#turned on pride color palette on tumblr mobile what the fuck
jmtorres · 3 years
was dicking around in tumblr settings and didn't find what I was looking for (i mean of course not) but did learn you can set your dashboard to different color schemes like "low contrast," "dark mode," and "goth" and also you can turn off the bullshit where they make queer tags rainbow colored which honestly thank fuck
on mobile, go to your tumblog (the person icon on the bottom right), then the gear icon on the top right for settings, then top line "general settings" then "dashboard preferences" midway down and the tags thing will be the last of four toggle switches on the dashboard preferences. it's called 'enable colorized tags'
for color schemes, it's actually not just your dash it will display the whole mobile app this way i guess? anyway same first three steps (to your tumblog, click the gear icon, top line "general settings") and a few lines further down than before, "color palette" will let you pick colors. I just switched to low contrast bc i think it will be easier on my eyes lol. You can also do "system default" if your device already switches between light mode and dark mode at times that are useful for you. pride mode is. um. extremely painfully bright for me but i can see some ppl might enjoy it. anyway.
eta: interesting note, i just switched between my tablet and my phone and it looks like dashboard preferences sync across devices but color palettes don't. i can see reasons for that, it's just interesting
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