#while the shapes/beats of the area are often regarded as weaker. in a sense
twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Kurak the War Demon Girl
Basic Concept: A sexy demon-themed monster girl who delights in endless battle and honorable battle, constantly seeking out one conflict after another. At times she creates them, working from the shadows and in a variety of mundane forms in order to steer nations or whole worlds to warfare, and when the time is right, she erupts into her true monstrous form to join the battle. When all the realms of existence battle, she will be most pleased.
Name: Kuruk Wrathblood
Appearance: In her mundane guises, she can adopt whatever form she pleases, or even any personality trait, as supernatural entities such as her regard mundane skills and traits as we would clothing, putting them on or off as needed. She often comes off as deeply, impossibly charming, with the curvaceous build of a high queen right out of a fairy tale. She generally appears as the most common local species, but there is always a sign of her true nature; holy symbols might glow at her passing, phantom war drums beat in the echoes of her laughter, or her fingers leave claw marks on solid surfaces. In her human forms, she generally chooses to become a hourglass-shaped Slavic woman.
In her true form, she most often manifests as a massive red-skinned humanoid, her hide leathery and studded in spikes of varying length; some are shorter, some are almost as like as full fledged spines. From her back sprouts a pair of massive draconic wings, and around her lashes a whiplike tail armed with a flaming thagomizer array of spikes. She is obviously built for warfare, with massive claws, the leg structure of a theropod dinosaur, and a bloodthirsty expression. Her face often expressions as human-like these days, huge horns sprouting from her forehead and long energy tendrils for hair. Typically amazonian in build, she tends to manifest massive hips and breasts in proportion to how much conflict she has sowed in an area.
Note that her size can change tremendously; she can be as small as six feet to about 30 without any power boost from conflict, but in active war zones, she can become hundreds of feet tall. She at least has once reached planet-sized when she instigated an interstellar war. In theory, there is no limit to her size; certainly at that point, her breasts were bigger than the planets in question.
Age: Incalculable. There is some evidence she has always existed, in one form or another as a primordial entity of conflict. Her current state dates back to some time before the cataclysm that wracked the multiverse; she invariably gives different questions if asked.
Backstory: Kuruk’s story is one of bloodshed, violence for the sake of itself, and a pursuit of martial honor. It is difficult to say where, precisely, this started, as accounts of a charismatic woman who sowed the seeds of warfare and erupted into the form of a triumphant demon have been found carved into stone ruins of lost precursor empires so old they don’t even have names known anymore.
It does appear that while she is a demon and happily refers to herself by that name, she is not a fiend and is rather touchy about the distinction. Fiends are, specifically, elementals of the concept of evil while she appears to be an emanation of the primordial notion of conflict as its own abstract force. What she is, exactly, is unclear, but some have speculated that she is a living embodiment of the idea of martial honor in warfare, whether or not there is such a thing.
As such a being, she has no real beginning, but it seems that in ancient times, there was an entity of honorable battle that rather fits her description. As destructive warfare spread throughout the multiverse, she became more and more powerful, drawing greater influence and authority from the energies of battle throughout existence. However, she grew displeased at the spread of impersonal forms of warfare, such as the spread of space naval armadas and destroying planets with bombings and other forms with little personal involvement by soldiers. While this did empower her and other such beings, she sorely disliked it as offensive to her sensibilities. Following the cataclysms that did so much damage to the multiverse, she apparently took to taking on mortal forms to intervene in rebuilding societies, enacting very long-term schemes to prevent such impersonal forms of warfare from happening again. Not for altruistic reasons, at least openly, but because she craved a return to bloody battles and armies marching or rolling in person.
She has hidden or locked away technologies that she views anathema to her personal view of warfare; the keys to targeting solutions, ways to manufacture reliable long-distance bombing weaponry, and the technologies required to produce weapons of mass destruction have all been hidden away from her. Not destroyed but hidden within her sanctum deep within distant realms, far from her hoards of famous weapons and blood-soaked bullets.
At some point during this attempt to make the multiverse’s battles more to her liking - a project so successful that most of the multiverse practices old fashioned warfare, albeit with much more deadly weaponry - she discovered a great fondness for manipulation and planning, and decided to start applying this newfound talent to spreading her domain.
For a long time, by her reckoning, she has gone from world to world, adopting a mundane appearance and taking up schemes to start up wars, all to feed herself. These plans can take a long time indeed, many hundreds of years of them, millions of individual schemes across countless worlds, but she enjoys the anticipation. She seduces some, becomes a leader in others, or a trusted advisor, and gently steers the world closer to a point where armed battle is the only option.
It’s unclear what her long-term purpose is. It may simply be her role to thirst for battle, for she survives this way. But some speculate that she intends to become a full-fledged goddess of martial honor this way, by feeding on so much war that she becomes bigger than the universe and expands into godhood, or can challenge a Hell-god and claim their role entirely.
Personality: When she must blend in and sway people to do her bidding and breed the battle she craves, she adopts whatever personality she requires to get the job done. Calm and soothing, authoritative and stern, fearsome and attracting loyalty; she takes on whatever mannerisms are required and thus, if you are not familiar with her tells - or have already met her in her true form, which allows you to instantly see through her guises - it can be impossible to make her out.
While she can take on whatever personality traits are required, she typically has a bombastic, extremely extroverted and hammy personality when she drops her disguises. She is like an affable warlord; intensely charismatic, LOUD, and tending towards super dramatic gestures. She’s certainly rather boorish, with a bit of a low sense of humor and a delight in dark comedy. She leans towards teasing behavior in her true form, using her tail to smack her backside or breasts just to punctuate a point or to make someone nervous.
With no real sense of personal space, she enjoys getting right around someone else, often leaping onto them in gestures of affection or friendliness, should she feel inclined. This extends to the rest of her mannerisms. She favors loud, dramatic gestures without much concern for their impact on people, and she often comes off as rude, or at least distastefully loud. Making arm gestures so broad they knock someone down, carelessly toppling a building with an errant swipe of her tail, sitting down and smashing the odd country… she’s often indifferent to the chaos she spreads.
That said, she is not genuinely malevolent despite being an embodiment of war. After all, she embodies honor in personal combat, not mindless destruction or slaughter. For the same reasons she detests impersonal weaponry, she also prefers fair play and, when it comes down to it, she is rather honest outside of her schemes. She might smash a city on accident, but she wouldn’t deprive it of an opportunity to fight back, even if they have no ability to truly hurt her.
She greatly appreciates those who shows valor, and has attracted a large army of immortal warriors sworn to her service after winning her favor through great feats of courage or honor; it may be possible to gain power by being impressive enough, though she might align things so you wind up in constant fights just because she thinks she’s doing you a favor.
She is surprisingly affectionate with the ones she likes, in a boisterous, girl bully way; she doesn’t give smooches generally but she might noogie you and hug you with a headlock.
Species: Demon; spiritual conglomerate and personification
Fandom: Original character, loosely inspired by Khornate daemons from Warhammer 40k
Abilities: She is, in any form, tremendously charismatic, bordering on mind control or compelling voice. To hear her speak is to be swayed by her, and she can almost effortlessly dominate others but, and this is a point here, in proportion to how likely they would be aggressive or warlike without her influence. A peacefully minded or neutral person would be unlikely to be swayed much by her, while a warhawk is almost certainly going to do as she says on the spot, to the point of rephrasing anything they say to fit her commands.
Even in her disguised forms, she’s incredibly strong and fast. She becomes stronger as conflict increases around her, to the point of being able to tear through tanks or smash through buildings while in a normal fight. In her true form, she is far stronger, effectively has super speed and agility, and ludicrously hard to take on in a straight fight. If you fight her according to her favorite forms of battle, however, she becomes not weaker but she does limit herself deliberately in order to fight on an even keel.
Her abilities are not terribly fancy; she is strong, fast and tough, but to ludicrous extremes. She can also summon forth weapons, not creating them but directly calling them from her sanctum. This includes a very wide range of legendary relics and tool with their own unique abilities, virtually every model of weapon ever designed so she can just spam you with stabby bits, and a nearly infinite amount of ammunition for firearm-type weaponry. She can also control them telekinetically, summoning them in masses to tear at foes in literal steel rain.
As she grows to her strongest from enough conflict to grow giant-sized, her power scales up to match her size, and she becomes almost indestructible in direct combat; presumably only the mightiest summons, fusions or gods could possibly pose a threat to her in this state; she is so fast that she can essentially teleport wherever she pleases, strong enough to throw planet with a tap of her finger, and can perform similar feats with ease.
Finally, she has access to a wide variety of magic themed around weaponry, physical prowess and warfare in an abstract sense, but generally prefers not to do so. She is capable, however, of extending her power into military unit to fight on her behalf, making them more powerful and giving them a share of her own immense strength.
She is fully capable of flight, knows a wide variety of ancient magic even if she has little interest in using it, and can perform the other abilities common to spirit entities, such as possession. Take note that any instance of her in the mortal realm is but an avatar, far less powerful than her true self, and defeating her is likely to just get her interest, which is the start of your troubles.
Height: Varies. At base, she’s six feet tall, growing bigger to suit the species she is disguised as, and uses that as her base in demon form. She has no limits on upper size, and can grow anywhere from over 30 feet to universal-sized, but it requires an appropriate level of local conflict to do so. In her true form in the spirit realms, her size is incomprehensible for mortals to even see more than one bit of her at a time, being FAR larger than a single universe in the more flexible realms there.
Relationships: She has a complicated set of rivalries with many war gods, spirits of valor or warfare, and demons of all kinds of connections to bloodshed. Generally to her they are rivals, though she doesn’t view them as competitors; conflict and belief are not limited resources, after all. For the most part, these are close to friendships with the more heroic gods, though they dislike her indifference. She outright detests most fiends in her line of work, but tends to be something of a mom-friend and spirited competitor to other beings like herself; those that are considered demons without actually being of an evil nature.
She is fond of warrior mortals and heroes of the more physical kind, though she doesn’t necessarily understand why they battle and strive, only that they do. She tends to ‘help’ them in their own way, which contributes their the lives being full of chaotic adventure and constant attacks from monsters, all the better to prove themselves.
She strongly dislikes anyone whose work interferes with the spread of honorable battle, specifically those who would create methods of battle that go against her preferred methods of conflict. Bomb makers, those who devise WMDs, and others that fight ‘unfairly’, in her view, tend to earn her ire. She is indifferent to peacemakers, viewing them as one views individual flowers.
She collects giant monsters as pets and soldiers, sending them out on her behalf or just for her own amusement. She sorely dislikes it when heroes kill them constantly, and those who make a living out of hunting giant monsters are likely to earn her wrath.
Pred Level: Mid-average. While it’s not her first option, she might well enjoy doing such a thing, in the sense of pitting someone against her belly acids, which is more akin to spiritual lava in any case.
Prey Level: Low. A heroine could devour her, but it would have to be an obscenely powerful one capable of devouring a high level arch demoness; most anyone who tried would likely not survive. A goddess or other demon, on the other hand, could probably devour her if on the same level of power at least, but she really hates being bested in so total a manner.
Relevant Kink Material: Amazon stuff. Hyper giantess, of course. Super-big boobs, hips and butt. Monster girl stuff, with the demonic aspects. As a whole she is more meant as an antagonist and greater ‘man behind the man’ type of character, but she is a super curvy, gorgeous demon lady!
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