#was originally gonna put unrequited for nijihypothermia bc of reimu's lore but like idk
stoopystuppy ยท 10 months
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sO BASICALLY- this is how i see the first three waves ships (i wanna point out that i don't ship the dragon sisters with someone together. it's always a separate ship !!)
like- oh god why am i multishipper ๐Ÿ’€i love elipomu, lunarfairy, solarmagic, witchinghour, flyhigh and (selen and enna's ship name) separately, they don't all exist in one universe. if im feeling like being in a lunarfairy mood, then elira's either single or is shipped with other people, not with pomu, ya get it? HHAHAAHA i have to explain it so people don't get the wrong idea, i am so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
the only poly ship i like is finana, selen and pomu ๐Ÿ˜ž
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