#when i said i want to talk an essay's worth abt d4dj i meant it
caramelmochacrow · 2 years
hi hello i just finished reading all the unit stories today and yesterday :)
i have 48 chapters (not counting CoA's) left of the second story to read yaaaaaaaaaaay
i read rondo's unit story first from beginning to end but realized how long it would take so i just read the first ten for the other units then i went back to the others and finished them
(im just gonna ramble abt rondo, merm4id and peaky here and it's long a shit especially for peaky so tis under the cut)
rondo's made me feel lots of things and them trusting and believing that nagisa will come back is sooo everything to me and that hurts even more knowing what flor seca is abt.
it sounds like aoi hiiro and tsubaki made that song to reach out to nagisa to tell her that they miss her and want her back.
and that kinda makes me tear up lol
rondo is nothing without all four of them so how should they move on now? do they quit and disband like garland or do they continue on without one of the pillars that make up rondo?
the thing with calendula's curse is really interesting, is it real or fake? and the person to decide is nagisa.
nagisa being the one to break the curse makes sense. koyomi is the opposite of nagisa, she believed that she wasnt an amazing guitarist and calendula changed how she saw herself, she become dependent on calendula to the point that she became obsessed with it.
but nagisa always knew that she was good, she knew that because of calendula, she makes calendula have a unique sound and unlike any other guitar. she knows that a guitarist is good by their skill, not their guitar and that made her not fall into the curse.
im not going to talk abt that anymore cause i might cry and only talk abt rondo so its time for merm4id!!!
them trying to become closer and become a better unit by going around japan is very merm4id!
saori probably being the only member that knows how to drive is such a funny thought
also when saori accidentally broke her stage costume and said that people might think that "this isn't MY merm4id!" and start disliking them over their new outfits was sad.
she cares a lot abt the fans in a good way and in a bad way. she cares abt how they see merm4id and their opinions abt them and she's afraid of changing that.
but like dalia said in the story (paraphrased) it doesn't matter if merm4id just changes their look, if this is how merm4id looks now then that's how merm4id looks now, the fans can't change or decide that. and that is just. wow.
also. like. i got to know more abt saki a little bit!
when they mentioned hokkaido i just knew something involving saki will happen and i was very glad to find out it was true!
it's so sweet that her mentor kept the cat plushie! like. ughhghghghgh gghhhhfkihg
idk how to word my other thoughts abt it but they got so close to the point that it was difficult for them to spend time alone without the others is something. something meaning it's gay. it sounds gay.
onto the peaky gals!
so peaky's was quite interesting to me bc i got to learn more abt michiru and they way shinobu thought of herself
shinobu was always confident in her mixes and songs. she never had second thoughts until she saw toka and mana perform together and outshone peaky
she started doubting herself and her music, wondering if it was good enough to be on par and be better than toka's.
then she didnt join (or lost) the remicon, ruining her record.
to michiru of all people.
michiru -- like what her uncle has been saying all this time -- is an amazing dj.
she has a lot of potential, but she has too much of an ego to work with other people and she doesn't have confidence in herself and her music like how shinobu does.
she gets shaken up easily, she runs away, and she changes things up to appeal to her audience to the point that her own style is barely present.
comparing her to shinobu, their differences are clear.
shinobu doesn't get shaken up, she doesn't run away, and she doesn't change things to appeal to an audience to the point that her style is barely apparent.
until she saw toka perform.
when she was working on their new song it sounded a lot like toka's style of track making with her style barely there (like when she first started out she just copied whatever her grandpa did bc she didn't know if it was good enough at the time) and whenever they performed shinobu had second thoughts and changed their set list last minute.
but unlike michiru, shinobu had peaky to back her up and help her out with her slumps and mistakes.
like how shinobu messed up her new last minute set list mid-performance because she thought it was terrible and yuka covered it up by showing off a video she made of their performance in d4fes(?)
when they were adjusting the said song, they managed to finish that thanks to esora and yuka's help w the lyrics.
but, even if michiru joins or makes a unit, she doesn't know how to lead or act w them, and that's clear with that yuki sakura girl's unit and the dj musketeers.
with the dj musketeers she had to learn how to lead by herself there, but couldn't. she's good by herself yes, that's true, but she needed to learn how hard it is to be a leader and her uncle and shinobu's grandpa made her learn that the hard way.
in the yuki sakura unit, michiru is treated as some dj, not as this great and amazing dj that she thought she was bc yuki thought that all of them were amazing and of equal skill so why should she get special treatment if they are all the same?
in there she had to learn how to work with people, and how she must understand that everything isn't about her, but that stings her and started performing sloppily.
adding that and how she thinks that shinobu is amazing and how she'll never amount to her skills, it breaks her.
michiru is a reflection of what shinobu would've been if she didn't turn down kyoko's request to form peaky.
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