#ty so much for thinking of me i had fun 🥺☺️💕
seokmins · 2 years
Agsgsdggs thank u for saying that about my username 😍 I love it so much that I likely won't change it, ever though I have quickly become a multistan. And I liked EXO before I liked Kpop, so I think it's appropriate.
Mean?! You are not mean, you always sound adorable. I have nothing but a good impression of you 💕
Right now I am nervous, because I am about to have a date 😱 Unfortunately I've had so many bad dates in my life that I don't get my hopes up anymore. But maaaybe...?!
And I have so much, possibly too much SVT content. It's something about the boys that makes me want to say that they are my favs.
About my alias...hmm, never thought about it, but I suppose it needs to be well-picked. I'll come back to it once my mind isn't dumb from datemode ☺️
Omg Yas some people come up w/ such fun and unique urls and the multi life really is among the best of them imho 😌 also taste = exo 💪🏼 I also got into them/knew about them way before kpop blew up as it is now
🥺🥺🥺 Aw ty idk I never know how people might perceive me, I'm glad you think so!!! That's so nice of you 😭 and omg a date that sounds so exciting I hope it's fun, enjoyable, and turns out really good despite your bad experiences 💪🏼 it's what you deserve!!
Omg and same, I've been through a few different fandoms in kpop and both svt's content, dynamic, and the fandom have all been super good to me!!
Ahsksks no hurries, you don't even have to give one!! ❤️ Best wishes on your date again ~
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goldenhypen · 2 years
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i can’t believe this rn. this is literally insane. i’ve never hit such a big milestone before 😭 this means sm to me, you don’t even know. the fact that so many of y’all read my work and actually enjoy it makes my heart all 💞💓💕💗💖 i feel like i don’t live up to the standards of a 1k-followed blog yet. idk what i did to deserve so many of you but ily guys sm, srsly. the amount of times you’ve brightened up my day and made me smile,,, i’m so thankful for you guys and all the love you’ve shown me 😭 so thank you thank you thank you !!! <333
i also just wanna give some shoutouts to all of my amazing, lovely, wonderful, incredible, beautiful moots <3 bc i’ve wanted to do one of these kinds of posts for so long and i finally have an excuse to do so 😌 thank you all for making my experience on here so happy and fun for me! <3
@0912005 vivi! i literally love and adore you sm. you’re so talented in so so many different areas, it truly amazes me and i wish i was like you 😭✋🏻 ty for being a rlly good friend to me and for all you’ve done for me. i love your theme btw bestie!
@artiiistyxoo celine! ahh i honestly love talking to you. you’re so sweet and understanding, and i love all the conversations we’ve had ☺️ thank you for coming into my life, and i can’t wait to grow our friendship even more! <3
@elxanxr kel! literally almost everything you’ve ever said to me has made me 🥺💗 you’re so sweet to me and i still don’t know what i did to ever deserve you 🥺 i’m so thankful for you, ilysm and i hope you’re taking care of yourself and doing well, always <3
@en-ternity yumi! 🥺 you’re one of my first moots on here and i still remember before creating this blog, i looked up to you a lot (and i still absolutely do even now). you’re such a kind, sweet moot, and i’m so grateful for you and all that you’ve done for me. i hope you’re taking care of yourself, and i mean it when i say i want nothing but the best for you 🥺 ily yumi <333
@enhasfever ari! omg where do i even begin? ever since the beginning, you’ve always been one of my best friends on here 🥺 i love how many things we’ve created together (even if they’re kinda on hold for now haha). i’m literally so grateful for you that it’s hard to fit into a small paragraph like this, but in short, thank you for all the fun moments and i can’t wait to make even more memories! ilysm ari! <333 and i hope you fully recover soon bc i miss my blue hour updates 😤 hahaha <3
@ethereal-engene ash! thank you for being such a good friend and for always hyping me up. i love it whenever we have our little convos about random things and how much we’ve bonded over the time we’ve been friends. thank you for always being here for me. ilyilyily and i hope you’re doing good and that you take care of yourself with school starting <33
@jalnandanz xae! i still remember when we first met 🥺 and i was so excited to meet you. i’m so glad i did and that i have you as one of my moots. you’re so talented and cool, and i rlly do admire you sm 😭 ily xae! <3
@jungwoniics lia! honestly i think you were one of my first moots on here. i’m so glad we became friends. you’re so supportive and caring and talented, and i’m so thankful for you, srsly 🥺 you’re a v special moot to me, and i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself. ily! <3 i also love your new theme btw!
@kpophubb mia! omg what did i do to deserve you? thank you so much for all you’ve done for me. you’re one of the sweetest ppl i’ve met on this site, and i’m so grateful for you. i love how well we get along and that we have each other, not only to fangirl over our man together, but to talk about anything and everything as well! ughh ilysm!! mwah! <3
@linoragi rey! 🦭 you’re one of my best friends on here and you know it. i honestly can’t imagine what my life here on tumblr would be like without you. you’ve made my life on here so fun. and the amount of times you’ve genuinely made me laugh out loud and the stares i got from my family- 😭 just,, thank you for everything and i love youuu,, my fav sunoo simp 😘
@meraniki elly! you’re def one of the sweetest ppl on here i’ve ever met 🥺 i srsly don’t know what i did to deserve you :( everything you’ve ever said to me has put a smile on my face and i’m so grateful for you 🥺 whenever i see you in my notifs or on my dash i just get so happy 🥰 i adore you so much elly and i love you! <3
@softhoures moon! i literally love you so much. what did i do to deserve such an amazing, talented, cool friend? thank you for always being so supportive and so sweet 🥺 i still don’t know what i did to deserve you. you never fail to make me smile moon! i hope you’re doing really well and taking care of yourself! ily! <3
@sungsbear alison! omg this feels so weird typing not in caps lol. i honestly love talking to you. whenever i see the notifs that you’ve texted, i’m always so excited to read them. with you i’ve had nothing but fun and happiness. and i also still remember how we met in the first place k maybe that wasn’t so fun and happy but anyways- thank you for even reaching out to me and for all the fun memories we’ve made and will make in the future! ilysm!
@tyunni may! i’m being completely honest here when i say that you’re such a good friend and i’m so thankful for you 🥺 the amount of deep convos we’ve had in the short amount of time we’ve been friends just goes to show how great of friends we are and get along! you’re literally such a cool and talented moot and idk what i did to deserve you. ily and i still can’t wait for the maknae line post !! <3
thanks again everyone for 1k+ followers 😭 i’ll try to repay your love with more content in the future <3 ily guys <3
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