#well now where'd pb go?
littlesolo · 2 years
Kacy Drabble - Day of Hiking
When Jesse suggested a day of hiking, it sounded like a good idea. A day out, exploring the island, enjoying the outdoors, and it wasn't the beach. Lucy wasn't the only one who thought it was a good idea, Kate, Kai, and Jane were up for it too.
Now it's around noon and Lucy's enjoying herself. There's water nearby, but Lucy's enjoying herself. A considerable distance away from the water, she's sitting next to Jane and finishing off the PB&J sandwich Kate made. Kate's pack is full of all the practical things and hers is full of snacks and drinks.
"Pretty big smile there, Lucy" teases Jane, who is spread out next to her.
"It's the first time in a while that we've seen the beauty of the island without a dead body leading us to it. Getting to sit hear and actually enjoy it, let it sink in, no rush. And no pending case." Jane nods.
"Yeah, a body typically dims the beauty a little."
The day has been about more than that though. While they hiked, they talked and got to know each other better. Kate apparently loved to hike when she was younger. Both she and Jesse had explored some of the same trails when they were in DC. Lucy briefly thinks about how it's still Kate being off on her own, a loner, but the way her face lights up as they hike and shares with them, she reminds herself things are changing. And Kate was right, nothing wrong with being a loner. She loves this though. Lucy leans back on her arms and feels the sun on her face. That's when she notices it. Sitting up again, she looks around.
"Where'd everyone go?"
"Kai still wanted to do some exploring and the others went with them" answers Jane. Lucy looks over next to her and spots all of Kate's stuff. Seeing her phone there too, she knows they couldn't have gone far. About ten minutes later, Jane speaks up.
"Think I see them." Lucy follows her line of sight to a huge rock a ways away. They moved pretty face to get all the up there. She watches Kai get close to the edge, closer than she'd be comfortable with, and then turn back towards the others. She watches as Kai takes his shirt off and Jesse does the same. Kate does not because she has common sense. She has a feeling what's about to happen though.
"That's crazy."
"Yeah, well, all of you have a little of that in you." Lucy notices Jane pulling out her phone to get a few photos of the guys. Lucy feels her jaw drop as she watches Kate take off at a run.
Okay, she has to admit, when Jane sends her the photo later and she sees it on her laptop screen, Kate looks amazing. Free in a way that she loves to see, a beautiful silhouette against the sky.
Watching it happen though, Lucy feels her lungs seize and her heart get stuck in her throat. Even after she watches Kate plunge into the water, she can't move until she sees her head reemerge in the waves below. From the looks of it, she's calling up to the guys, who quickly follow.
About fifteen minutes later, Kate plops down on the ground next to her with a wide smile.
"Hey!" she says, still a little breathless from racing the guys back. Lucy grins even as she shakes her head at her girlfriend.
"You're crazy." Kate shrugs.
"You've rubbed off on me." Lucy rolls her eyes and leans against her. Her clothing in now just a little damp, but she doesn't care. They're happy.
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