#title is from the song spock sings in this episode bc I couldn't think of anything
comdrspock · 1 year
Cold Morning Light
Being married was nice enough, but overall Spock found it rather unremarkable. He appreciated having Christine there at the end of the day considerably more than he had anticipated. Nothing else had changed, however, other than sharing living quarters and sleeping in a slightly larger bed than before. They both still worked long hours, sometimes going two or even three entire shifts without seeing each other. When their days end at roughly the same time, one or both of them were often too exhausted to do much other than sleep. Spock was keenly aware that his lack of interest on such days occasionally left Christine feeling frustrated or insecure, and he would have to reassure her that yes, he still found her beautiful and desirable, but that on this particular night, he would rather play her a song on his lyre or play a game of chess or simply meditate (he did this quite frequently) than take her to bed except to sleep. Not every week could be like pon farr, or even the few days after their wedding.
His first officer being married also did not make Captain Kirk was any less likely to select him to be part of almost every single landing party. It wasn't that the captain wanted Christine to worry; he simply felt that Spock was one of the most valuable and trustworthy members of the crew and therefore a, well, logical choice to accompany him into the unknown. During the first six months of their marriage, Spock spent a combined total of an entire week away from the ship on various away missions with the captain.
“I thought you said there were no lifeforms detected on this planet,” Kirk said, frowning, as Lieutenant Uhura repeated the distress signal from the class-M planet they currently orbited.
“That is correct, captain. None of our sensors are picking up any signs of life,” Spock said.
“So how can...no, never mind.” The captain bit back what might have been a sigh of frustration or at least resignation. “We’re going to have to go down there and find out. Spock, you’re with me.” He smacked a button on the console attached to his chair. “Kirk to McCoy.”
“McCoy here.”
“Meet us in the transporter room, Bones. There’s an urgent distress call coming from the planet’s surface. We might need you. Make sure you bring a phaser. Come on, Spock.”
In Sickbay, Dr. McCoy did sigh. He glanced over his shoulder at Christine. He’d always found away missions a little stressful, but the pressure was on more than ever now that Spock was not only the first officer and Jim’s best friend but also her husband. As usual, however, the captain wasn’t giving him a choice. He reached for a tricorder and then pulled a phaser out of his desk drawer.
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