to pass yet, and I'm going to speculate on where/when they might happen (using knowledge from The Great Hunt, so there are spoilers for book 2 here... oh wait, actually book 3: the Dragon Reborn because of a certain person):
First, scenes from the Official Behind the Scenes trailer that we haven't seen in the show yet:
Aviendha stands with Bain & Chiad (likely in Falme, after Perrin rescues her from the cage and they fight their way out of the Whitecloaks) -- this is possibly from our next episode, ep5! We can see that Aviendha has what looks like relatively recent injuries.
Moiraine and Lan (reunited!) walk together along a beach, with Lan a few feet behind Moiraine. Likely Falme, likely episode 8 or possibly the beginning of 7. Moiraine is back in her blue clothes with white touches but it doesn't look like the wide silhouette that she had on in the last episode.
Whitecloaks racing forward on horses - guessing episode 8, when they will clash with the Seanchan. They are racing into a fog, which makes me think of the Heroes of the Horn. There are some more Whitecloaks in that same environment later, guessing they are part of the same scene.
The large wheel that we know Rand is going to be tied to (I'm still thinking this will be TAR and potentially a confrontation with Lanfear rather than Ishy, but we'll see).
The Waygate near Falme, which is covered over in vegetation (not used in a long time?), which we are almost certain to see next episode.
Okay, this shot of Rand standing in the courtyard, I think we can get more meaning out of. I think this is after he blew the gate open (I think it's shut in some of our other promotion material) using the One Power before his confrontation with Turak. Episode 8. It looks like the door gets blown out before Rand faces off with Turak.
7. Rand walks in his fancy new black coat, with Moiraine and Lan behind him, and as Foregate burns. Might be next episode but I think it might be episode 7, since the episode titles imply we'll still be in Cairhien at that time (Daes Dar'mar).
8. Moiraine and Lan on the beach again, but now her blue coat is off and we see the white shirt underneath.
9. Min in a place that has windows like the ones we've already seen in Foregate, which implies that she and Mat do go to Cairhien as Ishy requested and will join up with Rand, Moiraine, & Lan.
10. Padan Fain walking in some fancy halls. I think this might be next episode, when Fain delivers the Horn to Turak.
11. A large circular building. I think it's Falme. Those might be sul'dam on the walls. Hard to say for sure on this one. Can't make out any familiar actors.
21. Whitecloaks fighting against Seanchan. episode 8. Loial might be in the far left of the shot? I think those are the clothes we've seen him wearing in the Seanchan shots.
22. An explosion. Can't tell if it's Falme or Foregate.
23. Aviendha fighting Whitecloaks -- next episode!
24. The shot of Rand sitting on a bed with blood on him... I'm trying to figure out if it's a bts of what we got in the last episode and if that's the bed that Selene tied him to. There's blood on his chest.
25. Padan Fain; brief glimpse.
26. Battle map -- tokens for Whitecloaks vs the Seanchan, I think.
Actually the vast majority of the shots in this bts teaser have NOT been on screen yet!
Scenes from the official trailer that premiered a month ago:
Rand stands on a floodplain type area, in his fancy black coat with the rising sun of Cairhien on the back. Could be in TAR. Could be him entering the area of Falme.
"Protecting Rand, guiding him. That is the only thing that matters." This is clearly after Lan has caught up with Moiraine. She's not wearing the outfit from last episode but something much more similar to the beach shots that we saw in the bts teaser. The question is, which episode will Lan catch up with Moiraine and Rand?
"You can't control him." Siuan says, on that throne we see her on when she talks to Rand later in the trailer. Likely to Moiraine.
A shot of Perrin communicating with Hopper -- not in the woods but in a similar floodplain type area that we saw Rand in at the start of the trailer.
Egwene in the collar, her eyes bloodshot. Oof. We might get this next episode or in episode 6.
In a room with a fireplace, Mat is sat in front of the ruby dagger and looks like he's trying to resist it.
"The whole world will be ours" - Turak opening the chest for the Horn of Valere -- this should be happening in the next episode.
Suroth's damane attack Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne. Next episode, pretty sure. Egwene is doing more no-hands channeling here, as she's been practicing all season.
The shot of the Whitecloaks racing into the fog, but the official one, where we can't see the vehicle with the camera-mount racing next to them.
Dressed all in blue, Moiraine and Siuan kiss -- I'm currently guessing that we get Siuan only in episode 6, like we did last season, but would be pleased if I'm wrong and we get her for multiple episodes. This is a flashback to Moiraine and Siuan before they hear the prophecy, I think, when they are still relatively carefree and have no thoughts about the Last Battle coming in their lifetimes.
"You can't do this by yourself" - continuation of Moiraine and Lan's argument from earlier in the trailer.
Aviendha veiling herself - next episode! So excited!
Perrin kills a Whitecloak (might be next episode but the stone walls make me wonder if it's not episode 8).
Egwene screams in the damane collar. This is gonna hurt.
Rand on the wheel -- Rand getting tied up here has Reverberations and Implications now if one of the Forsaken is doing it in TAR, after Lanfear tying Rand up at the end of ep4.
Rand stands in the courtyard where he's going to face off with Turak -- it does look to me like the door behind him is closed at this point. Then we go to a wider shot and it's open and I think we can see fighting going on beyond it. Turak pulls out a blade, right to fight Rand.
We get that zoom-out of Rand on the wheel, with a figure watching him. Difficult to make out, though it has the sort of weird horn-things that Suroth wears. Again, I think this is in TAR.
Mat stabbing down at something with a spear -- I think this will be episode 8.
An explosion -- this might be Rand opening that courtyard door using the Power.
"You are the water that turns the wheel itself." Rand and Siuan's big conversation! Looking forward to it. Rand in his fancy black coat.
A lot more of this one has already happened!
Finally, scenes from the trailer that premiered at the end of episode 1:
Perrin fighting against the Seanchan -- pretty sure this one is from episode 8. Looks like Loial is with him.
Guessing that younger Whitecloak in this scene with Aviendha is Dain Bornhald. So that's for next episode.
Elayne wearing a disguise -- this is her in Falme! She... she kinda looks like she's wearing a carpet tbh. Very brief shot. She looks startled.
Brief shot of Turak preparing to fight Rand.
Brief shot of Elayne and Nynaeve running (away from the Seanchan as Egwene protects them, I think)
The Whitecloaks racing into fog (again, ep 8, I think).
Suroth and Ishy walk in that courtyard where we've seen Rand facing off with Turak. I think this might be next episode, when Turak gets the Horn and it might establish that Turak is not a Darkfriend.
Rand is crouching on the ground while Ishy looms over him and talks about turning his friends to the Dark. Might be TAR? Might be the prelude to that one fight from TGH? Rand is wearing his fancy black coat.
Perrin stands back to back with Aviendha and then they fight -- guessing this is next episode. He might be using a hammer or an axe to fight? Doesn't look like a sword.
Mat in that flame-lit room with the dagger behind him on the table, but we can see him in front of a stained-glass window. I think the chair that he was sitting in during that other part of the scene is visible here on the left.
An enormous blackened crater, possibly on that same floodplain that we've seen Rand standing on before. Might be part of TAR? Might be the aftermath of a certain fight in the skies? Uncertain.
Rand is released from the wheel (releases himself?) and walks towards a blurry figure. Given the manacles, I really do wonder if maybe this is Rand and Lanfear in TAR. But it would also be very interesting if it was Ishy!
Lan and Moiraine do a forehead touch, awww, platonic divorce arc resolved. He tells her "I believe in what you do."
Shot of Rand... I think from the place where he was talking with Ishamael earlier in the trailer but now he's standing and looking around.
Lan fights some Seanchan on a beach.
A Aes Sedai weaves, looking very desperate. I feel like I can guess that the Seanchan are trying to capture her to be damane. Yeah, we get another shot of what might be her Warder fighting against one of the Seanchan.
"You were born to protect this world. Not just the ones you love." Guessing that Lan is talking to Rand here. Looks like Rand is in the fancy black coat here.
Another shot of Aviendha and Perrin facing the Whitecloaks.
Loial calls them "the heroes of today. It's time we start acting like it." It looks like he's talking to the Shienarans.
And I'm pretty sure this shot is Mat leading the Heroes of the Horn against a wave of the Seanchan (as we see Seanchan ships in the background)!
And Rand channels more fire at the end -- in the courtyard with Turak. I wonder if he skips doing a swordfight with him at all and that gets saved for Ishy, and Rand just goes straight to channeling here (aka do we really need TWO swordfights for Rand in the same episode). Hmm. The sparks look amazing here, btw. Rand is looking much more self-assured here.
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