#we're not even gonna talk about how having a gun drastically increases your likelihood of getting shot
orchidbreezefc · 11 months
one of the most exhausting aspects of the gun control conversation in the US (which is impressive) is how conservatives frame access to guns as a matter of freedom and safety and self defense. but honestly, what's worse is how liberals humor this premise.
more people need to ground this conversation in the fact that guns have exactly one (1) function.
conservatives go on about guns providing necessary safety, and the public conversation doesnt point out that their object of protection is designed for the sole purpose of hurting, killing, and destroying. it cannot be used for anything else. this 'protection' consists entirely of a way to hurt or kill someone.
when we allow this conversation to center guns as a symbol for whatever american virtues these dipshits think are at stake, we play this game on their terms, and their terms involve obscuring the actual facts. don't let them distract you. guns are not a symbol, theyre a real object, and they exist to hurt people.
when someone argues for their access to guns, never let anyone forget that materially theyre just defending their access to hurt people sticks.
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